When Jing Jing helped Su CuO into the hospital, he could hardly walk by himself. He could only put all his weight on Jing Jing. "Hey, don't you know him? Hurry up and send him for an examination." Jing Jing looked down at the time on his wrist and joked. Is it so easy to arrange the time of Si Yeqing? "Do you use such a bitter meat trick to make me unable to do the exclusive interview with Si Yeqing?" after Jing Jing said that, he looked down at the pale man and his eyes that were already blurred.

Did you go a little too far? However, there is such a possibility.

"I'll call Si Yeqing and ask him to reschedule the interview with you. Don't worry, I won't let you return empty handed." Su CuO said, closed his eyes and fell to the ground. Fortunately, Jing Jing's hand still hugged his neck and didn't let such a heavy person fall directly on the marble tile. "President Su?" finally, a doctor who seemed to know Su CuO came across, hurriedly asked the little nurses around him to come and carry Su CuO in. "Excuse me, did you send president Su?"

Jing Jing was about to turn around and leave, but the doctor just grabbed his wrist, "I'm just on my way to save the lives... I don't know him."

"I'm sorry, but please wait a moment. Just wait here." the doctor said it couldn't be refused. Jing Jing also sighed. She and Su CuO must be two people. It's no good to meet. Now it's even more like this! What the hell? "Hey, Jing Jing, Si Yeqing called and said there was something temporary. You need to change the interview time. Wait a day. Work hard..." just at this time, the editor in chief of the magazine called. He thought he was going to start a teacher and ask for guilt. Jing Jing has figured out the reasons for his sophistry.

But unexpectedly, what he heard was such a news. He hung up the phone. Jing Jing looked at the door of the ward in some wonder.

"Didn't she call Si Yeqing during the operation? Then I would be very moved!" Jing Jing thought about it, but shook her head and asked herself to give up the unrealistic idea, "don't think too much about some things." after that, she also took out her mobile phone from her bag, bored playing the simplest game and waiting for the door of the ward to open.

Nearly an hour later, Su CuO's eyes also opened slowly. Looking at the doctor around him, he was weak and wanted to say something, but his throat seemed to be blocked, hoarse to pain, and it was very difficult to speak. Su CuO looked down at himself. He seemed to be covered with a thick quilt, but he still felt very cold. What's going on! "Mr. Su, you... Are seriously malnourished and out of strength..." the doctor is a familiar person to Su Cuo. He said, and Su CuO was stunned.

Once upon a time, Su CuO was the healthiest in the whole company.

"Because you think too much and worry too much, you have an inflammation of your throat. In addition, you don't have enough rest. Now your body state and secretion have been disordered, and there are signs of viral cold. Therefore, you must stay in the hospital for a few days and have an infusion to see if it can be improved. You can deal with things outside a little." Although the doctor said so politely, he didn't mean to let Su CuO leave the hospital.

Worry too much, worry too much? Not because of the two people's affairs of Si Yeqing and Feng ChuChu, Su CuO slowly closed his eyes.

He really wanted to ignore everything like this. The body is the most important, but... "I know. Where's the woman who sent me to the hospital? Has she gone?" in an interview with Jing Jing and Si Yeqing, Su CuO wanted to grab the mobile phone on the table to contact, but found that he didn't even have the strength to lift his arm. "The lady is still waiting outside. Do you need me to let her in?" the doctor said softly with a heart in the end.

"Didn't go?" Jing Jing is in a hurry to do an interview with Si Yeqing? It seems that she is not so cold on the surface. When she remembered that Su CuO was a little confused when she sent herself to the hospital, she heard the women around her talking to him all the time and told him not to fall asleep. She softened her heart and said softly, "let her in." the doctor nodded and went out. Jing Jing followed him in sleepily and looked at Su CuO on the hospital bed.

Sure enough, people rely on clothes. After changing into patient clothes, Su CuO looks sick, which makes people feel worried.

"It's ridiculous for you to say that you, a man, should be so fragile and be hospitalized because of a viral cold!" Jing Jing said this and secretly looked at the thermometer and indicators around Su Cuo. Should there be no big problem? "Why didn't you go to the company? I'll call Si Yeqing now... Tell you what happened here." Su CuO said, and Jing Jing secretly turned a huge white eye in her heart. She knew that it must not be su CuO's work.

If I had waited for this guy's help, I would have screwed up the interview.

"No, your boss has something to do today and can't accept the interview. So our interview has been changed to tomorrow..." to marry you, wave your hand and say it lightly. But Su CuO's heart was cluttering. What's the matter? He wanted to dial the phone to ask, but found that the mobile phone was a little far away. With his weak body, he couldn't support it. "Can you please help me get the phone?"

Su CuO's voice was kind of gentle at the moment. After hearing this, Jing Jing did not act. Instead, he sat in a chair, hugged his shoulder, raised his eyebrows and said: "Well, I'm afraid it's a little difficult. I'm not that kind of considerate person. Besides, for you, rest is the most important thing now... Didn't the doctor tell you just now? Don't worry too much. It's not your company and interview. Why do you care so much?" Jing Jing can't understand Su CuO's serious attitude.

"Now, Si Yeqing needs me, so I have to help him..." Su CuO said and forced himself to do it. The infusion tube involved in him has dazzling backflow blood. Jing Jing has the problem of blood fainting, and his face turns pale in an instant.

She repressed the dizziness of her head and turned around immediately, but she still couldn't forget the red. Because when she was taking care of Xiao a in the hospital, she always watched him bleed. The feeling of heartache made Jing Jing unable to forget in her life, so every time she saw it, she felt sick and even hollowed out. She held the wall for a few seconds , the sound of ringing the bell sounded in her head, so that she couldn't hear what the outside world was.

"Jing Jing, you can't, you have to go out to find a nurse." subconsciously, Jing Jing seems to regard the people in the hospital bed as little A. she forcibly moves her steps and walks to the door, but her eyes can't see anything.

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