From Doflamingo controlling Atmos to slash and slash his companions, to Maud's gun shadow accompanying him and stabbing Atmos with a knife.

the whole process to the end.

Not even ten seconds.

In a sense, instead of being manipulated by Doflamingo to hack and slash his companions, it might be better to die at the hands of Maud.

Maud stepped on Atmos' corpse and felt the slight changes from his body.

As expected of a captain-level figure, the income from feedback is much stronger than that of the prisoners on the fifth floor of the city.


The income of a captain can be worth about 50 fifth-tier prisoners.

But compared to the physique benefits brought by Little Oz, it feels like nothing.

However, Maud was already satisfied.

The smile on Doflamingo's face faded, and he stared blankly at Maud.

The killing intent in his eyes rose like a flood, and his slightly bent fingers were ready to attack Maud at any time.


The last trace of reason was struggling to suppress his killing intent.

In the absence of a legitimate reason, if you kill Maud on this occasion, it will be a pleasure to solve the grievance.

But there is a high probability that he will be held accountable, and may even lose the position of Qiwuhai.

If the convenience brought by Shichibukai's position is missing, it will indirectly affect the transaction with Kaido of the beasts.

Thinking of this, Kaido's figure flashed in his mind, and Doflamingo's index finger, which had been raised upwards, was slowly lowered.

What he was afraid of was not Maud, but the man who was extremely powerful and possessed unimaginable vitality and defense - the beast Kaido.

Reason eventually trumps impulse.

But Doflamingo still recklessly revealed his killing intent, as if he would kill Maud anytime, anywhere.

Maud looked at Brother Doflaming, who had never made a next move, and slowly pulled out the autumn water. With a flick of his wrist, the blade shook slightly.

The blood that adhered to the knife was immediately scattered on the ice surface next to it, forming a plum blossom-shaped bloodstain.

Behind him is the anger and hatred from the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates.

In front of him was the killing intent from Doflamingo who wanted to tear himself apart.

Between the two, what deserves vigilance is not the group of pirates who are gradually approaching behind him, but the unruly guy in front of him.

"What, just posing there, not going to do it?"

Maud pointed the knife at Doflamingo.

When Doflamingo heard the words, several blue veins suddenly appeared on his forehead, but he only let out a gloomy furfur laughter.

"Arrogant brat, you can only show your power in the face of 'knowing your position'."

"Know your position?"

Maud backhand slashed behind him with a leaping slash, knocking down several pirates who tried to attack him.


When the screams and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from behind,

It also happened to be the time when Maud sneered at Doflamingo.

You don't know what you're about to face.


Maud said no more, and simply turned to face the angry Whitebeard Pirates crew.

Doflamingo looked at Maud's back coldly.

The desire to play with the enemy died down with this episode.

Seeing Maud kill Atmos with his own eyes, the members of Team Thirteen of the Whitebeard Pirates rushed to Maud angrily.

"Kill this Shichibukai bastard!!!"

Invading the square and taking revenge for Captain Atmos requires breaking through the high wall called Shichibukai by Maud.

The two goals do not conflict.

"I'm not interested in you guys, so... if you want to play, just play with my shadow aside."

Maud calmly watched the crew of the Whitebeard Pirates who were dominated by anger, and let the dark shadow clone leave the body and attacked actively.


"Stop looking down on people!"

The crew of the Whitebeard Pirates who swarmed over saw that Maud only sent shadows to meet them, and immediately became even more angry.


When the shadow clone rushed back and forth among them, they finally realized the weight of Maud's words.

"I actually... can't even stop a shadow's attack..."

Before falling to the ground, a pirate whose chest was fatally wounded by a shadow clone stared blankly at the back of the shadow clone rushing towards his companions.

"How can it be so far away..."

The strength was lost along with the blood, making the pirate's eyelids extremely heavy.

Darkness strikes.

The drooping eyelids concealed the unwilling luster that finally appeared in the eyes of the pirates.

puff tom-

The corpse fell to the ground.

The shadow clone is still attacking.

Light body, hard body.

Ling Ying's clone was like a no-man's land among nearly a hundred pirates.

Every few seconds, the shadow clone can successfully kill a member of the thirteenth team.

On the other hand, the members of Team Thirteen could not break the defense of the shadow clone at all, and their defeat soon became apparent.

Although they are members of the Whitebeard Pirates, their strength is far from the billion level.

With such a small number of people, it is somewhat whimsical to want to kill Maud.

"Why is even the shadow as strong as a monster..."

"I'm not reconciled..."

Seeing their companions fall one by one under the shadow avatar sword, the remaining thirteen team members were grieved and unwilling.

But what if you are not willing.

In this world, the weak eat the strong, and most of the time, only use fists to reason.

The shadow clone was exerting force, and Mod did not pay attention to the situation on the field at all. On the premise of maintaining the premise of seeing and hearing, he raised his eyes to look at the white beard who was facing off against the green pheasant and the green monkey in the distance.

His line of sight moved down slightly, falling on the light circle condensed on Whitebeard's fist.


Maud's eyes suddenly froze, just in time to see Whitebeard slamming into the air.

I saw the place where the fist fell, and the atmosphere cracked in a blink of an eye.

A shock wave capable of summoning a huge tsunami, even ten times stronger than a hegemonic country, was born out of thin air, and swept straight toward the square along the ice surface.

Everywhere along the way, the ice and the ground shattered.

The oscillating wavelength drove in, directly blasting a huge gap in the naval formation that was shrinking the defense line, and rushing to the execution platform on the square without losing momentum.

"Wow ah ah!"

Countless navies were sent flying by the shock wave coming from the front.

The giant conjoined lieutenant general was also shaken to one side in an instant.


The entire Marin Vatican, left high and right low, tilted up.

Sengoku on the execution platform, and Lieutenant General Crane and Garp under the execution platform, all stared solemnly at the shock wave of terrifying power that came directly.

This is the basis for Whitebeard's ability to destroy the world.

However, the emotions revealed in their eyes were nothing but solemnity.

When the shock wave was about to hit the execution platform, Akainu, who had been sitting on the chair since the start of the war, finally stood up.

at the same time.

Before Whitebeard made his move, Aokiji and Kizaru turned into elements and rushed back to the bottom of the execution platform at a faster speed, condensing their figures beside Akainu.

The three generals did not have any communication with each other, they just raised their hands in tacit understanding, and the palms faced the shock wave that came directly.

chi chi...

The equally mobile and domineering armed colors emerged from their palms, unexpectedly converging into a semi-circular shield, and like a bowl, some areas including the execution platform were buckled upside down.

The shock wave immediately slammed on the shield formed by the high-level armed color domineering, like a knife looking at the smooth glass cover, directly offset to one side.


The shock wave bombarded the town building on the left rear of the execution stand.

The powerful impact shattered dozens of houses in an instant.

When the aftermath dissipated, the surrounding was filled with smoke and dust.

The execution platform was safe and sound.

The Warring States glanced at the three generals below the execution platform.

Being able to block Whitebeard's attack was within the expectations of the Warring States Period.

"No more waiting."

Sengoku turned his gaze to Crane who was standing side by side with Garp.

With the passing of an order, the walls of copper and iron are slowly rising along the coast of the harbor.

After the three generals resisted another earth-shattering attack from Whitebeard, the Warring States finally started the encirclement wall plan.

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