474 (Looking for Companion)

Hearing Allan’s words, Al-Qaeda Stark looked at him suspiciously.

As a navy, he would certainly not believe what the pirate Allan said so easily.

Seeing that he was still on guard, Allan shrugged and said, “Anyway, I’ve already sent it to you. I’ll give you the navy next.”

Stark said solemnly: “Aren’t you asking for any tricks?”

Allan said: “If I want to attack you, do you think you and your subordinates can still stand here? With my strength, you can’t stop me at all.”

Hearing that, Stark’s face changed slightly. Although he didn’t want to admit it, he recognized Allan’s strength.

The evidence is that although Allan has not taken any action now, just standing in front of him brings him an invisible pressure.

And the reason why this pressure is so strong is because Allan has quite amazing strength.

Only the real strong can exude this shocking power.

Afterwards, Allan took the group of girls on the pirate ship down and handed them to the base commander Stocker.

Although the girls only spent a short time with Allan, they were very grateful for his help.

Allan waved to them as a farewell.

Although Stark wanted to capture Allan very much, after all, Allan was a big pirate who was offered a reward by the navy. If he could be caught, he could definitely be promoted to two consecutive levels.

However, I don’t know if it was in fear or for some reason. In the end, Stark still didn’t take a shot at Allan, and could only watch Allan leave with Drought Jack’s Pirate Ship.

A day later, Allan came to an island.

The island is called “Pali-” Island. There is a town on the island, and there are often passing ships here to supply supplies.

After Allan docked Jack’s ship in the port, he went ashore.

However, shortly after landing, Allan was stopped by a group of soldiers.

These soldiers were obviously the navy stationed on this island. At this moment, they stared at Allan hostilely and surrounded him.

An officer in the lead said to Allan, “You are a pirate. You dare to come to the island under the jurisdiction of this lord. You are not brave enough.

Allan nodded and turned back: “Yes, I am a pirate.”

“There are so many pirates in the new world, report your name.” The officer asked.

Allan was in a good mood today, so he reported his name truthfully:

“My name is Allan, I don’t know if you have heard of it.


The officer thought for a while, then his complexion changed drastically, and he looked at Allan in surprise:

“Difficult… Are you the legendary sword demon Allan?”

It seemed like “Is it.” Allan smiled.

For the title “Sword Demon”, he really didn’t like it very much, but he could only acquiesce in it.

After receiving a positive answer, the officer looked incredulous.

He couldn’t believe that such a big man would be met by him.

He screamed unlucky in his heart, apparently knowing Allan’s greatness.

Although Allan hasn’t shot yet, and he’s just alone.

But he knew very well that the pirate who could be rewarded 1.5 billion Baileys by the navy headquarters was absolutely terrifying, and it was not something a colonel-level officer in his district could fight against.

Even if one thousand soldiers on this island are added, it is impossible to be Allan’s opponent, let alone catch him.

Seeing him so nervous, Allan said, “Don’t worry, I am not here to trouble your navy. I just came to this island to rest for two days. Nothing special.”

Hearing this, the colonel was relieved.

As long as Allan didn’t come at them, it would be fine.

“Well, as long as you don’t make trouble, I can close one eye.

After that, the colonel left with a group of men.

In fact, his heart was relieved.

Because if there is a war, I am afraid they will be destroyed by the regiment.

Allan looked at the leaving navy, shrugged, and walked into town.

As long as these navies don’t bother him, he naturally doesn’t bother to take care of them.

As for making trouble, although he is a pirate, he is a very law-abiding person, and naturally he will not come here to cause sabotage.

The town is very lively and people come and go, you can see that it is very prosperous.

Allan first came to a restaurant to fill his stomach, then to a pub, and then drank until the evening.

After that, Allan stayed temporarily in the hotel in the town.

The next day, after sobering up, Allan started his action.

In fact, Allan’s purpose this time is mainly to find people.

Because he has decided to form his own pirate group and find a group of trustworthy companions.

However, it is not so easy to find a reliable companion.

The first people Allan was looking for were the cook and the navigator, and the others could make plans later.

This town is very big, I believe he can find the person he wants to find.

Of course, this will take time.

The Emperor paid off. After two days of searching, Allan finally found a suitable cook in a restaurant.

However, it is not a simple matter to let this cook join his pirate group. .

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