453 [strong white beard)

Marin Vatican on many Square, at the moment already after a messy scene is destroyed.

Thousands of pirates and the Navy fell to the ground, and some have no longer stand up, while others are unable to continue the fight because of injury.

The rest of the people, it also continued Masterpieces of this war.

White Huzi Hai Pirates of the captains, and captains of many, still an all-out confrontation with naval commanders.

As a white beard Zongshuai at this time is facing two enemies.

The two powerful enemies, it is admiral red admiral blue dog with pheasant.

Two blocked the road with a white beard, white beard to make steps forward to stop.

Even the world’s strongest man is known as the white-bearded, red dog with the face of strong green Pheasant these two monsters together, also felt difficult.

“White beard, you’re that guy the old days, I’m here to exit it.” 05 generals red dog cold voice said.

White beard disdain smile: “Well, magma kid, do not be arrogant.

At the same time, the side did not say anything green pheasant is a direct shot.

“Ice Spear”

I saw the blue male hands lift, an ice immediately his whole body of the gas condenses into four huge ice spear.

Sharp targeting the white beard, ready to go at any time.

As soon ordered Green Pheasant, four huge ice spear rapid fired white beard.

Upon seeing the white beard, directly punched out.

In his fist and shot to ice spear touched the occasion, the air seems to be broken, like direct split, and that four huge ice spear, but was shocked in the power of fruit punch carried by crushing.

At the next second white Huzai Gang disintegrated ice spear of green pheasant, red dog shot.

“Great Spitfire!

A group formed by a huge lava magma fist, straight Hongxiang white beard.

Blowing hot air, cold air will just Green Pheasant sent direct evaporation.

White beard without blinking an eye, left fist smacked direct collision with the big flame.

Powerful thunderstorms fruit not only will air in front of the tear, it is the big flame directly off the hook.

Red Dog and Pheasant green two generals attack, is to be easily crushed white beard.

Thus, the power of the white beard, very terrible.

Red Dog and Pheasant Green had expected can not be so easily kill a white beard, and thus the two soon again attacked.

“Lava giant fist!”

I saw the red dog right hand turned into a red red lava giant fist, with a very high temperature of terror headed toward the white beard.

White beard without blinking an eye, launching local earthquake fruits forces fired a punch.


Lava giant fist to fist collision with a white beard, amazing burst of energy aftermath.

Two deadlocked on the occasion, a figure suddenly appears behind the white beard.

“Ice bar, white beard.

That figure was surprised that the Green Pheasant Road.

He took advantage of the occasion grips with the white beard of red dog, came behind him, and the ability to launch frozen fruit.

Soon, ranging from white beard concentrate all, a strong cold air swept out in a moment put the whole white-bearded man completely frozen, completely frozen up.

“This would solve.” Green Pheasant spit air-conditioning, lightly.

And with his red dog, can be described as wonderful benefits, even white beard is difficult to deal with two of them at the same time attack.

Red dog in front of a white beard came to live in the ice powder, exposing proud expression, smiled and said:. “White beard, you’re that guy the old days, this fall in it.”

When he finished, the ability to launch magma red fruit dog, right arm turned into hot lava flowing, white beard, along with plans to crush ice cubes together.

But just as he was going to sell on the occasion, that the ice in ice white beard, suddenly burst open, white beard freed immediately punches Hong Xiang red dog.

Red Dog is not slow reaction, magma fist waving white beard and a heavy collision punch.

White beard freeing the other hand, grabbed a red dog clothes, then he will remain to the air, while waving fist, pound the air.

Under the action of local earthquake fruit, red dog received a heavy white beard punch, a powerful force, shook him directly vomit blood.

The red dog fall to the ground, homeopathic roll twice, and white-bearded far apart.

“Damn, ah, white beard you guys.”

Canine red blood wiped mouth, angry road.

Not far from the Green Pheasant laughed: “I embarrassed 阿萨卡斯基, I would have said you do not look down with white beard, even if his body has been watered down now, but the thin dead camel than a horse, can not be underestimated ah. ”

Red Dog Lengheng heard:. “Wordy, give me on, kill him.”


Green Pheasant did not refute, though he looked down on red dog usual pies, but also understand that there are only two together, have a white beard could be resolved.

And teamed together to make the two generals, only white beard.

“White beard, you should feel honored ah.”

Re-adjust the red dog fighting posture, joint Green Pheasant rushed to the white beard.

Two fruit while launching ability, played a combination of skills.

“Rock fist!”

“Ice Spear!

Red Dog and Pheasant face green combo attacks, white beard calmly blasted straight fists, the ability to maximize the epicenter of the fruit.

To time, space in shock, shook the earth’s surface energy is cracked open.

Within one kilometer around, no one dared approach.

The two sides played hundreds of rounds, and finally divided the open, a little rest.

That time, both sides are quite embarrassed.

White beard is still standing, did not fall.

Although his body to hide some scars, but there is still spare capacity to continue fighting.

The red dog with blue pheasant duo, who were also wounded, and two of the corners of the mouth are to keep blood, apparently injured.

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