384 Angry [The Little Satie]

Facing the questioning of the prison guard Sati, Allan chuckled and reported his name: “My name is Allan. I accidentally lost my way in Advance City. I wonder if Sati can take me out?”

Hearing this, Little Satie snorted coldly, and said displeased: “Laughter, even calling the name of Dare. Little Satie, as the chief jailer of Advance City, how could he let you, the criminal, leave.

“Criminal? No, no, no, I’m not a pirate, Sati, you have misunderstood me.” Allan waved his hand and explained.

Little Satie said angrily: “Damn fellow, whether you are a pirate or not, you have wounded so many of our soldiers. As the chief jailer of Advance City, I must arrest you for interrogation. If you are more interesting, you will be arrested, otherwise You are so delicious. Also, you are not allowed to call my name directly.”

Seeing that Sati was so hostile to him, Allan shrugged and said:

“That’s it, then there’s nothing to talk about. However, if you want to catch me, you have to be a jailer with little Sati, but it’s not enough. In addition, I advise you to find more people, I don’t want to Do it with a woman, and Sati, you are so beautiful, if you get some injuries on your face, it won’t look good.”

“How dare you look down on 963 me?” Little Satie was angry.

As the chief jailer of Advance City, the power of Little Sati is only under Magellan. There are many masters under him, but now in front of a group of subordinates, he is underestimated by an unknown guy. This makes the person who has always regarded himself very high. She was very angry.

However, in Allan’s view, Little Satie is indeed very beautiful, even if she looks angry, she has a special style.

It’s a pity that Little Satie is a navy, and he is destined to have no development with him as a traverser, so Allan also dispelled the idea of ​​becoming a companion with Little Satie.

“What are you doing in a daze, grab that guy for me. Remember, I want to live.” Little Sadie pointed at Allan angrily, and ordered the jailers behind him.

Those jailers were obviously very afraid of Sati, and rushed towards Allan.

Because the little Sati wanted to capture Allan alive, they did not shoot, but tried to consume Allan’s physical strength with the crowd tactics, and then grab him.

(affe) There are a lot of jailers here, at least more than a hundred people, all of them are a specially trained action team selected from the navy headquarters, and each jailer has the strength of one dozen ten.

In other words, these more than a hundred jailers are equivalent to the strength of a thousand naval soldiers.

“Okay, let us now quietly appreciate how our soldiers caught that guy, I’m looking forward to it. After catching that guy, I can interrogate him well.”

Little Satie hugged his arms and stood behind with the remaining four Jailer Beasts.

In her opinion, the more than one hundred jailers, even if they were unable to catch Allan, could consume Allan’s strength.

At that time, she can let the four jailer beasts do their hands again, guaranteeing that they can take Allan in one fell swoop.

However, her self-confident and proud face soon showed an unbelievable expression.

…How could it be… the guy, is that so strong?”

In less than a minute, Allan had knocked all the more than one hundred jailers to the ground.

Moreover, in order to show that he was not a vicious criminal like a pirate, Allan didn’t kill him either. He just knocked them to the ground with the back of a knife, making the jailers temporarily incapacitated.

Doing so is harder than killing them directly.

Here, it also shows that Allan’s overwhelming strength can’t be solved by relying on the human sea tactics.

“I’ve said it, Little Satie, you can’t be seen enough in front of me. You can’t do it if you want to catch me.”

Faced with Allan’s ridicule, Little Sati was speechless for a while, because she found that she had seriously underestimated Allan’s strength.

“But… Damn it, do you think this is the end? I still have four powerful fighters.” Little Satie said angrily.

“Four powerful warriors? Allan raised his brows slightly, looked at the four jailer beasts behind Little Satie, and sneered: “If the four monsters attack me, I won’t keep my hand, I Ah, they will all be beheaded. ”

Murderous aura, a strong murderous aura was released from Allan.

Little Satie instantly felt Allan’s horror, that was definitely not a joke.

Unexpectedly, little Sati took a step back and hesitated in his heart.

Faced with the murderous aura released by Allan and the cruel words he put forward, if the four jailer beasts were really allowed to act, they might really be beheaded.

These four jailer beasts were cultivated by the little Sati since childhood. They are like the pets raised by the little Sati. They listen very much to the words of the little Sati, and the relationship between the little Sati and them is very good. They are usually raised delicious and delicious. write.

If the four Jailer Beasts were beheaded by Allan, Little Sati would never be able to bear the loss.

Therefore, for a while, Little Sati didn’t dare to let the four jailer beasts attack Allan.

Seeing that Sadie was scared, Allan also put away his murderous aura and said, “That’s right, it’s the right choice not to let them attack me.

Little Satie glared at Allan. She had never felt that she wanted to catch someone so much.

Allan, completely shattered her pride for the first time.

“Okay, little Sati, if nothing happens, I’ll leave first.”

After that, Allan turned and left.

“You, you fellow, can’t go.”

Little Sati couldn’t help charging towards Allan and attacked him.

Allan was a little surprised. She didn’t think that Sadie actually did it by herself. It seemed that she was so irritated that she acted so impulsively.

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