HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 25 Events (4,600 words 2 in 1)

whose blood?

What a strange question.

"Is this question important?"

Maud looked closely at the wounds on the man's body.

Tsk, the old injury has not healed, and the new injury has arrived, which is the true portrayal of this man.

For such a serious injury, the pain-bearing capacity alone is extraordinary.

The man was staring at Maud, his eyes focused in a bundle without the slightest emotion.


He didn't get a drop of water for many days, his voice was hoarse and low, and he spoke like a low roar of a beast.

Maud raised his eyes to meet the man's gaze.

A man's eyes that seem to be looking at a dead person will be displeased by ordinary people, let alone those aristocrats.

To be tied and tortured here is somewhat self-inflicted.

"There are navy, there are soldiers, and the nobles on the ship are probably those."


The man was silent, but his mouth slowly opened, revealing a set of neat white teeth.

He laughed.

At the same time, there was a touch of warmth in the eyes looking at Maud.

"Good kill."

There was joy in that hoarse, low voice.

Is it for the navy or the nobility?

Most likely the latter.

Maud became interested and asked, "What's your name?"

"Mars Jim."



Jim answered with candor, as if he didn't care about his slave status.

Maud thought for a while, pulled out Chidori, and cut off the layers of chains that bound Jim.


The heavy chains fell to the ground with a muffled sound.

Jim looked at the chain that was easily cut off with surprise in his eyes.

Without the shackles of the chains, he stepped down from the Xingjiao.

The feet that were smashed by the sharp weapon supported his weight and stepped on the ground.

The pain was enough to make ordinary people scream and roll, but it only made him frown.

"You are very good. It would be a pity to die in such a broken place."

Maud slowly sheathed Chidori.

Jim looked at Maud silently.

Maud said lightly: "You are free."

After saying that, Maud turned and left.

This man named Jim has extraordinary toughness.

Not the body, but the spirit.

There is such a number one person in the East China Sea?

However, if he and Lafayette hadn't come to this ship...

Maybe one day, maybe two days.

This man will surely be tortured to death, becoming one of the cold numbers that increase every second in this world.

Jim looked at Maud's back in silence until Maud walked to the door and asked aloud, "What's your name?"

"Bacardi Maud."

Before stepping out of the room,

Maud left his name.

Jim looked at the empty door, read Maud's full name in a low voice, and immediately stepped away from his appalling feet and came to the table where various torture instruments were placed.

Glancing at the torture tool on the table, Jim stretched out his right hand, which was also scarred, and picked up a knife from the torture tool.

Then he took a knife and used a rough technique to scrape the hair from his head.

After a while, he shaved his head.

Because of the rough technique, there were more than a dozen wounds that began to ooze blood on the smooth head.

Without the cover of the hair, it also revealed the circular mark on Jim's forehead.

That brand is not the dragon's hoof mark, but it is also regarded as a mark of slave status.

After shaving his hair, Jim walked towards the door.

With every step, a bloody footprint appeared on the ground.

the other side.

In a huge and luxurious room, Lafayette smiled and looked at Lowell, who was wailing in front of him.

There was a bloody palm lying on the ground, next to a fine flintlock gun that had been cut in half.

"Ben, this king is..."



Lafayette stabbed into Lowell's open mouth when he spoke, and then picked out a piece of his tongue.

Lowell's half-spoken words suddenly turned into a meaningless whimper.

"What is it?"

Lafayette backhanded with a sword, nailed his tongue to the ground, and the smile on his face revealed a bit of strangeness.

Lowell fell to the ground with a face full of fear, not daring to make any more sound.


Lafayette smiled, put away the stick sword, and dragged Lowell out of the room.

A few minutes later, he dragged Lowell to the lobby of the cabin.

Many parts of this ship are flashy, and the inner structure is built in the style of a castle.

Around the hall, there were about one hundred and twenty slaves standing scattered.

Most of them are naked and can only wear curtains or tablecloths as clothes.

Maud was also in the lobby, and there was a bulging cloth bag on the ground in front of him, which contained the gold and silver jewelry that had been looted along the way.

Lafayette dragged Lowell to Maud.

"This is the king of Canet, and the right person to go to the World Conference."

Lafayette threw Lowell in front of Maud with a flick.


Rowell raised his head to look at Maud, his eyes were full of thorough fear, and the mouth full of blood spattered to the ground with the whimper.

Maud glanced at Lowell, then looked at Lafayette, and said, "Just kill him, don't bring him here."

Hearing Maud's words, Rowell's body trembled.

Lafayette smiled and said, "Hoho, just came up with a fun idea."

"Tell me."

Maud looked at Lafayette, thinking that Lafayette is rarely so interested.

Lafayette glanced at the slaves and said calmly: "Provide them with an opportunity to vent their violence, you say, will they cherish it?"

In the words, they are naturally referring to the slaves around.

Maud looked at Lafayette with a hint of surprise.

After getting along for a long time, he had forgotten that Lafayette was known for his abuse of violence.

"Try it, and then you'll know."

Maud had little interest, but he wouldn't stop Lafayette.

Lafayette smiled, took out a handful of gold and silver jewelry from the bag, and threw it to the ground.

The small and delicate gold and silver jewelry were scattered all over the place.

The light sound when it landed was like a light fist hitting the hearts of many slaves.

Lafayette held up his cane, the end resting on Lowell's neck, a dangerous smile on his pale face.

"This is King Rowell of South Canet. If anyone among you kills him alive, you will get these cute little things."


There was silence in the arena.

The slaves looked at each other, but no one dared to step forward.

That's the lord of a country, if it's discovered later...

The slaves could not even think about it.

A few minutes passed without any movement.

Lafayette looked calmly at the slaves who did not move.

So be it.

Lafayette thought to himself.

At this moment, a dull footstep came from behind the crowd, but it was Jim from the kitchen.

The first thing he did to regain his freedom was not to deal with his injuries, but to eat and drink in the kitchen.

Because of this, he will appear at this point in time.

Hearing the footsteps, the slaves looked back at Jim, who was an upper body taller than them.

At the same time as their faces changed, they subconsciously gave way.

Jim walked across the path the slaves had made way out of the way.

His mouth was full of grease, and he was holding a half-gnawed suckling pig in his hand.

When he was walking, he opened his mouth and took a bite of meat, but after chewing it twice, he swallowed it directly.

Jim was tall and strong, and stood out among the slaves.

With this height comparison, Maud and Lafayette immediately noticed Jim.

Maud didn't respond, while Lafayette looked at Jim seriously.

The wounds all over the body are much more conspicuous than the strong body.

Under the gaze of many eyes, Jim came to Lowell.

Without the slightest hesitation, he raised his right foot, which was still bleeding, and stepped directly on Lowell's neck.


Rowell's neck was directly crushed, and he lost his life in an instant.

Jim retracted his foot, and immediately took another big bite of the roast suckling pig.

At least half of these wounds on his body were contributed by Lowell.

For Lowell, there is an incomprehensible hatred.

Under this premise, even though he got this opportunity, he never thought of torturing Rowell to death, but solved it neatly without showing any hatred.

To achieve the desired results in the fastest way, this is the code of conduct that he has always kept in mind.

After trampling Lowell to death, Jim suddenly knelt down on Maud's knees.

The significance of making this move is only to make his eyes fall, not to make Maud look up at him.

"I don't want gold or silver."

After half-kneeling, Jim had to raise his head to meet Maud without the height difference.

Maud raised his eyebrows, looked at Jim who had shaved his hair with interest, and asked, "Then what do you want?"

Jim didn't answer immediately, but raised his oily left hand.


He tore off the skin with the slave brand on his forehead.

Blood flowed out of the wound immediately, and slid down the bridge of the nose to the chin.

After doing this, Jim said solemnly: "I don't want anything, I just want to give this life to you."

Maud calmly looked at the dazzling wound on Jim's forehead, suddenly lifted the cloth bag containing the spoils, and threw it in front of Jim.

"I don't need your life, but you can follow us."

After saying that, Maud turned and walked towards the exit.


Lafayette glanced at Jim unexpectedly, and immediately followed in Maud's footsteps.

Jim threw away the roast suckling pig in his hand without saying a word, then picked up the cloth bag and followed.

Under the watchful eyes of many slaves, the three of Maud left the cabin.

When he came to the deck, Jim looked at the soldiers' corpses on the ground, his eyes were still dead, and he rarely showed emotion.

"Go back to the ship."

Maud stepped on the moon step into the sky.

Lafayette took Jim into the air.

far away.

The mast boat is parked on the sea.

Bailey stood on the observation deck and kept looking.

Just in case, he had put up the sails and dropped the anchor.

"Why haven't you come back?"

Bailey muttered softly.

This was the thirty-third time he had spoken.

After looking around for a while, he finally let him see Maud's figure in the distance in the air.

"It can be counted back!!"

Bailey was a little relieved.


Soon, he noticed Jim's presence.

After a few minutes.

Jim sat cross-legged on the deck, taking care of his injuries.

The size of this mast merchant ship is not large, but it has basically everything it should have, such as medical supplies.

This is convenient for Jim.

It was still early, but Maud went back to his room and slept with his head covered.

Lafayette wanted to count the harvest, but he was a navigator and had to keep an eye on the heading, so he gave up.

On the deck, Bailey walked around Jim, his eyes constantly scanning the wounds on Jim's body.

Is that too much?

Seems to be a cruel man.

Bailey thought to himself.

Jim looked at Bailey, who seemed to be restless, but ignored it and focused on dealing with the injury.

He gave his life to Maud, not to eat and drink.

In order to be of value, he must recover from the injury as soon as possible.

While Lafayette was watching the wind, he occasionally looked at Jim, who was dealing with his injury.

In his opinion, Jim's foundation is not bad, he just doesn't know what his strength is.

As a navigator, Lafayette is already figuring out how to use Jim's labor force.

Based on the current understanding, the most suitable position seems to be only the helmsman.

"It remains to be seen."

Lafayette thought silently.

Whether it's Jim's abilities, as well as Jim's loyalty and values.

These are all things that Lafayette will focus on later.

He will not object to the decision made by Maud, but he will try his best to help Maud out of his worries.


seven days later.

An unremarkable merchant ship came to the offshore area of ​​Montmon Island.

Merchant ships tucked their sails and anchored on the sea.

Moments later, the merchant ship put down a small boat.

"This is Mengmeng Island."

On the boat, Sabo smiled.

Kerla threw the oars to Sabo and instructed: "Row quickly!"

"Okay, Lord Kerla."

Sabo made a joke, then picked up the paddle and started paddling.

The boat sailed slowly towards the beach.

After a while, the boat washed up on the beach.

Sabo and Kerla jumped out of the boat and walked towards the woods.

Soon, they passed through the woods and came to the ring valley where the inhabitants of Monmon Island were located.

Their arrival immediately aroused the vigilance of the residents of Mengmeng Island.

Jaya heard movement outside, picked up the axe, and walked out of the house.

I thought it was a pirate without long eyes, but unexpectedly it was a young man and woman.

Jaya squinted at Sabo and Kerla, and said calmly, "You two, we don't welcome outsiders here."

Sabo glanced at the axe in Jaya's hand, and was about to explain, when he heard Sonny's voice.

"Sister Ya, they are here to find me."

Sonny also came out of the house.

"Sabo, Kerla!"

Looking at the two of them whom they hadn't seen in a while, Sunny gave a big smile.

Seeing this, Jaya silently put away the axe.

"Sunny, I miss you so much!"

Kerla passed Jaya and hugged Sunny tightly.

Feeling the soft touch of Kirra's pressing against her body, Sunny muttered in a low voice, "It seems to have gotten a lot bigger."


Kerr pulled Sonny away with surprise in her eyes.


Sunny glanced at Kerla's chest without a trace, and then swept over Jayana's superior being.


With a sigh in her heart, Sunny turned to ask Sabo and Kerla's intentions.

"Kelra, why are you here?"

"Look at this first."

Kerla took a folded newspaper from her pocket.

Sunny took the newspaper and first glanced at the date habitually.

It was yesterday's newspaper.

Mengmeng Island is located in a remote area, and the newspaper delivery gulls only come once a week, so the newspapers received every time are several days ago.

Sonny spread out the newspaper and read it.

"It's Maud."

Sunny's eyes lit up when she saw the photo on one of the boards.

Sabo came to the side and smiled: "Maud has been very active during this time, thanks to him, this time we..."

"Cough cough."

Kerla pretended to cough, reminding Sabo at the right time.

Sabo stopped talking and laughed instead.

During the World Conference, the kings of the allied nations were to leave the country for the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

As a result, it gave the revolutionary army many opportunities to act.

Recently, the incident of Maud attacking the King Carnett and killing King Canet and many nobles spread throughout the East China Sea in just a few days.

Affected by this incident, a lot of turmoil arose within the Kingdom of Canet.

The original intention of Sabo and Kerla coming to the East China Sea was not to target the Kingdom of Kanette, but they happened to encounter the incident of the king ship created by Maud...

So, they don't want to miss this opportunity.

I came to Mengmeng Island on purpose, in fact, I also wanted to formally invite Sunny to join.

Sunny paid no attention to Sabo's reaction and read the newspaper reports about Maud carefully.

The annihilation of the Evil Dragon Pirates and the attack on the King Carnett ship are among them.

Sunny had a smile in her eyes when she saw Maud attacking the King Canet ship and freeing many of the slaves on board.

"Sister Ya, look... Maud's bounty has risen."


Jaya smiled slightly, but didn't care.

However, she still took the newspaper and read it.

Of course, the focus is not on Maud's bounty, but on the content of the report.

After reading the report on the Evil Dragon Pirates, Jaya's eyes slowly opened.

Immediately afterwards, she read the report on the Wang Ship incident.

After reading it, she couldn't help being silent.

Is this a bad thing, or a good thing?

She was a little bewildered.

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