All the time, it's for others. Feng ChuChu is afraid to get something, which will make him have an obsession in his heart, "I used to think that I wanted to buy my own house, read books every day, cook enough food for myself, and enjoy life quietly. Although it sounds impractical, I really want to experience it. I don't care about anyone, but just think about myself. What is this kind of life like!"

"In the past three years, I'm very happy, grandma. Don't blame yourself. It was my choice to promise you to marry Si Yeqing. And I was really happy. Occasionally, I remember his tenderness to me." Feng clearly looked at the early sky, gently opened his arms, hugged Xu Xiuqing and said: "That's enough. In the future life, I won't compromise for anyone. I think grandma wants me to do the same. You too, right? You will help me and support me, right?"

The wind finished clearly and waited for Xu Xiuqing's answer.

This is a kind of torture. To some extent, Xu Xiuqing has treated Feng ChuChu as his granddaughter. "Well, if you want to vomit, you remember to come back if you are unhappy..." Xu Xiuqing said, Feng ChuChu also smiled, carried his bag and saw the man coming from the end of the corridor. From a very distant place, in the hazy sunset, Feng ChuChu's heart suddenly stopped and dared not breathe.

Is it si Yeqing? Such an idea came out of my mind.

"Don't tell me when you leave? It seems that you don't regard me as a relative!" President Chen said with a smile. Feng ChuChu also raised his mouth reluctantly. There was a bit of indifference in his tone and said: "Even if I don't say it, don't you know? I've learned a truth through Steven these days in hospital. That's what I want to know. No matter what difficulties there are, I'll find out in the end. Just see if I have a heart!"

When they heard Feng ChuChu say this, they were silent.

"When I came up, I saw a young man downstairs. Was he waiting for you?" President Chen said it should be Lin Zixiang. They haven't seen each other. Feng clearly nodded and explained: "he is a classmate of my primary school. He is very trustworthy and reliable. Don't worry." President Chen nodded and didn't make any more retention. Even after living in Japan for many years, his bones are still the silence of Chinese men, "landing, tell me."

Feng ChuChu didn't refuse, just nodded, walked forward, gently hugged President Chen, whispered in his ear: "No matter what you've experienced before, I hope you can come out in the future. Life is not long, and living happily is the most important. You can trust me and let me be your adopted daughter. I understand how much you pity me and how much you sympathize with me. I'm very grateful. Don't worry, as long as you need me, I'll appear by your side immediately..."

It is clear that even if it is changing again, it will not change this thing.

"Good girl, I didn't see the wrong person. Go... Don't let people wait!" President Chen patted Feng ChuChu on the back and whispered softly. Feng ChuChu left without looking back, "ChuChu..." Even after hearing Xu Xiuqing's call, she didn't look back. The wind entering the elevator room was clear, and her cheeks were full of tears. Just now, she was afraid that she would turn her head. If she looked more, she was afraid that she would shake and couldn't leave.

Human feelings are warm and cold. In a very short time, Feng ChuChu has experienced too much and learned too much.

Outside the corridor of the hospital, Xu Xiuqing sat on the bench with her heart beating faster. Housekeeper Li quickly took out the heart saving pill and put it in her mouth. President Chen looked back and saw Xu Xiuqing and said, "old lady, mountains and rivers always meet. As long as the hearts are together, we will meet one day." Xu Xiuqing knew that President Chen took good care of Feng ChuChu. Naturally, she was a little more fond of him. She had no communication, but she still said, "I'm just worried about that girl... If she can take good care of herself outside, she'll be willing to see me all her life."

"I'm sure ChuChu will figure it out."

People, living, have few opportunities to be themselves at will, even regardless of the sight and eyes of the people around them, "it's good for her to go out quietly. If there's any news, I'll tell you. Don't worry." President Chen said, Xu Xiuqing also stood up, nodded with the help of housekeeper Li, and said with a little gratitude, "please, President Chen."

"It's all for clarity. Why do you say this politely?" President Chen glanced at the ward and said, "just, do you know what's going on in Si Yeqing At the dinner party, the various behaviors of Si Yeqing and the state of rescuing the kidnapped Feng ChuChu made president Chen very sure that he loved Feng ChuChu, but the news hit him in the face in just a few days.

When Xu Xiuqing heard Si Yeqing's name, she also closed her mouth in an instant and didn't want to mention it any more.

"Anyway, they still didn't see each other." Chen sighed and said with some pity. It was like to dispel his idea. Wenzi Hengfeng came out of the elevator. Whenever he saw the little nurse, he danced and asked: "Have you seen Feng ChuChu? She's a patient who lives here, China, girl, no, woman."

Seeing Wen Ziheng's funny appearance, Xu Xiuqing frowned and asked, "what are you doing there?"

"Old lady?" I finally saw my relatives! When Wen Ziheng came to Japan, he found that he only knew the hospital and did not know which floor he lived on. It has to be said that with the blessing of President Chen, the clear news is very hidden, and even can't be found. "What are you doing?" Xu Xiuqing looks at Wen Ziheng and classifies him and the smelly boy of Si Yeqing into one category, saying with boredom.

Wen Ziheng wondered, didn't he provoke the old lady? Why are you so resistant to yourself?

"Si Yeqing asked me to come here. He said he couldn't get in touch recently. Let me take care of it..." Wen Ziheng looked at the ward behind them. It was empty. He wondered, "why? Have you been discharged? Will you return home today? Didn't I come in vain? I've been on a plane for a long time. Didn't I toss in vain?"

Although money doesn't care, Wen Ziheng's waist can't stand it.

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