A precise shot from a distance directly opened the prelude to tonight.

In the exclamation of Tatam, Maud looked as usual and loaded the bullet.

The ten-second reload time was enough for the members of the Sharp Bull Pirates to respond, and based on their own judgments, they hid in the bunkers they thought were suitable.

This is also a disadvantage that cannot be avoided at present.

If it is a modern firearm, in these ten seconds, Maud has the confidence to knock down a few more before the target hides in the bunker.

"Watch your surroundings."

Maud reminded, and immediately focused on the next prey.

One of the disadvantages of the flintlock gun is that the gunfire and gunpowder are more obvious.

After the first shot is fired, the sound of the gun will not only alert the surrounding people, but also reveal the general direction of the location.

But it's only an approximate direction.

Therefore, the bunkers that the members of the Sharp Bull Pirates were looking for in their haste were not perfect, and their bodies were more or less exposed to the gun lines.

With Tatamu and Werewolf around, Maud doesn't have to worry about the movement around him for the time being, and concentrates on finding his next target.

Soon, Maud stared at a target with half of his body exposed. After aiming, he did not rush to pull the trigger.

My mind was immersed in it, and when I held my breath, the vague feeling gradually became clear.

Only now did Maud pull the trigger.

Another shot went off.

On the farther deck, the pirate who accidentally exposed half of his body was knocked to the ground, and suddenly screamed.

The lead bullet hit him in the chest. Although it didn't hit the key point, if it was not treated in time, it would lead to death step by step.

And in this case, the pirates around didn't dare to rush out to help.

Wells didn't even look at his companion who was shot and fell to the ground. His attention was always on the direction the bullet came from.

After seeing the gunfire in the distance, Wells quickly set up the rifled long gun and aimed at Maud's position within a breath.

The sea breeze hit his face, causing his eyes to tremble slightly.

"Damn, it's a headwind..."

But without any hesitation, he pulled the trigger and fired a shot before quickly withdrawing from the bunker.

On top of the warehouse.


The buckshot that flew from the direction of the pier hit the eaves on the other side of the roof of the warehouse, several meters away from Mordeshang.

The wolf squirrel and Tatamu heard the movement and looked at the bullet drop point for the first time.

The opponent started to fight back...

To be able to find the position so quickly, it is obviously a sniper with a high level. Unsurprisingly, it should be Wells, the cadre of the Sharp Bull Pirates.


Then they looked at Maud and saw that Maud was almost reloading his ammo.

They wanted to remind them aloud, but they were worried that it would affect Maud's state, so they kept silent.

Maud loaded the third round of ammunition, still calmly set the muzzle.

Aim and shoot!


Another pirate fell on the deck of the Jian Niu pirate ship, which was still not a key point, but it was deadly enough.

After being hit by three companions in a row, the surrounding members of the Sharp Bull Pirates were terrified, and they all involuntarily looked at the positions of Wells and other gunmen.

This kind of confrontation between gunmen, as melee personnel, they can't help at all, they can only count on their own snipers to solve each other as soon as possible.

Otherwise, they will only become living targets.

Feeling the pressure from the eyes of his companions, Wells and several other gunmen secretly gritted their teeth, holding rifled long guns and fired a few shots at Maud's position one after another.

However, in the case of headwinds, even if the range and accuracy of the rifled gun is better than that of Maud's musket, it is difficult to form an effective threat to Maud.

in the next few rounds.

Four more members of the Sharp Bull Pirates fell.

Gradually, they realized that several of their snipers had been suppressed, and based on the frequency of gunshots, they could tell that there was only one enemy sniper.

This is more to fight less, but it was suppressed.

I deeply feel the horror of enemy snipers, and I am also extremely disappointed with my own snipers.

The slender Gabdon was half-squatting behind the mast, pressing the handle of the knife with one hand, calmly looking at where Wells was.

From his position, you can even see Wells' ugly and gloomy profile.

Gabdon is the captain of the melee team, but he doesn't want his teammates to become the ghosts of the enemy's guns without doing anything, and he can't care about Wells's face immediately.

"Wells, since we can't beat the opponent, cover us and hide in a safer bunker."

"it is good."

Wells' complexion changed, and he gritted his teeth in response.

He temporarily took over the command of the scene, ordered several team members who were also the gunmen to come forward to suppress Maud, and at the same time instructed the melee members to hide in the safe bunker he had judged from experience.

After doing this command work, the price was that one of the gunmen in the team was shot in the head.

In a full ten shots, two were killed and six were seriously injured.

As high as 80% hit rate makes Wells terrified.

This is still the case when there is only one opponent.

Even the chief sniper in the regiment had this reaction, let alone everyone else.

It is a stark contrast between enemy and snipers!

Gabdon was very calm, looked in the direction of the captain's room, and shouted, "Captain, you have to stay where you are, or should I take a few people to kill that sniper?"

After a while, Kazette's voice came from the door.


Just two bytes, but it contains the anger that is about to erupt.

Fortunately, Kaszt didn't know the identity of the enemy sniper, otherwise he might be so angry that his wound would burst open.

After getting the captain's approval, Gabdon gestured to a few players, then looked at Wells, and said solemnly, "Cover us."

"it is good."

Wells took a deep breath, struggling to suppress the shame.

Under the cover of him and several gunmen, Gabdon took five team members, quickly disembarked, and pressed towards Maud's position.

On top of the warehouse.

While loading the ammunition, Maud looked at the figures that left the Sharp Bull Pirate Ship.

There was a clear bullet hole about a meter in front of him.

It was a few rounds of guns, the closest bullet to him.

"Werewolf, it's almost there."

Maud reminded.

Werewolf nodded and said, "Pay attention to safety."

After that, he jumped out of the warehouse with Tatamu and greeted the team led by Gabdon.

After the Wolf Mouse and Tatam left, Maud also reloaded.

Raise the gun again and aim at the deck of the Sharp Bull Pirates.

In the sight, it is the bunker where Wells is.

"I found you, my dear prey."

Maud smiled slightly, as if he hadn't heard the sound of the successive bullets breaking through the air.

The firing frequency is significantly improved by a notch.

But Maud knew that it was Wells and the others who sacrificed quasi-headed play in order to suppress.

The purpose is also obvious, to create opportunities for the Gabdon team.

Maud, who has rich experience in gunfights, easily came to an accurate judgment.

"But I also have a qualified thug."

Maud whispered to himself, if Tatamu counted, it would be two.

A random shot was fired at the deck of the Jian Niu pirate ship. Maud left here and went to the next sniping point while loading the ammunition.

From now on, his sniper target is only Wells.

at the same time.

The shootout attracted many spectators.

Located in the shadows around the Sharp Bull Pirate Ship.

The secret guards from several pirate groups are closely watching this scene.

"Finally someone did it, and..."

"Which pirate group's sniper is, it's terrifyingly strong!"

The whistleblowers bared their fangs like sharks who smelled blood.

Once the opportunity is clear, the Sharp Cow Pirates, which were previously unshakable, will also become a piece of delicious meat.

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