HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 58 Star Frame

In this era of great sailing, it may be because of firearms, or because of the difficulty of training.

In many cases, the lethality and presence of gunmen are not as good as those of swordsmen or those who specialize in physique.

This has led to the allocation of combat members in most pirates to focus more on melee-type members.

Even if Jesus cloth is as strong as the four emperors, before moving to the later stage, he has to rely on his physical fitness and armed arrogance to support his comprehensive strength, so as not to drag the team down.

And since it is necessary to improve the physical strength and the domineering of the armed color, then, if you invest your energy in cold weapons or pure physique, won't you get a more intuitive lethality?

Looking at the kings of the sea, which one doesn't use cold weapons, or specialize in physique?

This is where the sniper is slightly embarrassed.

But in certain situations, snipers can undoubtedly become the most troublesome existence for the enemy.

Just like now.

The Sharp Bull Pirates, who had been defending a little, became Maud's living target.

In just ten shots, Maud lost eight members of the Sharp Bull Pirates.

This shootout that collided in the night was also caught in the eyes of many spectators.

It is unimaginable that the Sharp Bull Pirates, which has a dominant number of people, will be suppressed by a gunman.

The whistleblowers, who were trying to bite off a chunk of meat from the Sharp Cow Pirates, saw an opportunity in this shootout.

Although I don't know which ruthless pirate group made the move, driven by their interests, they couldn't control so much, and each informed the boss to prepare for the fisherman's profit.

Peeping eyes from the jackals, hidden in the darkness.

Mode on the top of the warehouse quickly adjusted the sniper point.

The whole process is stress-free to implement.

The advantage of the enemy's "brightness" and my "darkness" is vividly displayed at this moment.

After moving to a suitable sniper point, Maud's gun was aimed at Wells and others who were still implementing a fire suppression strategy.


The people who were shot and killed before were not taken seriously by Maud at all.

His goal was always the three names written down in the book.

The icy eyes pointed directly at Wells, who didn't know the danger was coming, and Maud pulled the trigger.

The buckshot flew towards the distant night.

When the smoke filled the air, Maud put away [Usopp] without looking at it, jumped straight off the warehouse, and came to the ground.

Without Werewolf and Tatamu guarding him, Maud did not dare to keep firing guns so arrogantly.

While loading the ammunition, he quickly touched the Sharp Bull Pirate Ship moored in the dock.

After walking a few meters, there was an extra star on the cover of the Hunter's Note in consciousness.

The physique benefits that came back in an instant made Maud feel like he was in a hot spring in an instant, and he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Feeling the different feedback, Maud realized something.

With a thought, the hunter's note appeared out of thin air.

The many silver stars above the black cover turned into meteors at this moment, and slender silver trails were drawn on the black cover, like a meteor shower like falling stars.

In the end, the star shower converged on the right side of the physique in the demand column, slowly forming a hollow star frame:☆

Looking at the "☆" next to the physique, Maud's eyes were filled with joy.

"The star frame is formed so quickly. If Kazit can be killed tonight, maybe the star frame can be filled at once, and then the first rebirth can be exchanged!"

Maud was surprised and excited.

But soon calmed down.

To be happy must be after a successful hunt.

Withdrawing the hunter's note, Maud looked at the Sharp Bull Pirate Ship in the distance, his eyes shining brightly.

The composition of the star frame was something he did not expect.

I thought that at least 5-8 Evan Watt-level targets had to be killed,

Finally, the star frame can be formed.

Now that I think about it, it should be that the murloc Samra that was hunted on the day of the auction raised the overall income.

"Next, as long as I can kill Kazette..."

Maud carried [Usopp] behind his back, and for a moment, he had a more secure idea.

That is to first meet the wolf squirrels, and then work together to sweep away the special attack team sent by the Sharp Bull Pirates, and then launch a general attack on the Sharp Bull pirate ship of Turtle Guard.

However, considering the possibility of the head being robbed, Maud would rather face Kaszt alone.

With the [Heart Drop Boxing Listening], even if it is impossible, you can get out in time and leave.

Taking out the dagger and holding it in his hand, Maud headed towards the Sharp Bull Pirate Ship.


The deck of the Cow Pirate ship.

"Captain Wells!!!"

A gunman watched with dismay at Wells, who was shot in the temple and fell to the ground.

Even the captain was killed.

When they looked into the distant night, even if the enemy's gunfire no longer appeared, they would still have an inexplicable sense of fear that they would be killed by a single shot.

This is the invisible sense of oppression created by snipers in the depths of the night.

Moreover, the unbearable performance of the only three remaining gunmen's companions made the melee members hiding behind the cover even more tired.

In this case, they cannot even carry out the most basic vigilance.

Considering that there are several secret whistleblowers from other pirate groups around the ship, all kinds of thoughts fall on their shoulders invisibly.


Sweat fell on the deck, splashing little water.

Every member of the Sharp Bull Pirates is on high alert.

We can only hope that Captain Gabden will kill the sniper.

Amid this invisible pressure, they had a tough minute.

That sniper didn't fire for a whole minute, which means...

"Captain Gabden succeeded?"

Thinking of this possibility, all the members of the Sharp Cow Pirates showed a hint of joy.

Especially the three gunmen, suddenly relieved.

The sniper hasn't stopped firing since the shootout began, and this is the first time he hasn't fired for more than a minute.

Even if it wasn't for Captain Gabdon to kill the sniper, he must have forced him back, or restrained the sniper.

Only this explains it.

As if the gunman of the Sharp Bull Pirates had taken off his heavy burden, how could he have imagined that the terrifying sniper would cut out a knife and touch it towards him.

When this impossible idea becomes a reality.

Imprinted in the gunman's mind, there are only deep and inexplicable doubts.

Maud came with a knife like this. He had already figured out the enemy's position, and he wiped a gunman's neck with a dagger as soon as he appeared.

Under the unbelievable gaze of the gunman, Maud quickly stabbed the gunman's heart.

Immediately, Maud pulled out the short-handled flintlock pistol that the gunman was wearing on his body, and then followed the route planned before boarding the boat, and quickly approached the second gunner, still with two clean cuts.

When Maud killed two people in a row, the rest of the Sharp Bull Pirates reacted.


Maud shot and killed the last gunman who was closer.

Throwing away the empty pistol, before the members of the Sharp Cow Pirates rushed over, Maud used the rifled gun and flintlock pistol that had been loaded on the gunman's body to fire several shots in a row.

Precise marksmanship at close range, instantly made four more corpses on the deck.

From boarding the ship to now, in just over ten seconds, Maud killed seven members of the Sharp Bull Pirates.

Despite this, there are still many members of the Sharp Bull Pirates on the deck, rushing towards Maud with killing intent.

In this regard, Maud is not afraid at all.

Likes to use guns, does not mean that his melee ability is weak.

It can be seen that the [Speed ​​Sword] can deal with Abe.

Holding the dagger tightly, Maud, whose physique had already transformed, greeted the crowd.

When the knife light flashed, blood arrows sputtered all around.

After a while, the pirates on the deck were killed by Maud with a dagger.

If you can use a long knife, it is estimated that you can kill faster.

in the captain's room.

Kazette finally couldn't sit still.

Cursing the incompetence of his subordinates, he pushed open the hatch and came to the deck.

What caught his eyes were the corpses of his subordinates all over the floor.

Kaszt looked sharply at Maud, who was fighting under the killer.

After seeing Maud's face clearly, his rough face suddenly burst into blue veins.

The enemy is particularly jealous when they meet.

"Wu. So. Pu!"

He shouted out the name Maud was using, word by word.

The voice full of murderous intent resounded through the night sky in an instant.

When the surrounding dark sentries heard the name, they were all shocked.

It turned out to be Usopp who was born recently...!


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