Husband Is Too Sweet!

Chapter 31 - Old nightmares

In the end, Li Yi Feng decided to come back the next day, to find out who the mastermind was. The drug that had been used to poison Yu Yan was very rare and hard to get. Without connections to the black market, one could not get things like that. However, Yun Feng had somehow gotten her hands on that kind of poison. There was definitely something suspicious about it. She neither had the connections needed nor the ability to make such plans. It could only mean that there was someone hidden behind the scenes, that was manipulating her.

Getting home late, Li Yi Feng did not feel like sleeping. Sitting down in the study, he continued to do the work he was unable to do earlier that day.


A small boy, sat waiting in the room. Making sure no one knew what he was up to. His father liked to take him to their family hut, saying that everything here would one day be his. However, the boy could not understand what was so special about this place. Any of the other places owned by their family was much greater than this.

But, there was just one thing that made him curious. Sometimes his dad would disappear into the playroom. He had watched as his father went in, after waiting for a while, he had followed in, only to find the room empty.

He had asked his father, but he refused to answer. His father would say it was a magic trick. How could the fall for such an obvious lie? He decided that he would find out about the mysteries his father was hiding.

After waiting, he made it out of his bed. Sneaking into the playroom, he tried to find a hidden door. Li Yi Feng felt exited. It was like he was playing spy. Soon enough, the boy found something beneath the rug. Walking down the dark stairs, the boy kept vigilant. He did not know there was such a secret room underneath his playroom. Slowly walking down, he arrived in front of a big iron door that was slightly ajar.

Quietly making his way in, the boy looked around. The place was dark and humid. No lighting could be found. But the worst part was the smell. Li Yi Feng did not know what it was, but it smelled horrible. Why would his father sneak in here repeatedly? Looking around he walked on trying to find the hidden secret. The passage was long as if there was no end to it. That was when he heard voices, amongst them one that was familiar. His father. Panicking the boy went into the closest room and hid himself, not wanting to be caught.

The footsteps came closer and closer.

"Wait for your turn, bastard! I'll have a go at her first and when I'm tired of her you guys could play as much as you want," Young master Su laughed as he answered.

All along a woman's voice could be heard. She was crying and begging to let her go, but it did not seem that the men cared. The boy that had hidden himself, finally realised something was wrong. He got scared and moved into the corner. From where he sat, he was not able to see too much, but he could see the woman's feet stumbling along as if she was being dragged. What was his father doing?


Li Yi Feng shrunk his body, moving further into the corner. He felt a foreboding feeling as if something really wrong was about to happen. He closed his eyes not wanting to see what his father was doing. Yet it only heightened his other senses. He could clearly hear the sound of clothing being ripped. All along the woman kept crying and begging. The boy moved his hands to his ears, trying to block out the noises, but it did not help.

He could still hear the woman crying and screaming as the men laughed out loud. Screaming for someone to help her. The sound of slapping and heavy breathing could be heard. The boy trembled. It went on and on for a long time, without an end. After what felt like an eternity, the crying and screaming stopped. Was it finally over?


(For those that did not read the scene above. Li Yi Feng witnessed his father and a bunch of men raping a woman. He did not see a thing as he had his eyes closed, but he heard everything)

Thinking it was over, the boy opened his eyes, peeking outside his hiding spot. What he saw, scared him and scarred him for life. Right in front of him laid a woman, her body and face bruised. She was not wearing any clothing, but he could see torn clothes all around her. Her head was turned towards him, her eyes lifelessly staring back at him.

Li Yi Feng abruptly woke up. Breathing heavily his hands trembled. He felt cold as if even his bones were frozen over. His back damp with sweat. It was that nightmare again. It had been so long since he had last dreamt of it, but after his visit back to that place, it seemed he would be terrorised at night again. The nightmare that would not leave him when he was a child. At that time he had not understood what happened. He only knew that something horrible had been done by his own father.

Arriving early, even before daybreak, Li Yi Feng stormed inside, only to find the door unguarded. Where were the guards? Suspicious, he went further inside, not finding anything else wrong besides the missing guards. Arriving outside the darkroom that the couple was kept in, he felt that something was off. Hesitating he opened the door, only to be met with a bloody scene.

They were dead!

The guards and the couple laid lifelessly on the floor, with precise cuts on the necks that had taken their lives.

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