452 (Yellow Ape Injured)

After blocking Allan’s two powerful slashes in a row, Huang Yuan also felt a little strenuous.

The reason is simple, because the power of Allan’s slashing wave is too strong, and its power is comparable to the slashing of the world’s largest swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk. .

Seeing Huang Yuan’s strenuous expression, Allan swung his knife decisively again.

It’s just that instead of starting the chopping this time, he rushed straight ahead with the famous sword Golden Wolf.

His speed was so fast that Huang Yuan had no time to escape before being pulled into the distance by Allan.

“So fast!” Huang Yuan was shocked secretly.

Seeing Allan swung the “Nine-Nine-Seven” knife, he immediately stretched out his hands and created a golden sky cloud sword with the shining fruit ability.

In the face of such a superb top powerhouse like Allan, he dared not take it lightly.

Bang bang bang!!

When the two approached, fierce conflict broke out immediately.

Allan kept swinging the golden wolf with the famous sword in his hand, and fought fiercely with Huang Yuan’s Sky Cloud Sword.

The aura generated by the two men’s close combat made no one dared approach within one kilometer.

Both the pirates and the soldiers did not dare to approach, because once they approached, they would be affected by the aftermath of the battle.

Fighting of that degree and level has reached a very high level.

After fighting for hundreds of rounds, Huang Yuan was already out of breath, a little out of breath.

On the other hand, Allan still has some extra energy, and obviously he hasn’t done his best yet.

The realm and strength of the two in swordsmanship have been distinguished.


Huang Yuan knew that if he continued to fight with Allan, he would definitely be injured by Allan, so he deliberately separated from Allan and used the long-range attack he was best at.

However, how could Allan let him pull the distance so easily.

Huang Yuan took a step back, and he approached a step, always keeping within three meters of Huang Yuan, so that he could not pull away, let alone launch long-range attacks.

Allan’s blade was entwined with armed domineering, so Huang Yuan didn’t dare to be careless at all. Even if he was elemental to dodge, it would require extremely accurate judgment to escape before the attack hits his body.

In the face of a super power like Allan, he has no chance to be elementalized.

“One sword flow, ghost cut!”

After the two sides fought close to each other for nearly three hundred rounds, Huang Yuan finally made an inadvertent shot. Allan seized the opportunity and directly slashed his right shoulder.

The red blood infiltrated Huang Yuan’s navy justice coat instantly.

Huang Yuan reluctantly fired an exploding beam, and then distanced himself from Allan.

Allan didn’t take advantage of the situation to pursue it either. He looked at the injured Yellow Ape in the distance, just sneered, and waved the famous sword Golden Wolf in his hand to the ground, and then sat on the ground.

Huang Yuan saw Allan’s appearance, and was immediately irritated again.

Obviously, Allan was waiting for him.

Huang Yuan hung his right shoulder, and the blood had dyed his clothes red.

He furrowed his brows deeply and his expression was gloomy.

Since becoming a general, Huang Yuan has not known how long he has not been injured.

But this time, he felt “pain” after a long absence.

“Damn it!”

This time, Huang Yuan was really angry.

After being a general of the navy, he was cut and wounded by a pirate in a one-on-one battle.

For him, this is simply an unforgivable shame.

At this moment, many people around have noticed the injured Huang Yuan 0…

“No? Lord Polusalino was actually injured?”

“It seems to be true, his shoulder is bleeding.

“Did the pirate named Allan cut and wound Master Polusalino?”

“This is incredible.”

When the surrounding navy saw the yellow ape wounded, they all showed expressions of surprise and disbelief.

In their perception, the general is the highest and strongest combat power of the navy, and absolutely no one can hurt them.

But now, their cognition has been broken.

The general who looked invincible in their eyes was actually injured.

Not only the soldiers were surprised, but also the red dog and the green pheasant who were the generals also noticed the injured yellow ape. There was also a surprised expression on their faces. Obviously, they did not expect that the yellow ape would be injured.

Only the Marshal of the Warring States Period and Karp, known as the heroes of the navy, only frowned when they saw that the yellow ape was injured, and did not show a surprised expression. Injuried.

5.4 I saw the Sengoku voice in a deep voice: “The Huang Yuan guy still underestimated Allan. If he used all his strength at the beginning, he might not be injured.

Karp had different opinions and said: “No, Huang Yuan didn’t care about it this time, nor did he underestimate Allan. On the contrary, he took a serious attitude to fight Allan this time. It’s just that Allan’s strength is already It exceeded Huang Yuan’s estimate, and was stronger than Huang Yuan expected. Therefore, Huang Yuan was injured.”

It is said that although the Warring States Period does not want to admit this, it has to agree with Karp’s point of view.

That is Allan’s strength, indeed comparable to a general, even stronger than a general.

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