HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 22 Special Visitors

For a devil fruit, all kinds of bulls, ghosts, snakes and gods from the West Sea gathered together.

This is supposed to be a carnival feast for pirates and people from the underground world.

However, there are also a small number of bounty hunters who are fascinated by interests and take risks to infiltrate them, as well as undercover naval agents who are not afraid of life and death in order to obtain intelligence.

Apart from these, there were even a few special guests.

The sea breeze came slowly, and a small and unremarkable pirate ship slowly sailed into the inner bay port of Mad Hatter Town.

At this time, the sea near the dock was full of ships, and there was no extra space.

However, this small pirate ship relied on the convenience of size to pass through these large ships abruptly, and then find a space for berthing in the crowded group of ships.

It can be seen from this that the skill of the person at the helm is extraordinary.

On the deck, a teenager with short wavy blond hair and a scar on his left eye threw the anchor into the sea.


The anchor fell into the water and smashed a large splash of water, which sank straight to the bottom of the sea.

After dropping the anchor, the young man clapped his hands and praised without turning his head: "Haku, your steering skills are as powerful as ever."

"Have you forgotten again?"

The tall man in charge of the helm did not respond to the praise, but instead reminded him inexplicably.


The boy wondered.


As soon as he finished speaking, he ate a palm knife on the back of his head.

The person who waved was a graceful girl in a short dress and black high-top tights.

Due to the slightly larger split, the red hat with diving goggles on her head accidentally fell on the deck, revealing a head of orange hair.

The girl's face was full of anger at this time, and she didn't bother to pick up the hat.

She stared at the boy with a puzzled face and said, "How many times do you want me to remind you, it's called a pseudonym, a pseudonym! Do you know what a pseudonym is!!!"

"Ha, sorry sorry, I forgot."

The young man was stunned, but smiled indifferently, then bent down to pick up the hat and helped the girl put it on.

The girl puffed her cheeks, looking like she couldn't stand you.

"Then, Steel Pipe, I want you to double-check. What should you call me? What should you call Haku?"

"Clara and Spottedridge."

"Very good, if you call it wrong again, you will be at your own risk!"

The girl who went by the pseudonym Clara clenched her fists and waved it a few times before walking towards the cabin.

The boy called Steel Tube rubbed the back of his head lightly, and muttered to himself, "But even if it's a pseudonym, don't take a name like Steel Tube for me that sounds ridiculous?"

"What are you still dawdling at there, get ready, you're about to get off the boat."

Clara's urging sound came from inside the cabin.

"I'm coming."

The steel pipe hurried to the cabin.

After a while, the outfits of the two changed a little, and they both wore darker shades.

The steel pipe wore a new black top hat, but Clara removed the hat she was wearing before and tied her hair.

What is more special is that there is an extra water pipe behind the steel pipe.

"Ha... Spotted Ridge, then please watch the house."

The steel pipe almost called out Haku's original name again, but fortunately he was reminded by Clara's stare, and he changed his words in time.

At the door of the cabin, Haku, who goes by the pseudonym Spotridge, nodded and said cautiously: "Leave it to me, but you two, be careful."

"Don't worry, don't do anything."

The steel pipe waved at the man and jumped off the boat with Clara.

The two walked side by side on the pier.

Clara glanced at the steel pipe sideways, lowered her voice and said helplessly: "I really lost to you, it's just a pirate ship that was robbed, even if it's a joke, don't just call it 'home'. "


Don't worry about such trivial things, it gives us a ride anyway, and it also provides us with a convenient disguise. "

"That's right, but... forget it."

Clara sighed softly, and immediately said with a serious face: "I have to remind you that the main purpose of this operation is to inquire about news, you must not mess around."

The steel pipe raised his hand and slightly pressed the brim of his hat, and said seriously: "I know that the primary task of this operation is to figure out the general layout of the troops on the 'labor factory' side. If conditions permit, a detailed map can be produced, and even more so It could not be better."

"As long as you know."

Clara nodded, then watched the flow of people around her.

"There are so many people even at the pier. It's hard to imagine how many pirates and people from the underground world will gather in the town."

"Oh, with such a grand occasion, we can act more conveniently."

The sight of the steel pipe swept across the surrounding environment and terrain like a dragonfly.


Suddenly, the steel pipe's eyes narrowed slightly, and he took Clara's hand and quickly stepped back to the side of the road.

Being hastily pulled to the side, Clara suddenly looked puzzled.

"Sorry, I'm a little sensitive to murder, although it's not aimed at us..."

The steel pipe explained a sentence, and at the same time, without a trace, he looked at a group of murderous pirates not far behind.

Being reminded by the steel pipe, Clara also noticed the group of pirates, took a quick glance and retracted her gaze.

The two of them slowed down in unison.

Soon, the group of pirates passed the two of them and headed towards the streets of the town.

Clara looked at the back of the group of pirates, carefully recalled the information related to the pirates in the West Sea, and whispered after a while:

"It's the Sharp Bull Pirates. Although they are not well-known in the West Sea, Captain Kazit is a Devil Fruit ability person of the animal system, and his strength is not weak.

A few days ago, the armed merchant ship of Birkin, one of the largest chambers of commerce in the West Sea, was attacked by a group of pirates. They should have done it. "

The steel pipe said calmly: "Ordinary pirates can't eat the armed merchant ships of the Platinum Chamber of Commerce. It must be a joint action between pirates."

Clara nodded: "Well, the possibility is very high."

"Anyway, as long as there is no conflict, it doesn't matter."

The steel tube looked back.

In this grand occasion, there are many people who are more powerful than the Sharp Cow Pirates.

Hearing the words of the steel pipe, Clara suddenly looked at him with strange eyes.

Aware of Clara's strange gaze, Gang Gang asked suspiciously, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

"It's nothing, I'm just a little surprised that your ideological awareness is so in place this time, which makes me have a wonderful feeling that you have finally matured."


The two walked into the street side by side.

At first glance, the streets are full of pirates with knives and guns, basically walking in pairs, and rarely alone.

Just walking a few hundred meters, you can see many bloodstains on the ground.

The flow of people was surging, and in addition to the noise coming from it, there was also the sound of swords colliding with each other, and scattered gunshots coming from farther away.

Following the collision of swords and swords, I saw a pirate slashing the colleague in front of him to the ground.

"Haha, idiot, this is what will end up messing with Lao Tzu."

The blood-stained pirate laughed wildly, but he did not forget to find the money and weapons on several corpses on the ground.

The surrounding crowd cheered the victorious pirates, as if they had just watched a bloody dog ​​fighting match.

"It's a mess."

Seeing this scene, Clara sighed in a low voice.

The steel pipe is not looking sideways, and his face is expressionless.

Such chaotic times are commonplace.

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