HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 131 Bounty Order

a month later.

A small sailboat came to the offshore sandy beach of Meng Meng Island.

Riding the waves, the small sailboat washed directly to the beach.

Then, several figures jumped off the boat and stepped on the soft sand.

The people here are Maud and his party.

After more than a month, they finally arrived at Mengmeng Island.

"It's finally here."

Sol raised his head and looked at a little cooking smoke in the distance.

Maud dragged the stranded schooner straight to the shore, so as not to be washed out to sea at high tide.

After Bailey stepped on the land, like a child recovering from a serious illness, he was so excited that he ran around on the beach,

Sunny found a coconut tree nearby and instructed Bailey to climb up and pick a few.

But Bailey is too fat to climb up.

In desperation, Sunny could only mention Bailey and threw it towards the coconut.

Bailey flew into the air, threw himself on the cluster of coconuts, and twisted several coconuts as expected.

Sunny nodded in satisfaction and went to Lafayette with the coconut.

"Do me a favor."


Lafayette silently drew out his knife, went down a few times, and sliced ​​open the coconuts one by one.

Sunny left one for Lafayette and one for Bailey each, and gave the rest to Maud and Thor.

Lafayette, apparently not interested in coconut water, gave Bailey the coconut that Sonny had left behind.


Bailey complimented, holding the coconut and drinking it.

Not far away, Maud settled the schooner, and then removed the barrels of wine from the boat.

These wines are produced on an island in the New World, and they are from Sol and Shanks. After all, they are here to seek refuge with old friends, and it is impossible to say without something.

"Maud, this coconut milk is delicious."

Sunny came over and handed Maud a coconut.

"Let me try."

Maud took the coconut with a smile and took a sip. It was clear and sweet with a slightly sour taste.

"Really good."


Sunny smiled slightly.

There is not much coconut milk, and it will be gone after a few sips.

Maud threw the empty coconut on the grass beyond the beach and picked up two barrels of wine.

"It's a bit of a waste."

Just when Maud just picked up the wine, a pleasant female voice came from the woods not far away.

Maud and Sunny subconsciously tensed their nerves and looked vigilantly in the direction of the voice.

Before the sound came, they didn't notice any breath.


A woman stepped over the low bushes and came out of the grove.

The woman had a beautiful face, wrapped a white scarf on her head, and was wearing a short-sleeved dress.

The black and white cartoon sheep heads were rusted with needles and threads on the skirt, exuding a youthful atmosphere.

After seeing that the person who came was a woman in her twenties, Maud did not let his guard down, put down the wine barrel, and climbed the hilt of the chidori with his right hand.

The same is true for Sunny, with her right hand on the handle of the gun, she will not hesitate to draw the gun if there is a situation.

The woman didn't know if she was nervous or secretive, turning a blind eye to the reactions of Maud and Sunny.

She took a few steps forward, bent over to pick up the coconut that Maud had thrown to the ground.

Raising his hand to gently pat the sand off the coconut, Jaya looked at Maud and Sunny.

"Mash the dug out coconut meat, then add hot goat milk and rock honey. After a few stirrings, it will be a good bowl of hot drink, so it would be a waste to throw it away."

"You are?"

Maud looked at Jaya.

The woman in front of her looked very harmless, but she gave people a sense that could not be underestimated.

"This sentence should be asked by me."

Jaya glanced at Maud's right hand on the hilt,

Calmly said: "But no matter who you are, please leave quickly."

Maud noticed Jaya's wink and let go of the knife handle.

Being vigilant is a good thing, but it's really not polite, and he can see that the woman in front of him is not malicious, but that they are not very welcome.

"We're looking for someone."

With that said, Maud glanced at Sol on the beach.

Sol also noticed the situation here, but he didn't care, and walked slowly with a cane.

"Find someone?"

Jaya was a little puzzled.

Maud nodded and said, "Yes, we came to Mengmeng Island to find a man named Jabba."

"Come to Jabba..."

There was a hint of alertness on Jaya's face.

"Who are you?"

"Well, let Sol explain, it's the old man."

Maud pointed to Sol, who was walking slowly.

The woman in front of her clearly knew Jabba, so let Thor explain.

Jaya followed Maud's guidance and looked at Sol, who was leaning on crutches.

little old man...

Seems like I've heard Jabba mention it.


Marin van Dou, a crescent-shaped island, is also the seat of the naval headquarters.

There are thousands of islands in the sea. When it comes to safety, Marin Vando can be ranked in the forefront.

On this extremely safe island, a very humanely built town is dedicated to the family of the navy.

The peaceful environment brings smiles everywhere in the town.

Living here, they don't have to worry about the threat from pirates at all.

To the south of the town, there is a cemetery.

Large tracts of white marble tombstones are scattered on the ground.

The distance between each tombstone is not long. If you measure carefully, you will find that the space between the tombstones is not enough to put the coffin.

Therefore, the tombstones erected here and there are more dense.

Garp walked into the cemetery with a bottle of spirits in his hand.

He walked through the trails with ease and came to one of the white tombstones.

The tombstone is engraved with numerous names, which means that no bones are buried under the tombstone.

In fact, most of the cemeteries are full of clothes.

Garp squatted down and silently looked at the densely packed names on the tombstone.

In the long struggle between the navy and the pirates, people often only value the results, how can they waste their energy to remember these names?

Over time, they look like people who never existed.


Without a word, he pulled the cork, and Garp poured most of the wine on the tombstone.

The clear wine flowed over the name on the tombstone, and a mellow aroma of wine filled the air.

When there was only a little left in the bottle, Karp stopped his hand, pointed the mouth of the bottle to his mouth, and drank the remaining wine in one breath.

Putting down the empty wine bottle, Garp sat cross-legged.

The breeze blew, rolling up the grass clippings.

After a long time, there was light footsteps behind him.

Garp didn't have to look back, he could tell that it was Lieutenant General Crane by the sound of footsteps.

Lieutenant General Crane came to Karp's side with his hands behind his back, and his eyes swept across the obvious scar on Karp's cheek.

"I didn't see you when I went to the office, thinking that you might come here."

"As expected of Xiaohe."

Cap laughed.

Lieutenant General Crane squatted down, looked at the name on the monument, and said calmly: "During this time, those little kids have been asking how the injury on your face came from."

Karp smiled nonchalantly: "It's okay if you say it straight, it's not a shameful thing."

Hearing the words, Lieutenant General He glanced at the scar on Garp's face again, and said, "I thought it was a spear, but I didn't expect it to be that boy."

"Ha ha."

Garp's words flashed through Sol's mind suddenly, and he couldn't help recalling the momentum of Maud at that time.

"That young man is really powerful. The shot that was fired at that time, although immature, made me feel the will contained in it."

"Just now, the boy's reward order has been established."


Karp was surprised at first, then suddenly.

After all, a colonel of the headquarters was killed by that boy.

To establish a wanted, it has become a matter of course.

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