
Allan sighed, “It looks like I can only give up.”

If von Klei only became Magellan, without the corresponding clothing, he would definitely not be able to hide from the navy soldiers, so the transformation plan could only be cancelled.

Feng Kelei gave a wry smile and changed his appearance again.

Mr.3 asked: “Then what should we do now? If we don’t act quickly, we will be discovered.”

At this time, Allan and the three of them were hiding near the exhaust port on the fourth floor, because the temperature here was relatively high, so there was no jailer standing guard.

And now, the pirates on the third floor are making a fuss, yet no one notices Allan and the three of them have slipped to the fourth floor.

However, Allan and the others have attracted the attention of the senior officials in the promotion city.

Therefore, it was only a matter of time before they were discovered.

Allan pondered for a while, and said, “Since the method of becoming Magellan’s action doesn’t work, then we can only start Plan B.”

“What plan B?”

Both Feng Kelei and Mr.3 looked curious.

Allan motioned for them to come closer, and said, “You two listen carefully. Plan B is for me to go out to attract the attention of the navy soldiers, and then you two take the opportunity to rescue the pirates who are in prison.

In addition, I have to trouble you to find the stairs down the fifth floor.

After making a fuss on the fourth floor, we are going to the fifth floor and can’t stay longer. ”

“Received. Mr.3 expressed his understanding.

Feng Klei asked with some concern: “Are you okay by yourself? Magellan’s office is on the fourth floor. Once you go out to attract those soldiers, you will most likely run into Magellan.

“Magellan? I’ve long wanted to see that guy.” Allan wasn’t afraid at all, but was eager to try.

Mr.3 smiled and said: “Mr.2, don’t worry. The BOSS can break even the sea floor stone, so you have to believe in his strength.”

Hearing this, Feng Kelei was a little surprised: “Even Hailou Rock can be broken? This is the first time I have heard it.”

“Okay, let’s split up.” Without further ado, Allan didn’t want too much nonsense, after all, time is of the essence.

At the same time, it is located in a monitoring room on the fourth floor of Push City.

A high-level cadre of Advance City said to his subordinates: “Please pay attention to me. The pirates on the second and third floors have rioted. If there is any change on the fourth floor, remember to report it immediately.”

“Received! We will closely monitor.” The subordinates replied in unison.

On the other side, the warden Magellan was having diarrhea in the warden’s office on the fourth floor.

“Director Magellan, is your body really okay?” Deputy Chief of Warden Domino asked with concern.

Domino is one of the deputy chief guards of Advance City, with a long golden curvy hair.

She usually wears a pair of red-brown sunglasses, and the hat on her head is slung across her right eye. She is an elegant beauty.

From the toilet, Magellan’s vigorous voice with a little collapse said:

“It’s okay. The old man just broke his stomach after eating. Just go to the toilet a few more times to pull those things out.”

“But Director, there are some things going on in the prison now, so you should go and see it as soon as possible.

Domino’s expression was worried, and his tone was a little helpless. This Magellan was the director of prison, but he was a very unreliable officer. He dropped the chain at this critical moment.

Magellan said indifferently: “I said, don’t bother me with small things.

Didn’t those pirates make troubles every other time, it’s already commonplace, just send more jailers to suppress them.

In addition, each floor is equipped with a warden. Just go to the warden if you have anything to do. As the chief of the prison, I am very busy. I don’t have time to deal with ordinary pirates.

As long as the pirates on the sixth floor are not rioting, there will be no problem, just leave it to the other chief guards to deal with it. ”

“Are you busy going to the toilet with diarrhea,” Domino said.

Magellan’s voice sounded again: “By the way, you go to Hannibal, and ask Hannibal to take some people to suppress the pirates. That guy is the deputy warden. Who will go if he doesn’t.

“Needless to say, Lord Hannibal has already taken someone there.” Domino said.

“Well, that’s okay.” Magellan expressed relief.

Domino said: “I don’t think things are that simple. This time the pirates on the second and third floors rioted, and the pirates on the second floor have all gone to the third floor. Now the third floor is crowded. It’s full of pirates. To say nothing, there are three to four hundred. It’s not easy to suppress them.”

After a while, Magellan came out of the toilet.

“Director, are you all right?” Domino asked with concern.

“Well, it’s much more comfortable now.” Magellan said.

“Then please go and suppress the pirates together.” Domino said.

Magellan is the warden of Advance City and has the strongest presence in Advance City 950.

As long as he takes the shot, those pirates are not opponents at all.

Magellan sat at the desk and said with a serious expression: “Domino, you just said that the pirates on the second and third floors rioted, so who actually released them? You know, every cell can be rioted. They are all made of Hailoushi. It is not easy for the pirates to break the prison door. Someone must be making a ghost behind it.”

Domino nodded and said in admiration: “As expected of the director, I can see through this riot that there is a messenger behind the scenes.

Magellan motioned Domino to continue, and Domino said:

After investigating the on-site monitoring, we found that the first riot occurred on the second floor, and the first to escape from the cell was the pirate in Room 303. One of the pirates was a demon fruit capable person, nicknamed Mr. 3. Zeng Lu belongs to the Baroque Workshop. His ability is to use candles to make various tools. We suspect that the pirates can escape because Mr3 used his fruit ability to create the key, so he can open the car door. .

In addition, among the pirates who escaped from Room 303 at that time, there was also a mysterious and suspicious guy. ”

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