Husband Indulges In Hidden Marriage

Chapter 3649: Why do you hit me?

Chapter 3649 Why do you hit me?

 “Get out!”

The furious roar made the servants tremble in fright, and they turned around and fled in a hurry.


 Presidential Palace.

 An Zhiyi has nothing to do every day.

Unfortunately, she can't leave Rong Yin too far. Even if she can go out, it can't be for too long.

 To ensure that when Rong Yin needs her blood, she can supply it in time.

 She is like Rong Yin's shadow, following him everywhere.

The head chef prepared lunch, and the housekeeper came up and asked Rong Yin to come downstairs to eat.

An Zhiyi was sitting at the dining table, and soon she heard footsteps.

It was strange, even though they had not been together for long, she could clearly distinguish Rong Yin's footsteps.

The sound of this man’s footsteps was as cold and heavy as his own.

 Strict and restrained, calm and restrained.

 Raising her eyes and looking at the man entering the restaurant, An Zhiyi curled her lips and smiled, "You're here."

Rong Yin didn't even look at her and sat down at the front seat. The dishes on the dining table were light.

Rong Yin picked up the chopsticks and started eating without saying a word.

An Zhiyi was picking and choosing, and she didn’t even take a few bites of the dishes on the table.

The housekeeper looked on anxiously and said, "Ms. An, you need to eat more blood-rich foods. These are recipes specially prepared for you by a nutritionist."

 After all, she needs to supply blood to you at any time, so it is very necessary to ensure her health.

 Putting down her chopsticks, An Zhiyi rested her chin on her hands, "But I don't like eating."

 “You should eat some even if you don’t like it.”

"No." An Zhiyi is used to being willful. She just doesn't eat if she doesn't want to, and it's hard for anyone to say anything.

Rong Yin stopped eating and glanced over with his cold eyes.

An Zhiyi curled her lips and smiled, "What's wrong?"

“Eat all these, otherwise all my promises to you will be null and void.”

"What?!" An Zhiyi was so angry that she almost slammed the table, "How can you be like this? How can you, a dignified president of a country, keep your words but keep them?"

Rong Yin picked up the napkin and wiped the corners of his lips slowly. Then he crumpled the napkin into a ball and threw it on the dining table. "Once your body can't keep up with hematopoiesis, it won't be able to give me blood transfusions. By then, my body will be broken." Who is responsible for any situation?”

 An Zhiyi was silent.

 “You take care of yourself.”

 The man stood up and left the table.

An Zhiyi picked up the chopsticks and tried several times before eating some blood-rich food.

 After coming out of the restaurant, she still felt nauseous and wanted to vomit.

Going for a walk in the garden, unexpectedly, I met Leng Shu again.

An Zhiyi was curious. She was neither from a think tank nor someone who worked in the presidential palace, so why could she enter and exit the presidential palace at will.

 Is it because she is Leng Wei's sister?

 Can’t understand…

 “Ms. An.” Leng Shu came with an unkind tone, and there was even a bit of ridicule in her tone.

An Zhiyi faced it calmly, "Are you okay, Leng Shu?"


  Unprepared, a slap came towards my face.

An Zhiyi was not prepared at all, so she was slapped by Leng Shu, and her face was burning with pain.

An Zhiyi raised her head and asked coldly: "Why do you hit me?"

 “It’s because you’re so mean!” Leng Shu was furious when she learned that she was the one who drugged Rong Yin and suffered for two full years.

 When she heard the news, she was shaking with anger.

Had she not taken the opportunity to send documents to the Presidential Palace this time, she might not have had the chance to slap her.

"I don't know what you are talking about." An Zhiyi's face hurt, Leng Shu looked irrational, and she didn't want to argue with her.

 Going around her, he was about to leave.

 His wrist was suddenly grabbed by someone, and he was pulled violently...

 (End of this chapter)

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