Husband Is Too Sweet!

Chapter 19 - Trending

Wu Ming Yue had been trying to get her new friend's attention for a month now. Tired of waiting, she decided it was time for her to just go and drag her out. this was a first for her. She was usually used to people trying to get her attention not the other way around.

Taking Yu Yan to her favourite cafe, they both ordered some drinks before starting to talk. In all honesty, Ming Yue had been worried. Her friend was working way too much. she was worried that this would cause her to be overworked. But looking at Yu Yan it did not seem like she was tired. Actually, she seemed more spirited than the last time she saw her. Yu Yan was clearly still happy from what had happened earlier that day. The isolation she had felt, when she was all alone and people wrongfully accusing her, would not happen this time. This time it was Yun Feng's turn to feel the desperation. To feel like there was no way out.

"Ah Yan, don't you think you're been working too much lately? Overworking is not good for your health. Though I appreciate your hardworking and passionate nature, I can't let this go on. If you need someone to talk to, you could always talk to me. Don't use work to bury your sorrows away."

It never occurred to Yu Yan that she would cause a misunderstanding. She had cased Ming Yue needless worry. Feeling guilty she explained. "Sis Ming Yue, it's not like that. I just love designing and the fact that I can finally design my own clothes just made me a bit too eager. I'll keep what you said in mind and not overwork myself. don't worry." However, it did not seem to alleviate her friend's concern. There was clear disbelief written on her face. "Ah Yan, I know you just got divorced, but there are other fishes in the sea. Don't get hung up on Li Yi Feng." "Sis Ming Yue, I gave up on him a while back. I know that there is no hope for a relationship between us. If I hadn't accepted this I would never agree to get divorced. I had clung onto him for years without him being able to get rid of me, I wouldn't let go if I wasn't ready to." "Really? That's good! I thought you were working your ȧss off to forget about him." "No way, I would never use designing for something like that. It's an art and is supposed to be enjoyed. One day I would become a world-renowned designer, just wait and see!"

Hearing her friend's ambitious dreams, Ming Yue felt relief. "If it's like this, why not move on with a new man? Should I set you up on a blind date?" "Blind date? I don't think I'm ready to be in a relationship so soon after the miscarriage. Maybe some other time?" Ming Yue was able to tell how heartbroken her friend became when she talked about the child and decided to never bring it up. It seemed she would have to wait a while before setting up a blind date. Yu Yan was young after all, so there was no reason to hurry. She only thought it would be a good method to move on from her failed marriage.

After chatting and eating for hours they both went their separate ways.

The next day something good happened again. Yu Yan had been unhappy that she hadn't filmed Yun Feng's outburst. It would be a good way to spread what happened without her parents interfering and patching things up. Since she wanted to utterly destroy the other's reputations she could not leave any way for them to fix things. Unexpectedly someone had filmed the whole thing and the video was already trending. At these time and age, people would of course post such juicy drama of the rich. With Yun Feng's father's connection in the media, they would be able to get the video down, however, the damage would already be done by then. Many people had already seen her true face. Things would get worse and worse for Yun Feng from now on.


On another side of the city, Yun Feng had already closed herself in her room and wailed all night. Tired, she fell asleep only after daybreak. Since it was a Sunday, father Yun was at home and resting. Both he and his wife was from the older generation and wasn't the type to check the internet for new trends and news. Only after half a day had passed had an acquaintance called to ask if it was their daughter that was on the trending video. After finding out what happened, father Yun was enraged. He burst into Yun Feng's room and started to furiously scold her. If his wife had not held him back, Yun Feng would also have been beaten.

Seeing her father's anger, she fished up her phone to see what he was talking about. Finding the video of how she had been shamed, she started to bawl again. "Father, mother you must help me! This will ruin me! You have to take this video down. How could people be vicious enough to destroy me like this? Daddy, you have to get justice for me! You can't let the one who posted this go!"

Seeing hoe devastated his bay daughter was, father Yan's heart softened. "Don't worry baby girl. I will take this video down soon. I won't let the people who harmed you go. Daddy will get justice for you."


"It seems, she has gotten smarter." The man looked at the video that had been trending since last night. Ke Ming was worried, it seemed his boss was getting more and more interested in Yu Yan. His boss had never shown interest in any woman before, this would be a first. If it had been any other woman, he would have been overjoyed. However, the jealous and petty woman did not deserve to stand beside his boss. Ke Ming was yet to realise how much Yu Yan had changed. The bad image that had been imprinted in his through the years was not something that would change easily.

He looked up to find his boss still staring at the video, not willing to look away for a second. "Ke Ming, this video... don't let anyone take it down. Find the source and get the video. Make sure no one else gets it before you." Was his boss serious? Was he already that bewitched that he was willing to help that woman this much? "Boss, is that necessary? Why would you do this much for that woman?" Ke Ming flinched when he was glared at by Li Yi Feng. DIdn't his boss know that his glares were deadly?

"Ke Ming, if you want to work for me then never question my orders. I wouldn't remind you again. This woman, Yun Feng, is most probably the reason why my child is dead. I can't... No, I won't let her go!" Ke Ming was instantly relived. It seemed he was overthinking.

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