475[New Partner]

Two days later, Allan found the cook himself and threw an olive branch at him.

“John Austin., 30 years old, was born on Zamoza Island in the North Sea. He was originally a pirate.

After making a big fuss in Beihai three years ago, he went to the town to hide his name and became a chef.

What I said above is correct, right?”

John stared at Allan in front of him warily, and asked in a deep voice:

“Why do you guys know about me, who are you?”

Allan smiled faintly: “When we first met, my name is Allan.”

Hearing this name, John looked surprised:

“Are you the newcomer pirate who participated in the rescue of Firefist Ace and the Navy Headquarters with the White Beard Pirates in Malin Vandor two years ago?”

Allan nodded and said, “It’s under.

Hearing this, John was puzzled: “I heard that you left the Whitebeard Pirates after the top war and came to the New World waters. It seems to be true. But why do people like you come here? I?”

Faced with John’s doubts, Allan opened the door to the truth: “To be honest, I am now planning to form a pirate regiment, and I am currently short of manpower.

“So you found me, right?” John asked.

“Yes, I have eaten in the restaurant where you work, and I feel that the dishes you cook are very suitable for my appetite. I happened to lack a cook on my boat, so I found you.

“Then you investigated me, right?”

“Yes, although it’s a bit presumptuous, but please forgive me, I am also thirsty for talent.”

Seeing Allan has such a city, John didn’t blame him for investigating his information privately.

“So, John, do you want to join my pirate group?” Allan invited him.

John looked directly at Allan and said:

Allan “Sir, what if I refuse your invitation?”

“John, although we only met for the first time, but I know you (afff), you are definitely not reconciled to be a chef in this small town forever?”

Seeing John hesitate, Allan continued: “John, don’t you want to go back to the sea to take risks? Although then you will face the same risk of being captured by the navy, but as long as we are united, there will be no difficulty. Can’t make it through.”

After speaking, Allan patted John on the shoulder and said, “My boat will be parked at the pier. I will leave here early tomorrow morning. If you want to be a companion, you must come. I will wait for you, hope Don’t let me down.

Afterwards, Allan said goodbye to John temporarily, leaving him to decide whether to board the ship or not.

Early the next morning, Allan stood on the bow and looked in the direction of the town.

He will sail away in half an hour. If John doesn’t show up yet, it means he has rejected Allan’s invitation.

Allan’s heart naturally hoped that John could join his pirate group, after all, the dishes he cooked were still very appetizing to him.

If he is willing to board the ship, he will be able to eat delicious meals every day during his sailing adventures.

Half an hour later, just when Allan sighed in disappointment, thinking that John would not come, a figure walked up from the town towards his pirate ship.

This figure is surprisingly the John he has been waiting for for a long time.

On the boat, Allan smiled and said, “John, I knew you would come, and you didn’t disappoint me.”

With a leap, John jumped from the pier to Allan’s Pirate Ship, and said, “You’re right, I’m still young and shouldn’t live in this town for a lifetime. From today, let me follow you, Captain. .”

Hearing John calling himself “Captain”, Allan smiled from the bottom of his heart.

“Then, let’s set off, John.”

Afterwards, Allan took his first companion and embarked on a brand new adventure in the new world.

I have to say that John’s cooking skills are really good.

During the time when he started his new adventure, Allan could enjoy the meals made by John himself every day, which made him very satisfied that he invited such a good cook as John.

Although John was not very comfortable with such a day at the beginning, after all, he hadn’t been to sea for three years.

And even though he had joined Allan’s pirate group, in fact, except for the captain of Allan, there was only his cook on the entire ship, and there was no third person, which made him a little speechless.

Fortunately, Allan packed up tickets with him all the way, and promised to continue to look for other members in the subsequent voyages, and to grow the pirate group, which made him feel relieved.

And after a period of time, he also learned about Allan’s personality, which made him feel more at ease to work on this ship.

However, what makes John more speechless is that the boat they are driving now is not his, but Allan snatched it from other pirates.

As for which hapless pirate, John didn’t know, because Allan didn’t tell John that the boat they drove was actually Jack Drought.

If John knew this, he wouldn’t be surprised.

Because Drought Jack is a subordinate of Kaido.

And Kaido, the beast, is one of the four emperors of the new world, and even the navy must be afraid of three points.

Therefore, Allan didn’t tell John about this, the purpose was to let him stay on this ship with peace of mind.

But Allan also knew that this matter would not last long.

Maybe in another day, or a week, they may encounter a group of beasts and pirates.

At that time, a fierce battle will be inevitable.

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