HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 24 Potential Targets

Taking advantage of the grand occasion of the auction to fish in troubled waters was something that Maud decided half a month ago.

If the hunting before this is not smooth enough, then decisively give up the idea.

But the hunt went well and the weapons were abundant, how could it be possible to heed Sonny's warning.

After returning to the room, Maud changed into dark clothes, and then took out the pre-prepared disguise.

dead letter armband,

Face mask.

The inspiration for this preparation came from mortician Arthur.

Therefore, Maud's own mask is somewhat similar to Arthur's.

The only regret is that I can't imitate Arthur's clear-cut engineering clothes, otherwise, Arthur might be able to bear the blame.

Maud quickly put on a dead armband, put on a mask that only exposed his mouth and eyes, and looked in the mirror.

"Well, it's alright."

Maud nodded in satisfaction.

Wearing a mask as a funeral director is the best way to cover up right now.

After disguising, Maud checked the weapons and ammunition.

Two flintlock pistols, a short dagger, and the most important [Usopp].

"Thirty lead bullets should be enough."

Maud scrutinized the ammo bag.

After the preparations were completed, Maud couldn't wait to go outside.

Climb to the roof of the house with ease, and head towards the tallest building nearby.

After a while, Maud came to the top floor of a five-story house.

Looking directly at the brightly lit street, it is hard to imagine that such a bustling night scene would come from an impossible area where many pirates gathered.

"The auction starts at nine o'clock, and there are still two hours."

Maud sat down unhurriedly.

He never thought about going to the auction from the beginning to the end.

Not because he was afraid of being caught by Sol, but because he felt that the potential risks in the auction house were higher than those outside.

So, as long as he can find a few fish on the periphery, he is very satisfied.

Maud had no plans to act until the auction began.

When he was idle, he took out the notebook that Sonny had given him, and read it through the moonlight.

The content of the records in the notebook is actually not as much as imagined, and the main targets are probably the pirates who live in Mad Hatter Town.

Maud looked over word by word.

Perhaps it was Sunny's habit. Before writing down the strength information of each target, she would describe the target's appearance in a few simple terms.

Although it is not as detailed as [Neighbors], it is enough for Maud to quickly recognize the target identity through the characteristics.


Maud turns the page every now and then.

I can't remember it clearly in a short time, and it's almost enough to leave an impression.

"Hey, Kidd has it too."

Turning to Kidd's page, Maud was a little surprised.

After a closer look, the intelligence content is more inclined to guess.

For example, through Kidd's dedication to buying guns, it is speculated that Kidd's marksmanship is very good.

Looking at it completely, in fact, there is still a lot of water. After all, it is basically speculation.

It must also be because Sunny has never heard of or seen Kidd's strength, and Kidd is from overseas, so he knows very little.

"The current Kid, probably hasn't eaten the Devil Fruit, and in terms of overall strength, it should still be in the growth stage."

Maud recalled memories of Kidd.

If there is a chance to kill Kidd now, Maud may hesitate, but he will definitely not miss the opportunity.

Because, no matter how much Kidd's experience value will increase in a few years, in Maud's view, it is not as important as the current experience value.

Turn to the next page to continue reading.

After turning a few pages, Maud suddenly saw his name, and there were several lines of description below it.

However, these words are all drawn with two black lines.

At the bottom of the intelligence information, there are several huge question marks that are particularly eye-catching.

And these question marks are no exception to the black lines.

"This black line is drawn as if I'm already dead."

Looking at the two straight black lines at the head and tail on the font, Maud shook his head slightly and continued to read.

Soon, the entire notebook will come to an end.

Afterwards, Maud began to deepen his impression for the second time.

After looking at it for about an hour, and after I had a general idea in my heart, I put the notes away.

To say that the most impressive thing is not the ruthless people that Sonny specially marked as extremely dangerous, but the Sharp Bull Pirates where Reid belongs.

Because of all the previous prey, only Reid can involve a group behind him. As for the other prey, they are basically scattered pirates who follow the trend.

"The Sharp Cow Pirates..."

Maud got up, looked at the lights in the distance, and his mind became slightly active.

Will notice the Sharp Cow Pirates, not just because of Reid.

The main reason is that the captain of the Sharp Cow Pirates is a Zoological Devil Fruit ability user.

Judging from the determinable information Sunny wrote down, it can only be known that it is one of the types of Niu Niu fruit.

One of the characteristics of the animal-type devil fruit ability is to greatly enhance the physical fitness, which is precisely the goal that can bring the greatest benefit to Maud.

From this, Maud can probably also infer the strength characteristics of the captain of the Sharp Bull Pirates, Kazsit.

Mostly, it has great strength, high defense, and high melee combat power.

In order to treat such a target as prey, breaking the defense is a point that needs to be paid attention to.

"It's a pity that there is no reward for Kaszt."

Maud muttered to himself, thinking that he had to find some time to collect bounties from various pirates.

Otherwise, like now, I wanted to record Kazette's name in the hunter's notebook in advance, but because there was no [face image], I couldn't do it.

At this point, the pirate reward order issued by the Navy made Maud a lot more convenient.

Not only a photo, but also a full name.

Although it is possible to go wrong with the name, the probability is extremely low.

"It's almost time."

Seeing that there was still an hour before the auction started, Maud stopped waiting and went straight to the direction of Wangjiao Street.


Pub Street, bars in laneways.

The Sharp Bull Pirates, headed by Kazette, came to the door of the bar called [Night].

The alley is not wide, and nearly a hundred men gathered here, suddenly crowding the alley.

Kazette glanced at the bar's sign, and immediately led the thirty people into the bar.

As for the others, they surrounded the bar with water.

In the bar, the bartender Tatamu and the Werewolf who was a guest were all expressionless looking at Kazette and the others who were unkind.

From that iconic horned helmet, and a mouthful of lush beards.

With just one glance, the wolf rat recognized Kazit's identity - the captain of the Sharp Bull Pirates.

As for why Kazette led the crowd here, Werewolf could guess it with his feet, and he was already mentally prepared.

Gently turning the wine glass, the wolf rat looked at Tata Mu who was stunned.


A painless apology.

In this regard, Tatamu was silent.

Kaszt looked at the wolf rat coldly, and said solemnly: "Wolf rat, right? I don't like to be around the bush."

"Oh, I can see that."

Werewolf glanced at Kaszt's horned helmet.

But not at all panic.

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