HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 21 The Realm of Snipers

According to the [Neighborhood] information provided by Sunny's friendship, Maud screened ten prey from many neighbors.

Needless to say, the No. 1 prey is Reid killed by Maud, and the No. 2 prey is Garden who was assassinated just now.

However, Maud did not expect Garden to buy one get one free, which was a bargain.

In terms of physique alone, these two muscular men who slept in each other's arms tonight are obviously better than Watt and Red in terms of body.

However, the benefits obtained by Maud are not as obvious as the first two.

In this regard, Maud has long been mentally prepared.

He knew very well that the income model of the Hunter's Note was similar to the accumulation of experience points.

This is like a novice player who has just entered the game, as long as he kills a few slimes in the early stage, he can easily upgrade to two or three levels.

However, as the level increases, the experience point gain of the slime will decrease accordingly.

After that, you can only hunt for prey with a higher level, or a prey that matches your level, so that the gain of experience points will show a steady upward trend.

For example, if the current Morde can kill monsters like Kaido or Aunt, the physical benefits that come back will definitely make Morder at this stage go to heaven.

But that kind of thing can only be imagined in a dream.

Of course, Modd can also choose to continue hunting slime-level prey. Although the income is lower, it can also form a qualitative change through quantity.

Maud has done this kind of thing before.

When he was in the hunter world, he took advantage of the convenience of his position in the penal institution to personally execute a lot of death row prisoners.

During that period of time, he was madly brushing experience points, until the benefits of the current stage really dropped to zero, and then he stopped.

However, although this approach can gain experience points with zero risk, it will also greatly consume the blank pages of the notebook.

It is acceptable to use this method in the hunter world, but if it is used in the world of One Piece, it means a bit of self-destruction.

Because people who are different from ordinary people are very rare in the world of hunters, but in the world of One Piece, there are strong people crawling all over the place.

This is the fundamental difference between the two.

In other words.

That is, the number of selectable monsters in One Piece World is far more than the number of selectable monsters in Hunter World.

Therefore, even if Maud has thought of using money to buy slaves to generate experience points, he will not implement it hastily.

Back at the weapon shop, Maud washed and fell asleep.

Days go by.

The day before the temporary auction started, Maud had already successfully acquired neighbors No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5.

It's a bit of a pity that although the bounty of the nearby neighbors is not low, the quality of experience is not as high as expected.

After all, the evaluation of the bounty amount is not only determined by the strength, but also based on the [bad things done] and [the threat] to establish the approximate amount of the bounty.

And these neighbors, with average strength, obviously belong to the category of [doing too many bad things].

This also caused Maud to hunt down several times, and his physique was able to break through from fifteen times that of ordinary people to twenty times.

Nonetheless, Maud was satisfied.

He believes that with the capital he has now, he is enough to join in the fun in the outer circle of the auction.


A new day, the sky is clear and cloudless.

The auction has been warming up for almost a month, attracting people from all walks of life.

There are pirates, there are people in the underground world, there are bounty hunters who are not afraid of death who disguise and sneak in, and there are even undercover agents from the Navy.

This grand occasion made the inner bay port of Mad Hatter town almost full of ships, and various flags fluttered in the sea breeze.

If the navy sees this scene, I am afraid they can't help but have a kind of idea of ​​"if it can be served in one pot".

Despite the overcrowding of Mad Hatter with the pomp, Thor's weapon shop's business has remained sluggish.

On this day, the weapon shop is open as usual.

Sunny sat at the counter, staring at the door in a daze.

"It's the end of the month..."

Her mind is full of Devil Fruits from the auction.

However, that was destined to be something she couldn't get.

Sol rarely went to Huajie for morning exercises.

Maybe it was because it was full, or maybe it was because he suddenly remembered his responsibilities as a master.

Just today, he finally arranged an introductory exercise program for Maud.

"Why are you training your legs?"

Maud's legs were covered with black, unidentified metal.

Not to mention, it's quite heavy, and I don't know where Sol got these weights from.

It's just that he thought that snipers would pay more attention to the training of the stability of his hands, so it was strange why Sol asked him to train his legs first.

"Do you know what the highest level of a sniper is?"

Listening to the question raised by Maud, Sol asked back.

"do not know."

"Listen, the highest realm is that you don't have to run after a shot."


"Then do you know what the realm further down is?"

"No, I don't know."

"You don't have to run after ten shots."


"There is another realm further down, you know?"

"Just say it directly."

"Run after one shot."


"Did you think this was the end? Tell you, there's more!"


"The last realm is to run straight when the situation is not good."


Maud is messy in the wind.

Is this the sniper realm theory in the world of One Piece?

No, this must have been made by Thor himself.

But it seems to make sense.

Sol took a breath, and then said quietly, "Then what do you think you are now?"

Maud hesitated for a while, then whispered: "Seeing that the situation is not good, run directly?"

"Isn't that enough?"

Sol narrowed his eyes.

Maud was speechless for a moment.

At this moment, he somewhat understands these realm theories.

So I honestly started leg training.

He pondered, instead of not being able to become Usopp, he would be able to become a Sanji instead.


With a large influx of people, the already disorderly town of Mad Hatter is very lively today.

The frequency of the gunshots was extremely high, like bursts of cannon salutes resounding throughout Mad Hatter Town.

Blood-seeing murders have become the norm.

Such chaos did not cause chaos, but made the pirates completely revel.

Gambling street, on the avenue.

A group of generally tall men in black suits lined the street.

The person in the lead was a relatively short middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man wore a black hat and a striped suit with a cigar in his mouth.

Although he is short, he has a timid aura.

And a group of tall and sturdy younger brothers behind him are even more obedient to him.

"Damn, it's gangster Becky!"

"Are you courting death? Come back quickly."

"These guys kill without blinking an eye!"

When the crowd on the street saw the gangs lined up, they all retreated and gave up an empty road.

the other side.

Wine Street is still on the road.

A dozen people who died of stab wounds were lying on the ground in a mess.

In front of the group of corpses was a man wearing a black top hat and holding a cane with a strangely white complexion.

The man whistled casually while turning his cane rhythmically.

On both sides of the road, the crowd watched in horror as the man left.

"What just happened?"

"Okay, it seems like a moment..."

"I remembered, that person is... Lafayette, nicknamed the Devil Sheriff!"

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