HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 132 Maybe 1 point lower

Regarding the fact that Maud is wanted for a reward...

Karp didn't care, even if he was shot by Maud, he really didn't think about it.

On the contrary, Gion attached great importance to it, and personally put together various detailed information, and then submitted it.

Thanks to her efforts, the navy finally established the bounty.

Karp tilted his head to look at the calm-faced Crane and asked curiously, "How much?"

"68 million."

"That high?"

Karp was a little surprised.

Although this starting bounty amount is not unprecedented, it is not a small amount either.

The killing of the colonel alone should not be enough to set such a high bounty.

"It's a bit high."

Crane got up slowly and said calmly: "But the materials submitted by Gion have indeed proved that the boy deserves the reward."

"Are you information..."

Karp was somewhat interested.

Crane glanced at Garp and said, "I have already put copies of those documents on your desk."

Karp was startled when he heard the words, and then he laughed.

"It's really understanding, Xiaohe..."


Office of the Marshal.

Sengoku sat behind his desk, clasping his hands against his chin.

There are two documents on the table in front of him, and next to it is a reward order that has just been printed out.

"Bacardi Maud."

Warring States bowed his head slightly, his eyes fell on the reward order.

A young but heroic black-haired boy appeared on paper.

It was this teenager who left a scar on Garp's face.

Despite the insignificant scars, it also depends on who the injured person is.

At first, when Sengoku saw the gunshot wound on Garp's face, he subconsciously believed that the wound was from the hand of a trick gun.

Therefore, when Karp told the truth, it was difficult for Sengoku to believe it.

Now, Sengoku has a comprehensive understanding of this boy through the detailed information compiled by Gion.

"This kind of qualification..."

Warring States muttered to himself and turned to look at the two documents next to the reward order.

The above information has been memorized by his heart.

He was born in the Youth Chamber of Commerce, suffered misfortune, and finally ended up in Mad Hatter Town.

In just a few months, he has grown from a rich kid who was hollowed out by alcohol to the point where he could wound Garp with a single shot.

During this time.

More than a dozen pirates with a bounty between 10 million and 20 million.

Two pirates with a bounty of 30 million to 40 million.

Kabang Becky, the leader of the West Sea Bandit Gang.

Colonel Robbie, who makes good use of the Six Forms.

These people are all broken into the hands of young people.

In the face of such illustrious achievements, the terrifying aptitude possessed by the youth is clearly reflected.

As far as this year is concerned, there is only one Pirate Nova that the Warring States period is concerned about.

That is Portgas. D. Ace, a dazzling pirate star who bears the name of D.

And now...

Warring States supported his forehead and sighed softly.

This young man has a clean background, and with such aptitude, if he is recruited into the navy, he will definitely be ranked as a general in time.

Too bad there is no if.

Sengoku looked up at Aokiji who was sitting on the sofa with a listless face.

"Qingzhi, what do you think about this young man?"

"Ah la la."

Qingzhi reluctantly cheered up when he heard the words, touched his chin, and said seriously: "It took only about three months to master such a skilled domineering. If the information is true, it can be said that there will be endless troubles."

"Three months?"

Warring States shook his head and said solemnly: "According to the existing information, it will take no more than a month for this young man to learn domineering, and what you said is skilled,

What is the specific feeling? "


Qingzhi groaned and said: "Although his domineering is weak, his skills are very skilled. That's probably how he feels."

Warring States showed a dignified look and said, "That is to say, after this young man learned domineering, he fully mastered the skills in a short period of time, and even wounded Garp with a firearm."

Qingzhi nodded, recalling the situation at the time, and couldn't help but sigh: "That shot really doesn't seem like something a beginner can do."

The Warring States were silent.

After a while, he picked up the document recording Maud's information and handed it to the goat squatting on the table.

The goat opened his mouth to put the document in his mouth, and then chewed the document leisurely.

"68 million."

Sengoku watched the goat shredding paper.

The origin of this handful of starting bounties is mainly based on the people that Maud has defeated.

That is Becky, Abe, and Robbie.

In addition, the result of Maud's shot wounding Garp will be listed as one of the reference factors.

It is precisely because there are so many dominant factors as a reference that there will be such a high starting reward amount of 68 million.

But this bounty amount did not take into account the hidden factors.

That is Maud's qualifications.

And, the man standing behind Maud——Squirrel Spear Thor.

"Maybe a little lower..."


a few days later.

A certain town in the West Sea.

There are two pirate ships moored at the port.

Not far away, there was a warship engulfed in flames sideways.

On the sea around the warship, dozens of floating corpses in naval uniforms were visible to the naked eye.

Without the protection of the navy, the two groups of pirates rushed into the town without hindrance to burn, kill and loot.

The town suddenly became hell, and screams, roars, and screams came one after another in front of the inhuman butcher's knife.

In fact, the two pirate groups are not cooperative, and it can only be said to be a coincidence that they will target this town at the same time.

In the face of such a coincidence, both sides are obviously unwilling to give up their fat.

After all, when there are more people, it means that what you can get will be correspondingly less.

So, the two pirate groups fought like this.

The captains of both sides are good knives, and their strengths are comparable.

They fought in a group, and after the short-handed handover, there was a sudden shadow of swords and swords.

With the sound of the iron hitting, sparks burst out.

The two were of equal strength, and the battle situation became stalemate for a while.

After a while, the two fought for hundreds of rounds, but neither could do anything to the other.

According to this trend, without playing a few hundred rounds, I am afraid it will be difficult to tell the winner.

In the midst of this intractability, one of the captains suddenly drew a short-handled flintlock from his hat.

With a gunshot, the battle that lasted for hundreds of rounds ended in an instant.

"I didn't expect it, hahaha!"

The gun-pulling captain looked up and laughed wildly as he watched an evenly matched enemy get shot down by himself.

The captain who was knocked down by a shot used his last strength and said, "No, shameless...!"

The captain who drew the gun looked at the defeated general who was about to die, and said coldly: "The reason for your defeat is that you don't understand the horror of Usoppliu."

After all, it is a knife.

After killing the enemy, the gun captain was in high spirits.

Right at this moment, a messenger gull flew over and dropped a few bounties.

One of the bounties slowly fell on the corpse.

Seeing this, the gun-pulling captain picked up the reward and looked at it, and his expression changed drastically.

"68 million!"

"Well, this is..."

Looking at the photo on the bounty order, a starlight suddenly appeared in the eyes of the gun-pulling captain.

at the same time.

Everywhere in the West Sea has received real-time updated bounties.



Beside the open-air swimming pool of a mansion, Shichibukai Doflamingo was lying on his back on a sun lounger, surrounded by several hot women in swimsuits.


Doflamingo's right arm hangs down to one side at will, holding a reward in his hand.

The downfall of Mad Hatter left him without a potential source of arms.

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