"Don't move, wait!" Jing Jing shouted loudly, turned out of the ward, called the nurse, readjusted his infusion tube, threw his mobile phone in front of Su Cuo, looked at his lips that looked very miserable because of lack of water, and said, "I really don't understand you businessmen!" he regarded the company as his own life. Su CuO took his cell phone, thought for a moment, and dialed Si Yeqing's cell phone number, "Hey, it's me, right... What's the matter with you? OK, I know."

Just a few short words, Su CuO hung up the phone, looked back at Jing Jing and said, "let's arrange another time tomorrow."

Si Yeqing was called by Lu Qianqian. He said he wanted to sign a prenuptial agreement to distinguish what they had after marriage. Of course, this is also part of Si Yeqing's plan. Since Lu Qianqian took the initiative, he certainly wouldn't refuse. Su CuO was relieved. Maybe it was because of the infusion, or maybe he put down his psychology for a few minutes, and the whole person's complexion also recovered a lot. Looking at the woman in front of him, he said, "I thought you were a snake and scorpion, but I didn't expect you to have a little conscience."

"I just can't bear to see you fall on the street and look so miserable." Jing Jing shook his head, but still took a small stool and sat next to the bed. Looking at Su Cuo, he said curiously: "I'm also the most famous financial reporter in China. I want to ask you a few questions. Can you answer me? Maybe I'll squeeze some space for you in this issue of the page." hearing Jing Jing say so, Su CuO couldn't help laughing. The two people didn't have such a tense relationship. He spread his hand and said, "excuse me."

Jing Jing screwed up her eyebrows and took out her book. She was also a serious reporter and looked at the person lying in the hospital bed in front of her.

"Since you have your own business, enterprise and family, you're no worse than the Secretary's family. Why do you help here? And you're busy like this?" Jing Jing said. Su CuO smiled fiercely. He coughed and even had to bounce himself up. Jing Jing hurriedly and flustered to help him, "It seems that you don't know much about me. Many reporters have asked me this question. My mouth is almost worn out. You can find other answers and write them out."

Of course, Jing Jing has seen the answers in other magazines, but they are all empty shells. What they say is nothing more than fake big space, or even don't get distracted. They don't need him at home for exercise outside. "If you have time, you should go back and see your interviews. The answers are different every time. How can people believe you? There must be no truth." Jing Jing mercilessly broke through.

"You are smart, but have you ever thought that if I don't want to say, you ask me, I won't answer."

Su CuO turned his head and looked out of the window. Whatever you ask, I'm just a dead pig not afraid of boiling water. "At least, I was the one who carried you to the hospital just now. Without me, you might still be lying on the street. In today's society, people's vigilance is so strong that it is estimated that no one will call the police to help you to the hospital. Therefore, for the purpose of gratitude, should you also tell me?" Jing Jing never said she was a kind person. She told a lot of lies in so many years of interviews.

For example, when interviewing a woman who may have been hurt emotionally, she will say that she has also been cheated and cheated by her boyfriend. When interviewing a person who has been unhappy since childhood, Jing Jing will also say that she was raised by her mother when she was a child. In the face of people who don't believe in herself, Jing Jing will say that she has been bullied on campus, and she disguises herself as the same as the other person What kind of position and situation, let the other party open their hearts, tell their own stories first, and then learn what hidden stories the other party has from the defense that the other party slowly puts down.

It is precisely because of this way of interview that Jing Jing dug up a lot of news that others had never thought of. Of course, it was also agreed and recognized by the parties concerned, which made her famous. However, different interviewees have to decide different ways of approaching. People like Su CuO must be inaccessible with emotion cards. Moreover, judging from the information in Jing Jing Jing's hands, she I don't know what kind of psychological shadow the other party has. I can only gamble in this way.

Standing on the moral commanding height, Su CuO heard it and looked back at Jing Jing.

"You really want to know, I can tell you, but you can't write it on the report." Su CuO said and looked at Jing Jing's eyes seriously. "Originally, you didn't want to interview me or get my blog page, didn't you?" So mysterious? Jing Jing's curiosity was completely seduced. He nodded repeatedly, put away his little book, leaned forward slightly, and listened to the story in a way.

Su CuO looked at her and was very excited. He was also very helpless and looked out of the window, "When I met Si Yeqing, it was the most difficult thing for me. I was not confident since I was a child. The discipline at home was too strict. You know, the high-intensity control made me dare not violate anything at all. Even if I had some little ideas about adolescence, I could only endure it. Over time, I became silent, unwilling to speak, or even unwilling to open my heart Communicate with others, be closed, and then be... Negative. "

"At that time, Si Yeqing appeared beside me at a family party. When I was waiting for my parents to come out, Si Yeqing came to me and secretly handed me a glass of wine." at that time, Su CuO didn't know what the taste of the wine was. He was a little nervous and shook his head at Si Yeqing. The boy was about his age, But the whole person was full of energy, and he seemed not to be afraid of anything, which made Su CuO envy. "Drink a little, it's OK." Si Yeqing's voice was like the encouragement of the devil and let him drink it.

That night, Si Yeqing found a chance to leave with Su CuO and felt the pleasure of escaping for the first time.

"You can't always be in the original circle. If you want to jump out, I will accompany you. I'm also very lonely. Let's accompany each other." at that time, Si Yeqing drove his own sports car and galloped along the hillside unscrupulously without a driver's license. Su CuO didn't even have a little fear in his heart, but was more excited. It was the first time they met.

After that, Su CuO seems to have become Si Yeqing's best friends. They are inseparable. They help each other no matter at work, on other occasions, or even outside to cover for themselves and their girlfriend. The circle also knows that Su CuO is Si Yeqing's good friend. Naturally, he looks a little higher. Many people think that Su CuO is attached to Si Yeqing and wants to get some benefits. Only the two of them know the purity between them and the real mutual care that may not exist in the business field.

"Unexpectedly, you two are quite pure. If you say it, no one will believe it." Jingjing muttered to himself.

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