HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 23 Release

The latest website: "Waste, it's all waste!"

The middle-aged man with the golden crown roared on the deck.

The extremely angry voice spread almost all over the king ship.

This middle-aged man, that is, the current monarch of the South German Cannet Kingdom - Canette Rowell.

The bear boy Lyle, who was previously shot by Maud, was Lowell's favorite second prince.

It is precisely because of this that Lowell will take Lyle on board, the purpose is to take Lyle to the Holy Land Mary Joa to see the world.

I never thought that Lyle was shot and killed before even Donghai went out...

Even though he had thrown the poorly guarded soldiers into the sea to feed the fish, Lowell couldn't let out his anger.

In this situation, if he didn't torture the murderer thousands of times, how could his anger be quelled.

But in fact, after asking about the situation, not only did he not assign the troops on the king's ship to support the navy responsible for escorting, but he even issued an order to avoid it.

The motive for this is to avoid risks, and at the same time, it allows the two warships from the headquarters to deal with the murderers.

There is no doubt that Lowell really wants to avenge the lovely second prince.

But until then, how could Lowell waste two ready-made warship thugs?

Taking the preservation of one's own resources as the premise, and then using whatever means can be used is the excellent quality that a king should have.

Lowell has always been like this, so even when he's angry, he doesn't do stupid things.

After venting on the deck, Lowell looked at a tall and strong man beside him.

"Felton, go find out the situation."

"Yes, Your Majesty Lowell."

The captain of the guard, called Felton, hurried to the observation deck.

Rowell still couldn't hide his anger, the blue veins on his face could not go away in a short time.

Even if the two warships can solve the murderer,

No matter what he said, he would put a big hat on the navy that was not good for escort.

It's not over!

Rowell growled inwardly.

Felton had only walked for a while when he heard the exclamations of the soldiers around him.


Felton realized something and turned around suddenly.

In the distance, Maud and Lafayette came quickly.

Seeing this, Felton's face changed greatly.

"Protect Your Majesty Lowell!"

Felton roared, took out the saber from the scabbard, and rushed to Rowell's side as soon as possible.

Hearing Felton's order, the surrounding soldiers in armor mobilized one after another, lining up to protect Lowell in the middle.

A group of princes and nobles who came out of the cabin not long ago saw that the situation was not good, but they returned to the cabin for the first time.

"The waste navy, even two people can't solve it!"

Rowell also saw Maud and Lafayette coming here, and couldn't help scolding a few times.

In this case, how could he stay on the deck.

If he had known that the navies of the two warships were so useless, he would not have issued an order to avoid them, and directly let the soldiers sink the warships with artillery, maybe they would be able to solve the two murderers.

"Go away, don't get in the way!"

"As ordered!"

Under Rowell's anger, the soldiers immediately gave way to allow Rowell to go to the cabin.

"Felton, kill those two villains!"

After dropping an order, Lowell hurried through the soldiers and hid in the cabin.

He looked very calm on the surface, but he was half panicked in his heart.

The two warships were destroyed. If the soldiers who brought them couldn't deal with the two villains, then...

on the deck.

Felton looked solemn.

Those two warships are elites from the headquarters!

However, the two villains could not be stopped.

"Array, prepare to meet the enemy!"


The soldiers clenched their weapons, as if facing an enemy.

Maud landed on Canet's bow from the air, looking down at the armored soldiers on the deck.

The line of sight swept past, and finally stopped on Felton's face without a helmet.

A group of soldiers, and this man with rough facial features is not like a weak person.

Lafayette folded his wings and landed beside Maud.


The soldiers raised their standard spears and pointed them diagonally at Maud and Lafayette on the bow.

"Hoho, the momentum is good."

There was indifference in Lafayette's eyes.

Maud pulled out Chidori and raised his gaze a little, and he could see that soldiers in full armor filed out of the cabin.

At this time, the sailing speed of the king ship was decreasing.

After the soldiers were assembled, Felton raised his saber and shouted, "Attack!"




The soldiers aggressively attacked Maud and Lafayette on the bow.

However, only after the real fight will the soldiers understand what a gap is.

Maud and Lafayette each rushed into the enemy line, bringing a bloody storm.

The sturdy armor could not stop their slashing at all.

Twenty minutes later.

The battle is over.

Felton lay in the pile of corpses, half of his face covered in blood.

He is not dead yet.

Maud removed the hunter's note, raised Chidori, and pointed at Felton's neck.

Felton's blood-stained face was grim, and he roared: "If you dare to take action against the royal family of the joined countries, the world government will not let you go!"


Maud stabbed Felton in the neck.

Felton whimpered, and fell silent a moment later.

After collecting Felton's experience points, Maud closed his knife and walked to the cabin.

Lafayette smiled and glanced at Felton's corpse, closely following Maud.

The two walked into the cabin one after the other, and the aura of money rushed towards them.

Looking at the extremely luxurious decoration in the cabin, Maud sighed: "As expected of a royal family, I'm really willing to spend money."

"There were more people in the cabin than expected."

Lafayette swept the cabin with his knowledge and found that there were nearly 500 people on board.

Aside from the corpses of soldiers on the outer deck, the number was a little unusual.

When Maud heard the words, he also roughly sensed the amount of breath in the lower cabin with the color of seeing and hearing.

"It's a bit more."

Maud looked at a room not far away.

In that room alone, there are fifty or sixty breaths.

"Go and have a look."

Maud came to the door of the room and pushed the door directly in.

This is a resplendent room.

On the left side of the room against the wall, there is a set of tables and chairs inlaid with gold and engraved silver.

On the table are the half-eaten delicacies and the jug that spilled the wine.

On the ground and even on the chairs, you can see many hand crossbows with exquisite shapes.

On the right side of the room, against the wall, stood a white wooden cross, a total of twelve, arranged in a line.

A naked man and woman are bound on each cross, and there are quite a few small sleeve arrows stuck in their bodies.

The strands of blood flowed out from the position where the sleeve arrow pierced, and fell to the ground along the body, gathering a pool of blood.

As long as you carefully observe those hidden arrows, you will find that those hidden arrows are mostly avoiding the key points, gathering on the limbs of these people, and you can even see a few hidden arrows nailed to the fingers.

Not far from the cross, there are two iron bars.

Inside were more than twenty adult men and a dozen adult women.

Without exception, they huddled in the corner of the cell and shivered.

"These people...are slaves?"

Maud frowned, glanced coldly under one of the tables, and immediately walked to the nearest cross.

On it, a woman with her head bowed and her breath weak was bound.

"Kill me...kill me..."

After approaching, Maud heard the woman's voice like a mosquito chirping to herself.

Maud's gaze swept across the bloody body of the woman.


This is the number of sleeve arrows on a woman.

Maud looked at the hidden arrows silently, and probably guessed what was going on.

It is nothing more than the way that princes and nobles take pleasure in slaves.

And this woman, apparently...

"Kill me...kill me..."

"it is good."

Maud responded with a sound, raised his hand and twisted the woman's neck with the fastest speed.

The woman's voice stopped abruptly.

After helping the woman free, Maud instantly felt the pleading eyes from his side.

The masters of those eyes were those who were tied to eleven other crosses.

They also want to get out quickly...

Maud ignored them, turned and walked straight to the table where the delicacies and spirits were placed.

There was a man hiding under one of the tables.

Maud came to the table and raised his hand to lift the tablecloth.

"Don't kill me!!!"

As the tablecloth was lifted, a terrified voice came from under the table.

Maud smelled a faint smell of urine.

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