Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3648: worry about me?

 Chapter 3648 Worried about me?

Banxia shook her head, "I'm not hungry, so I won't eat."

 “Okay, I’m going down.”

The servant turned to leave, but Banxia stopped her, "Wait a minute."

"Is there anything else Banxia?" The servant stopped and turned to look at her.

Banxia clasped her hands and asked, "Is Master Xingchi sick? What medicine is he taking today?"

“Oh, that’s what you’re talking about. Young Master Xingchi hasn’t eaten on time during this period. He has a stomachache and took stomach medicine today.”


 When he was busy, he always forgot to eat.

What can she do for him?

 Banxia fell into deep thought.

 The next day, K Group headquarters.

 As soon as lunch time came, a servant brought lunch.

"What's this?"

Xingchi frowned, not knowing why.

The servant hurriedly explained, "Master Xingchi, this is the lunch Banxia asked us to bring you. Last night Banxia asked you what medicine you took yesterday. After learning that you took stomach medicine, Banxia specially told us today I’m going to bring you lunch so you can eat it on time.”

 “Let it go.”

 After Xingchi finished speaking, he lowered his head and continued to process the documents.

The servant did not leave after putting down her lunch.

Xingchi frowned, "Is there anything else?"

“Master Xingchi, Banxia asked us to watch you finish eating.”

This Pinellia ternata is really...

Xing Chi really didn’t know what to say to her.

When he wanted to get closer, she pushed him away with all her strength. When he kept a distance from her, she came to care...

“You go back, I will tell her personally later.”

 Since Master Xingchi has spoken, the servants have no choice but to leave.

 Putting down the pen in his hand, Xingchi picked up his cell phone and called Banxia.

It took a while before the call was picked up, "Hello, this is Banxia."

"it's me."

Ban Xia was stunned for a few seconds before he asked softly, "Master Xingchi, have you had lunch?"

 “Why, are you worried about me?”

 Banxia nodded, and suddenly realized that this was a phone call that he couldn't see.

Then he responded again, "Yes. I heard from the servant that you had a stomachache yesterday and you were taking stomach medicine. No matter what, no matter how busy you are at work, you must take good care of your health."

 “Oh, no appetite.”

 “Young Master Xingchi, you cannot be willful.”

Xingchi leaned back on the chair and smiled, "Is it just being willful if I don't have an appetite and don't want to eat?"

Ban Xia was silent for a moment before retorting in a low voice, "Master Xingchi, you are an adult and cannot be willful like a child. If you have no appetite, you have to eat more or less. Your health is important."

 Changing the topic, she asked again, "What do you want to eat? I'll ask the head chef to cook it for you?"

“Whatever, you can send it over when it’s ready.”

 After saying that, he hung up the phone.

Banxia held the phone and was stunned for a long time.

Only then was he sure that he had heard correctly.

Master Xingchi, ask her to deliver lunch...

 But, she is blind.

Being engaged to a blind man is embarrassing enough. If she shows up at the company, what will the employees think of him?

 After waiting for two hours, Banxia still did not appear.

Just when Xingchi impatiently picked up his cell phone to make a call, the servant came.

“Master Xingchi, your lunch is here.”

 Looking up, he saw it was a servant again!

 His eyes narrowed in displeasure, "Where's Pinellia ternata?"

“Ban Xia said she wasn’t feeling well and wouldn’t come over.” The servant explained tremblingly.


Xingchi sneered, are you kidding him?

With a cold look in his eyes, he scolded in a cold voice, "Take them all away."

 “Master Xingchi...” The servant hesitated to speak.

 (End of this chapter)

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