HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 26 Freedom

What it means to be a pirate is freedom.

But enough freedom also means unfettered.

And once human nature is unfettered, it will naturally spawn countless pirates who can only burn, kill and loot.

Most of Jaya's knowledge of pirates comes from those pirates who only want to loot Mengmeng Island.

Therefore, it is impossible for her to understand that [Freedom] is the most precious thing a pirate possesses.

As long as they are free, pirates can do evil and do good.

Therefore, no one can dictate what pirates can only do and what they can't do.

As a veteran pirate who has retired for a long time, Jabba has an extremely deep understanding of these issues.

Even so, he never instilled these things in Jaya.

In his opinion, if there is no suitable opportunity, Jaya will guard those ancient ruins that have been precipitated by time on Mengmeng Island in his life.

Since he has a relatively stable future, Jabba will naturally not be like Sol, thinking about bragging about the glorious days of the past with his juniors all day long.

The content of the newspaper had some impact on Jaya's cognition, and inadvertently squeezed the newspaper into a large wrinkle.

"Sister Ya, the newspaper..."

Sunny called out a few times softly, making Jaya come back to her senses.

"Ah, sorry."

Jaya narrowed her eyes, returned the almost disfigured newspaper to Sunny, and smiled apologetically.

"You don't need to apologize for such a trivial matter."

Sunny took the newspaper and glanced at Jaya suspiciously.

She felt Jaya was a little weird.

Jaya smiled and remained silent.

Sunny didn't think much, smoothed the paper, and looked at Maud's photos a few more times.

Seeing this, a small smile appeared on his face again.

Kerr stretched his hand to wrap Sunny's shoulder, and joked, "I've counted it for you, just one photo, you've looked at it nine times."

Sunny didn't care about Kerla's teasing.

It has always been her habit to read a newspaper over and over several times.

Seeing that Sunny didn't respond, Kerla lost her joking thoughts, and turned to business.

"Sunny, have you decided yet?"

"Well, you can go anytime."

Sunny nodded slowly and folded the newspaper properly.

Let Sol retire in Mommon Island, and there is Jabba to accompany her, she will have no worries.

Right now, Maud has been out at sea for a while, so she has to join the Revolutionary Army as soon as possible.

Only then can she and Maud establish a "cooperative" relationship as soon as possible.

Kerla smiled and said, "That's great, just come with us..."

Halfway through the conversation, Kerla glanced at Jaya out of the corner of her eye, and stopped the conversation at the right time.

Sunny didn't know the content of the second half of Kerla's sentence, but she could guess that it was something related to the mission.

Sabo watched quietly from the side, suddenly felt something, and couldn't help looking in one direction.

On the hillside at the end of the field of vision, Sol and Jabba were revealed.

The arrival of Sabo and Kerla naturally did not hide the eyes of the two old men.

"It's the Revolutionary Army."

Jabba took a sip of his cigarette and turned his head to look at Sol.

The arrival of the revolutionary army means that it is time for Sunny to set off.

Sol heard the words and didn't react at all.

In his old face, there was no sign of reluctance to part with it.

Jabba pouted, thinking that the old dwarf just likes to pretend.

The two old men walked side by side.

"Give me the newspaper."

Sol saw the newspaper folded in Sonny's hand at a glance.

Sunny handed over the newspaper.

Sol took the newspaper and spread it out to read.


Sol smiled knowingly after seeing Maud's photos and reports.

Jabba squeezed in and looked at the newspaper with Thor.

In a relatively backward place like Mengmeng Island, if you want to know the news from the outside world, you can only go through the newspapers.

Seeing that Maud has made so much trouble in less than a month, Jabba sighed: "This kid is messy enough, but...I like it."

Jaya heard the words and glanced at Jabba without a trace.

Jabba didn't notice Jaya's small movements, and his attention was still on the content of the newspaper.

"Dare to attack the royal family of the joined countries, and it will inevitably be settled by the autumn queen."

"So what? Just run fast enough."

Sol closed the paper and smiled contemptuously.

Jabba was silent, and he couldn't refute Thor on this point.

God knows how Sol's short legs turned into scuds in the back.

Saul returns the paper to Sunny, his head full of reports about Maud.

"I used to think that a person's life only needs to be exciting enough. Now, I just want to live longer."

"Idiot, who doesn't want to live longer?"

Jabba is very disrespectful to demolish the platform.

Saul raised his crutches and walked past.

Watching the two old people start fighting again, Sunny and Jaya were quite helpless.

"Sol, I'm going to follow Kerla and the others later."

Sunny put the newspaper in her pocket and brought up the matter of officially joining the Revolutionary Army.

Sol stopped waving his cane, turned his back to Sunny, and said lightly, "Oh, go."


Sonny nodded slowly.

After half an hour.

The ships of the Revolutionary Army slowly left Mengmeng Island.

On the beach, Sol, Jabba, and Jaya watched the boat go away.

After the ship turned into a small black dot on the distant sea horizon, Sol sighed in a low voice, his old face full of reluctance.

Jabba glanced at Sol's expression at the moment and shook his head.

Jaya looked up at the sky and said softly, "It's time to go back."

"Oh, what's good for dinner?"

Sol switched his mood for a second, looking forward to watching Jaya.


Jabba and Jaya were speechless.

On the way back to the Ring Valley Residence.

Jabba suddenly said: "Xiaoya, the outside world is very exciting."

The thoughtless sentence made Jaya startled.

"Speaking of wonderful, I have to mention my memoirs, Xiaoya, when you have dinner later, I will tell you as much as you want."

Sol leaned over, and with that happy look, he didn't have the slightest bit of sadness to say goodbye to Sunny.

Jabba looked at Thor, who was not serious.

He knew that Thor was just hiding his emotions in his heart.

"Ha ha."

Jaya smiled slightly, and then said nothing.

Facing the orange-red twilight of the sunset, a group of three walked towards the Huangu Residence.


Donghai, a pub in a small town.

The business of the tavern is not bad, and the occupancy rate is almost 90%.

A rectangular board was nailed to one wall in the bar, with more than a dozen pirates' bounties posted on it.

Among these reward orders, the lowest is only 3 million, and the highest is only 17 million.

At this time, a man with a big beard walked into the pub from the back door and handed a brand new reward to the bartender in the bar.

"stick it on."

The man is the owner of the tavern, motioning the bartender to post the recently updated bounty on the board.

The bartender did as he said, and did not read the reward order, but posted it skillfully.

After the post, the bartender had the mind to look at the bounty.

"10.2 million, quite high."

Having said that, the bartender felt that something was wrong. He was still quite sensitive to numbers, so he counted them carefully.

At this time, the men sitting around the bar also noticed the newly posted reward order.

"Someone's messed up again."

A man sighed with emotion, first looking at the handsome young man on the reward order, and then looking at the reward amount.

Then he was stupid.

A few seconds later, a few men next to him followed in the footsteps, and they were also stupid.

"One, one hundred million???"

The bartender's eyes almost popped out, and he shouted out the amount on the reward order.

In front of this board, he has handled countless East China Sea bounty orders, but this is the first time he has seen such a high bounty.

"Bacardi Maud... Where did this big man come from?"

A group of men stared blankly at the bounty order on the wooden board with a bounty of 100 million, and then compared with the surrounding bounties between 3 million and 17 million.

just like……

A father with a group of sons.

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