383 [No one can fight)

“You said there is a mysterious and suspicious guy? Who is it?” Magellan asked, aroused by curiosity.

Domino said: “It is not clear who the other party is, because the guy is not wearing a prison uniform, and after investigation, there is no record of his detention. In other words, that guy is not the prisoner we pushed into the city, his identity is very different. suspicious.”

Upon hearing this, Magellan frowned: “Since he is not a prisoner, how did he get into our advance city, and why did he come out of cell 303?”

Domino said: “We have checked the surveillance of the entrance and exit. That guy doesn’t know what method he used. Even the surveillance can’t find out how he got in.”

“Could it be someone who sneaked in pretending to be a navy soldier?” Magellan raised a possibility.

Domino shook his head: “It should be impossible. Every naval soldier must undergo a strict search before entering Propulsion City, so this possibility can be ruled out.

Magellan nodded: “So, that guy is really mysterious.”

Domino said: “Although I don’t know who that guy is for the time being, what is certain is that the riots of the second and third layer pirates cannot be separated from that person. It is very likely that he incited the pirates to escape. Prisoners. In addition, the second-tier navy and jailers, including the captain Peruno, have been defeated.”

“What, even Peruno was knocked down?” At this moment, Magellan was a little surprised.

You should know that the chief guard at each level is held by a navy colonel, and the strength is comparable to a pirate who has a bounty of hundreds of millions of dollars.

However, such a master is now defeated by a mysterious guy.

Thinking of this, Magellan ordered Domino:

“Find that mysterious guy as soon as possible. I want to see who dared to be so bold and make trouble on my turf.

On the other side, a corridor on the fourth floor.

“Stop! Who is it?”

The two jailers on duty found Allan and immediately issued a warning.

The corner of Allan’s mouth raised slightly, holding the famous sword Golden Wolf, and he walked directly towards them, without stopping at all.

“Damn it, we will shoot if we don’t stand still.”

The two jailers pointed their guns at Allan and warned again.

Allan didn’t mean to stop, and moved on.

Broken pieces!

The jailer pulled the trigger decisively.

However, the bullet did not hit the target.

In the next second, Allan disappeared in place.

The two jailers hadn’t reacted yet, and Allan’s figure had passed between them at an extremely fast speed.

Immediately afterwards, the two jailers fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

After defeating the two jailers, Allan moved on, not hiding himself in the slightest.

His plan was to attract the jailers advancing to the city so that Feng Kelei and Mr.3 had a chance to release the pirates who were imprisoned on the fourth floor, so he could not hide.

Soon, a group of about ten naval patrols discovered Allan.

This time Allan didn’t wait for them to do anything, and waved the famous sword Golden Wolf to send out a slash, and easily knocked all the patrols into the air, showing a strong strength.

The appearance of Allan quickly caused a commotion on the fourth floor.

The sirens sounded quickly, and all the jailers on duty nearby rushed towards Allan.

In less than a minute, more than thirty jailers arrived one after another, blocking Allan’s path.

“There are a lot of people, but it’s useless.” Allan sneered.


The jailers didn’t hesitate this time, they pointed their guns directly at Allan, and then pulled the trigger.

In an instant, dozens of bullets fired out.


Facing the bullets coming from the lasing, Allan held the famous sword Golden Wolf and blocked them all.

The jailers were dumbfounded. They didn’t expect Allan to block all the bullets with just a knife. Such an astonishing speed and nervous response were truly a god.

“””It’s me.

After blocking the bullet, Allan then slashed out.

In an instant, the golden light dazzled the eyes, turning into a golden chopping wave and blasted at the jailers.

The jailers were just ordinary soldiers, and there were no masters who could fight at all. Under the impact of the powerful chopping wave, all of them turned on their backs and lost the ability to fight.

“No one can fight.

Allan shook his head disappointedly.

“Isn’t there a master who can be seen a little in Advance City?” Allan couldn’t help muttering, he still wanted to fight the strong.

“Speaking of (good King Nuo), Feng Kelei and Mr.3 are two of them, should they have already acted by this time?

While Allan was thinking, another group of jailers appeared from a distance.

In addition, there are four jailer beasts.

Allan looked up and saw that the leader was a very young woman.

The woman has curly blond hair, wears a peach dress, her eyes are covered with long bangs, and she wears candle-shaped white earrings on her head. It is very distinctive and makes people know that it is not an ordinary navy.

Seeing this, Allan’s eyes lit up. This woman seemed to be the captain of the jailer, Satie.

Sure enough, the woman opened the mouth and said: “I am the captain of the jailer Satie, is it you who caused the trouble? Report your name.”

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