HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 24 Whose blood?

The latest website: Hidden under the table is a fat middle-aged man with a face full of flesh.

When the tablecloth was lifted, the fat man in aristocratic costume was directly scared to pee.

"Don't kill me!!! I have money, yes, I have money!!! As long as you don't kill me, I can give you any money!!!"

Feeling the cold gaze from Maud, the fat man's body was shaking like a sieve.

"get out."

Maud said coldly.

"Okay, I'll get out now!"

The fat man really rolled out from under the table, showing a strong desire to survive.

Maud looked at the pot-bellied middle-aged man and asked, "What's going on in this room?"

"This this……"

The fat man hesitated.


Maud opened the scabbard with his thumb.

The fat man shook violently, lowered his head and said in a trembling voice, "This room, yes, is the shooting range we usually use for recreation..."


When Maud heard the words, he glanced at the man tied to the cross and frowned.

Lafayette came to a table next to him and lightly touched the soup on the plate with his index finger, which was still warm.

It seems that they disturbed the interest of these nobles.


Really bad fun.

Lafayette pulled a trace of disdain from the corner of his mouth, and picked up a hand crossbow that was no different from a short-handled flintlock from a chair.

The arrows loaded on the crossbow string are slender and small. With this size of the hidden arrow alone, it is difficult to cause lethal damage to the enemy if the poison is not applied.

Lafayette hands the crossbow to Maud.

Maud took the hand crossbow and glanced at it, and then looked blankly at the fat man who was half scared to death.

He had no interest in learning more about the so-called shooting range.

Immediately, he turned his hand crossbow to the side of the fat man's forehead.

The fat man saw Maud's actions, and the smell of urine under his crotch became heavier.

He just thought that Maud was dissatisfied with the explanation just now, and immediately said anything related to the shooting range like pouring beans.

After listening to a few words, Maud threw the crossbow to the ground, and suddenly stretched out his hand to grab the fat man's chin, and lifted the body that weighed more than 300 pounds.

The fat man was full of fear, his limbs struggled weakly, and he made a meaningless creaking sound.


Urine dripped from his crotch and landed on the floor.

With a flick of his arm, Maud threw the fat man toward the center of the room.


The fat man's body slammed heavily on the floor, and he was smashed to pieces, but he didn't recover for a while.

In the cell, the slaves who were huddled and shivering in the corner were now standing behind the iron bars, staring at the fat man with hateful eyes.

Maud passed the fat man and came to the cross, watching these slaves who were regarded as "targets" by the nobles.

Target shooting is a score-based competitive game developed by fat men and other princes and nobles that can win bets.

Those who want to participate must first bet a million Bailey, and each round of target is limited to twelve people.

After the game starts, each player has only ten hidden arrows and a corresponding human target.

As long as you hit different positions on the human target, you can get different scores.

The highest scoring positions are the fingers and toes, followed by the ears, palms...

Simply put, the farther the shot is from the key, the higher the score.

And once you hit the key, you are eliminated on the spot.

Until the ten arrows are shot, the person with the highest score gets all the bets.

The nobles who were in this room before are obviously old players.

That's why there is a female slave with more than 60 arrows in her body.

Because those arrows basically avoided the key points and gathered on the limbs and other positions.

On the cross, one of the male slaves with more than fifty arrows in his body looked at Maud, his chapped lips moving.

"Please, help me free..."


Maud pulls out Chidori.

When the male slave saw this, a ray of light flashed in his dark eyes.

Maud, however, slashed the rope that bound the male slave's body with his knife.

The male slave fell softly to the ground, looking at Maud with a suspicious look.

"The woman just now can't live, but you are different."

After Maud finished speaking, he ignored the reaction of the male slave and cut off the ropes on the rest of the cross with a knife.

After helping the slaves who were targeted by the nobles to escape, Maud came to the cell.

The slaves in the cell didn't say a word, but there was light in the eyes of Maud.

They saw hope.

Maud ignored these gazes, slashed the door lock with a knife, and immediately turned around and walked towards the door.

"Lafayette, go."


The two left the room.

Only after walking a dozen steps, I heard a shrill scream from the room.

It was the fat man.

Lafayette glanced back at the room and said calmly, "It would be better to clean up all the people on the boat."

"Including slaves?"


"No need, I don't want to be hated by Sunny."


Lafayette didn't insist.

He has no interest in the weak, and the reason why he proposed to wipe out everyone on the ship was to delay the efficiency of the World Government's investigation of this matter.

Maud and Lafayette went to the next room and pulled out two men in noble clothes from the closet and under the bed.

Facing the begging of the two men, Maud was indifferent and let Lafayette kill him.

After that, the two found some gold and silver jewelry from the room, mostly rings and necklaces.

In this way, he swept the rooms one by one, and found many male nobles who were hiding, and saw slaves who were in miserable conditions.

As long as the nobles are, Maud will not stay.

The deadly feud has been settled, and he doesn't mind making it bigger.

"Lafayette, split up."

"it is good."

In order to resolve the matter as quickly as possible, Maud and Lafayette split up.

At this world meeting, King Lowell of the Canet Kingdom decided to set sail on the king ship.

Because of this, many princes and nobles in the country followed on board.

They regarded the voyage as a long-term social event, but they never expected to encounter two evil stars in the East China Sea.

Maud swept the past all the way, basically some gold jewelry, without any banknotes.

After sweeping one room, Maud goes to the next room.

Pushing open the door, Maud walked into the room and saw a burly man tied to a sling by a chain at a glance.

"Are you a slave again..."

Maud glanced at the furnishings in the room.

There was no furniture, just a rack and a table full of utensils such as long whips, pliers, knives and hammers.

Maud retracted his gaze and turned to look at the burly man on Xingjia again.

The man lowered his head and couldn't see his face clearly. His upper body with twisted and intertwined muscles was covered with wounds left by various tools.

There are stab wounds, whip wounds, blunt wounds...

There are hundreds of these injuries, and they are very serious.

If a normal person had suffered such a serious injury, he would have been close to death.

But this burly man's breath is still calm.

Seemingly aware of Maud's gaze, the man on Xingjia slowly raised his head and looked at Maud who was standing in front of the door.

That look, as if looking at a dead person.

Perhaps it was because of this piercing gaze that this man was given special treatment. He was directly held here and tortured slowly.

If there is no change, sooner or later, he will be tortured to death.

Maud ignored that gaze, came to the man, and asked, "Slave?"

The man looked dumb, did not speak, but stared at the blood on Maud's body.

"Whose blood?"

After a few seconds, he asked.

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