Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3433: Uncle is not a bad person, don't be afraid

Chapter 3433 Uncle is not a bad person, don’t be afraid

 Night falls.

Leng Shu didn’t receive the call either. Just when she was about to call Leng Wei, she saw a little guy waddling out of the mall.

 A father and son were walking in front of her. The father was holding his son, and the son was lying on his shoulder, holding a minion in his hand.

The little guy raised his delicate face, looking eagerly at the minion in the little boy's hand, with a look of envy.

After walking for a while, she turned around and realized that her mother was gone.

Standing in the crowd, she frowned with her pretty little brows and pointed her index finger helplessly.

It is the rush hour after get off work, the crowd is dense, and I am worried that the little one will be taken away.

Leng Shu was considering whether to go up and take the little guy into the mall security room. Before she could take a step forward, a tall figure broke into her sight first.

The man walked towards the little guy with long strides, his tall and majestic back showing a sense of desolate loneliness.

 “Where’s Mommy?” Xiao Tuanzi pursed his lips and looked around. People were coming and going, but no face was familiar.

 She anxiously turned around in a circle, looking eagerly, trying to find Xue Tuan, Xiaoguai, or the bodyguards.

  Didn’t see it.

She looked disappointed, drooped her little head, pinched the corner of her clothes, and whispered lowly, "Daddy said... you are lost with mommy, just stand where you are, don't run around... the little dumpling will be good, no Running around..."

Rong Yin's heart was trembling, and every step he took felt like he was stepping on clouds, which was so unreal.

 Little Tuanzi stood there helplessly, like an abandoned little pitiful child, helpless and weak.

His throat was tight, his thin lips pursed tightly, and he stared at her greedily.

 Profound and solemn.

He seemed to want to leave her image deeply imprinted in his heart.

 “Little dumpling.”

 A low, hoarse voice sounded.

Xiaotuanzi raised her head, her big grape-like eyes lit up instantly. When she realized it was a stranger, she took a small step back vigilantly.

Rong Yin knelt down and stretched out his hand, "Xiaotuanzi, why are you here alone?"

Xiaotuanzi opened his big watery eyes and asked him in a sweet voice, "Who are you?"

Rong Yin's throat was choked with sobs, and the corners of his lips curved into an almost endearing arc, "Uncle is not a bad person, don't be afraid."



Xiao Tuanzi grinned, took a little step forward, tilted his head slightly, and asked: "Then can you help Xiao Tuanzi find mommy?"

 “Uncle can.”

Xiaotuanzi smiled again, his eyebrows were crooked, and his delicate little face was endearing.

Rong Yin stretched out his hand tremblingly, "Xiaotuanzi, can you let uncle hug you?"

Xiaotuanzi hesitated, pointed at his index finger, and considered it seriously.

“Uncle likes you very much and wants to give you a hug. Is that okay, Xiaotuanzi?”

"Then..." Xiaotuanzi stretched out an index finger, "It can only be done once."

Rong Yin raised his lips and smiled, the corners of his eyes and brows were stained with smiles, "Okay, just a little."

 He slowly opened his arms, and the little dumpling hesitated for a few seconds before jumping into his arms.

 In an instant, the empty arms were filled with the little guy’s milky-smelling body.

Rong Yin's heart felt hot and bitter. He lowered his eyes and looked at the little guy in his arms.

 She is so small, her body is so soft, and even her voice is such a cute little voice.

 This is...his daughter.

 Can see and hug, but cannot recognize each other.

 At the entrance of the shopping mall, there was a heavy flow of people coming and going, and many people were already attracted by this loving scene.

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 (End of this chapter)

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