451 (Allan vs. Yellow Ape)

Seeing Allan’s low-key, White Beard laughed aloud again, admiring Allan even more.

He secretly exclaimed in his heart: “This kid is strong, but he is not even proud of himself. On the contrary, he is very humble and low-key. This kind of mentality is a truly super strong man.”

At this time, Marco flew over and said: “Father, there are only eight minutes left before Ace’s execution. We have to hurry up, otherwise it will be too late.

Baibeard also realized that he couldn’t drag on any longer, and immediately said: “Okay, from now on, all the captain-level people are moving towards the execution platform, and they must hurry up to rescue Ace before he is executed.

Marco nodded, and immediately transformed into a phoenix form, flew to the other captains, and conveyed a white beard’s instructions to them.

On the navy side, the Warring States, as the supreme commander, also noticed that the White Beard Pirates was preparing to attack Ace’s execution platform, and immediately issued new combat instructions to the major naval generals.

All “Navy, stop the Whitebeard Pirates for me, never let them approach the execution platform, and make sure that the execution of Huoquan Ace is carried out smoothly.”

Tens of thousands of naval soldiers began to assemble and started the final battle with the rushing White Beard Pirates.

In addition, the outfield support Qiwuhai invited by the navy has also begun to take action.

And the three admirals under the execution platform also had a heartbeat.

The strong on both sides are like each has already found the opponent to face off in advance. The captain of the White Beard Pirate Group faces the elite generals of the Navy headquarters, such as Yan Rat, Ghost Spider, and Huo Shao Shan. .

The few captains in the front line are responsible for dealing with the powerful Qiwuhai, such as Doflamingo Moonlight and Moonlight Moria.

As for Hawkeye, it was blocked by Foil Bista, the captain of the fifth division.

Originally, besides Whitebeard, Hawkeye’s target was Allan.

Although Foil Bista was also a well-known great swordsman in the world, it was not him that Hawkeye wanted to fight more.

Foil Bista naturally saw Hawkeye’s intentions, and while blocking his black sword night, he said: “Hawkeyeye, if you want to fight against brother Allan, you want to defeat me. But let me tell you, I’m not so easy to deal with.”

Yingyan said coldly: “Of course I know that, after all, you are also one of the best swordsmen!

On the other side, Allan, who had originally planned to fight Hawkeye, was blocked by another person.

And this person is impressively Admiral Huang Yuan.

“Ming, meet again.” Allan saw the yellow ape standing in front of him and raised his hand to greet him.

Huang Yuan’s expression was indifferent, and he said coldly: “I underestimated you last time, this time I won’t be careless.

Hearing this, Allan chuckled lightly, “Really? I’m afraid you will still run away in embarrassment this time.”

Huang Yuan snorted. The last time he was in the Chambord Islands, he was injured by Allan. It can be said that he fled back to the navy headquarters in embarrassment.

Now that Allan’s old things were brought up again, he immediately became angry, and immediately shot Allan to kill.

“Rays of light!,

Huang Yuan raised his right hand, and the golden light beams converged on his index finger. He heard only a “taste” sound, and a beam of light shot towards Allan at a very fast speed.

Allan had already developed the domineering look and feel. When Huang Yuan launched the beam line, he predicted its attack trajectory in advance, and his figure flashed before hiding.

0……Look for flowers………

Huang Yuan had already guessed that it was impossible to hit Allan so easily, and immediately fired out several beams in succession.




One after another, beams shot out from Huang Yuan’s index finger, like a paved cannon, blasting the ground one after another.

Allan’s figure constantly dodges, seeming to be hit every time, but it can dodge ingeniously and thrillingly, showing his excellent domineering look and feel.

It is true that compared to the yellow ape with shining fruit, Allan may be inferior in terms of speed, but in terms of physical skills and domineering, as well as combat experience, Allan is definitely not a yellow ape.

In addition, he has a top-notch swordsmanship foundation, which is enough to make Huang Yuan dare not easily fight him in close combat, and can only conduct long-range attacks with the ability of Shining Fruit.


After avoiding the yellow ape’s beam again, Allan waved the famous sword Golden Wolf, sending out a powerful chopping wave.

The azure slash rushed towards Huang Yuan in a straight line, and Huang Yuan tried to respond with a beam of light.

However, the power carried by this slash is far greater than the power of the beamline.

After the collision, Chopper Wave continued to rush towards Huang Yuan.

With a “boom”, Huang Yuan hurried forward with his hands at the moment of crisis, releasing a barrier of light, which was able to withstand the brutal slash.

However, before Huang Yuan could breathe a sigh of relief, another powerful slash came straight at him.

Huang Yuan did not dare to be careless, and quickly released the barrier of light again.

Countless light particles formed a light wall several meters high, blocking the attack. wide,

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