HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 27 I'm Broken

Such as the scene in the tavern, staged in various places.

The pirates were amazed at the existence of the big man Maud, while the navies in various jurisdictions of the East China Sea were under great pressure.

In the face of this invisible pressure, the tense navies all acted, and each strengthened the vigilance in their jurisdiction.

Such an obvious change immediately made many pirates miserable.

During this period, some unlucky pirates even collided with the muzzle of the navy.

East China Sea, Rogue Town.

This is near the entrance to the Great Passage, also known as the Town of Beginnings and Ends.

Because Rogge Town is very close to the entrance of the Great Channel, it has become a supply point for many pirates to go to the Great Channel.

At the same time, Rogge Town is also one of the more prosperous towns in the East China Sea.

For this reason, the Naval Headquarters paid a certain degree of attention to Rogue Town, and thus dispatched a colonel of the headquarters to be stationed here.

at this time.

Inside the office of the naval base, white smoke lingers.

"Cough, Colonel Smoker, I'm going to open the window!!!"


The white-haired Smoker sat back on the sofa with his legs crossed on the table.

He was naked, with two lighted cigars in his mouth.

Dusqi glanced at the sloppy boss with a helpless expression on her face.

After habitually pushing the frame, Dusky strode to the window and opened all three windows to let the smoke in the room escape.

Watching the smoke drifting out of the window made Dusky feel much better.

Then, she walked to a wall covered with bounty orders, and posted Maud's bounty order on it.

"I didn't expect Bacardi Maud to be in the East China Sea."

Dusty stared at the photo on the bounty.

This young man who looks younger than himself is now a big pirate with a bounty of more than 100 million.

On the sofa, Smoker raised his upper body and tilted his head to look at the reward order that Dusky had just posted.

He thought of a phone call from headquarters last night.

It was from Aokiji.

At that time, it was just a few words, to the effect that he should be careful about Maud.

Recalling the tone of Aokiji at that time, Smoker frowned slightly.

After all, it is a pirate with a bounty of over 100 million. Even if there is no reminder from Aokiji, Smog will not be underestimated.

But the problem is that this guy named Maud deserves to be called by Aokiji to remind him.

"Bacardi Maud."

Smoker whispered his name.

From the East China Sea to the Great Channel, most of them have to be supplied in Rogge Town.

This also means that if Maud and his group want to go to the Great Channel, they will most likely pass through Rogue Town.

Thinking of this, there was a coldness in Smog's eyes.

If Maud's group really came to Rogue Town, then, as a navy in his jurisdiction, he would not let Maud escape anyway.

East China Sea, Cocosia Village.

In the orange forest, two graceful figures were busy.

Not far away is a small bungalow.

Inside the house, on the table near the kitchen, there was a reward with an orange pressed against the corner.

The breeze blowing in from the window suddenly blew a corner of the reward order.

East China Sea, a small town.

A green algae-headed swordsman with three knives slung around his waist stood at a crossroads and pondered.

In his hand, he held a bounty order from the tavern owner.

A wanted criminal with a bounty of over 100 million!

This is unprecedented in the East China Sea.

It is also a challenging object for the bounty hunter Green Algae Swordsman!

East China Sea, Sea Restaurant Bharati.

The younger staff in the restaurant are diligently cleaning up after the last guests have been sent off.

Older employees sit around a table to take a break.

"Tsk, pirates with a reward of over 100 million."

A chef with a scar on his face holds Maud's bounty.

"The strength must be very strong!"

"Nonsense, the bounty is over 100 million, can you not be strong?"

"If this guy comes to the restaurant for dinner..."

"Bah, crow's mouth!"

Several chefs chatted around Maud's bounty.

When a blond curly-haired man passed the table, he subconsciously glanced at the photo on the reward.

"One hundred million, by the way, how much was the bounty offered by the stinky old man before?"

The curly-haired man thought about it for a few seconds, then put the question behind him and started thinking about tomorrow's menu.

East China Sea, Xi Luobu Village.

This is a peaceful and ordinary little village.

The latest reward order that flew to all parts of the East China Sea did not fly here.

The sun is shining brightly, and there are no clouds.

A sharp shout broke the peaceful atmosphere of the village.

"Not good!"

"A pirate ship is coming from the east coast!"

"A lot of pirates are entering the village soon!"

"Everyone, hurry up and escape!"

A long-nosed boy with a yellow mesh hood wrapped around his head was running on the village road.

In the houses on both sides of the village road, the villagers looked through the windows at the boy with a long nose who was yelling, but did not respond to the warning.

"Alas, Usopp is screaming again."

"It's like this all day long, doesn't that guy feel bored?"


Some villagers couldn't stand Usopp's ghostly screams, so they picked up a pot and spoon and threw it towards Usopp.

Usopp dodged to avoid the pot and spoon, and then made a face at the villager.

"Can't hit, hahaha!"

"Stinky boy, I have to teach you a lesson today!"

"Come, come, wow!"

Usopp ran away.

As he ran, he turned back and continued to make faces at the villagers who were chasing after him.

The villagers who were so angry that they chased after him shouted again.

"Idiot, just because you want to catch up with Usopp Master, just dream!"

Usopp turned his head to look at the angry villagers, and attacked with a mocking grimace, then increased his speed and left the villagers far away.

He looked back and angered the villagers, but he didn't notice a figure on the village road, so he slammed into the person.


With a muffled sound, Usopp fell backwards, his butt fell heavily on the ground, and he couldn't help screaming.

"Who are you, you don't have long eyes... so tall!"

When he saw that the person blocking the way was a tall, dark-haired boy, Usopp subconsciously changed his words halfway through his words.

This young man is Maud who has come from afar.

"It's alright."

Maud looked down at Usopp, who was somewhat similar to Jesus.

Seeing Maud's good attitude, Usopp's eyes flashed a hint of cunning, and he suddenly groaned.

"Ouch, my butt hurts so badly, it must be a broken bone!"


Maud laughed.

"It hurts to death! My legs are starting to lose strength. I'm not going to be half paralyzed, right? Look at you, hit me like this, if you don't treat me to a good meal, it's not over!"

Usopp continued to groan, like a young man who just joined the job.

"No problem, go to the restaurant in the village and order whatever you want."

Maud smiled and stretched out his right hand to Usopp, trying to pull Usopp up.

When he bent down, he couldn't help revealing the chidori long sword and the raven short-handled flintlock pistol under his coat.

Usopp thought that he could get a big meal, and after a few smirks in his heart, he was about to hold the hand that Maud stretched out and then got up, but he saw the long knife on Maud's waist and Flintlock.


Usopp's face froze suddenly, and his forehead was sweating for a second.

After a brief silence, Usopp stood up abruptly, spread his legs and ran.

"I don't know why, but my fracture has healed suddenly, so I don't need you to invite me to dinner!"

"How about that?"

Maud dodged and stopped in front of Usopp, who had already run five or six meters away.

Usopp stared blankly at Maud who suddenly flashed in front of him.


At this moment, the new young Pengci had no regrets.

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