Husband Is Too Sweet!

Chapter 30 - The Su family's way

"So you do know it's illegal to kidnap and kill, yet dare to use poison yourself?" Seeing his boss' cold attitude, Ke Ming spoke up. Nanny Ye and her husband trembled. Fear apparent. Judging by the way they were interrogated earlier, they had thought these people had certain limits they would not cross. This gave them a sense of safety and that is why they dared to keep the secrets. After all, the people they worked for were not good people, if they dared to betray them their ending would not be any good either.

"I-if you're going to kill us a-anyway, w-why would we answer you?" The man stuttered out his question. The middle-aged man found this funny and he laughed out. "Why? It's not a matter of whether we keep you alive or not, but how long you'd like to be tortured. If you answer our questions obediently, we'll give you a quick death. However, if you'd rather want a painful and slow death, I don't mind granting your wish.

Still not truly believing that the other party would go that far, the two of them tried to keep a brave front. Though all the shaking did not help their act. "Young master, let me play with them for a while. When you come back later, they'll be ready to answer your questions," the older man turned to Li Yi Feng and said. Not wanting to stay any longer, Li Yi Feng left. He would come later and get his answers, he would not let the mastermind go!


Later the same evening.

Li Yi Feng had tried to get as much work done as possible before he went back to the secret underground prison. Unfortunately, he was unable to focus on his work and was not able to do too much. Giving up, he decided to head back and see if the old man had gotten any new information out of the couple.

(WARNING: a bit BLOODY and SAVAGE descriptions. NO DESCRIPTION ON HOW THEY WERE TORTURED. Just a little explanation on their state.)

Arriving, he could hear the screams of the two as they cried and begged. The disgusting smell of blood and fear ȧssaulted his senses. He walked into the room to find their bloody and shivering in a corner. Barely conscious. He sat down on the chair that was placed for him and looked at the brutal scene. It made sick to his stomach. But, this was how the Su family worked. For generations, they had been in control of the underworld. It did not surprise him to see this scene, but the satisfied and happy look on the old man's face still did not sit well with him. He knew the people in here were twisted beyond repair. Taking pŀėȧsurė in such a barbaric act.


However, no matter how much she wanted to answer this young master questions, her mouth did not seem to be able to make out coherent words. Worried that they would be left alone with these beasts, her husband started to stutter out all the information he knew. "I-it was that Y-Yun F-Feng, my mother-in-law works... her. T-tempting u-us with a lot of m-money to p-pay for d-debts. S-she t-threatened..." He was able to get out the information, even though he was unable to speak properly. He wildly looked in all directions as he continued to mumble. "W-we have to... n-need leave c-country. H-hurt. S-scared. S-save m-me." He did not seem to be in his right mind.

Li Yi Feng did not feel any pity towards these people that could murder an innocent foetus, his child. He continued to press on with more questions. "You have proof?" "Y-yes, y-yes," nanny Ye's husband mumbled as he frantically looked in all directions, crawling closer to a corner. "H-hid... h-hid it. S-safe... M-my secret p-place." As he spoke more, the more insane did he look. Terrified and trembling with an insane look in his eyes.

"Who else was behind this. Do you think I am a fool? A stupid woman like Yun Feng has no way to get such a poison. Who was the true mastermind?" Hearing Li Yi Feng's last question, they became frantic, screaming and crying while shaking their head. No matter how much he asked for more, they did not answer. It was like they could not hear anything that was said. There was no use continuing any more today. They seemed terrified to answer the last questions.

The old man saw the situation and decided to speak up. "Young Master, it looks like there need to be done more work on these people. Come again tomorrow morning, you'll definitely get the rest of the answers tomorrow." Li Yi Feng sneered at the older man. Did the man think he was unable to see the greed for more blood? The excitement and need to do more harm and to hear those two scream in pain all night. He did not care if they were put through inhuman torture, but he needed them alive until he got the information he needed. "They'll still be alive if you put your hands on them again?" Li Yi Feng sarcastically spoke. The man looked startled, knowing he had gone too far, causing the young master to be displeased. He made a sorry attempt to placate Li Yi Feng. "Young master, I have a lot of experience, I can still keep them alive..." "Alive and sane?" Ke Ming finally questioned, seeing how irritated his boss was with the persistent man. "Do not touch them until tomorrow, after the boss has gotten his answers, you could whatever you please with them."

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