HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 403 The night is coming

The Thales Pirates, which was in charge of chasing down members of the Dressrosa royal family, was one of the best among all the pirates currently wreaking havoc in Dressrosa town in terms of overall strength.

About an hour ago, the Thales Pirates reported that they had successfully caught up with the armed merchant ship carrying members of the Dressrosa royal family and nobles.


Just waiting for the Thales Pirates to escort Dressrosa's last member of the royal family will make this country that has been burned by fire for many days completely become history.

This is what Monet wanted.

While completing the mission given by Kaido, destroy the country named Dressrosa with my own hands...

This is also the first step in paying homage to the deceased young master.


There was no movement from the Thales Pirates.

Calling in the past was like sinking into the sea, and there was no response at all.

This is very unusual.

Because Monet knew that the armed merchant ship did not have the power to resist the Thales Pirates, and once deprived of its ability to sail, he could only wait to die in this sea of ​​utter horror.

This pursuit mission is simply not difficult.


There still seems to be an accident.

Monet lowered his head slightly, staring silently at the phone bug that didn't respond.

The white snow and frost spread out from the soles of her feet and condensed on the ground, like climbing a mountain, and quickly climbed to the walls and window sills.


In the golden eyes, there is a chill as cold as snow.

Monet slightly restrained Xue Xue's ability, slowly put down the phone's microphone, and looked out the window.

Now is the time of day and night.

The sky in the distance was dyed the color of blood by the sunset.

Monet looked over,

The last rays of the setting sun slowly sank into the horizon, and the sky darkened, making the fire in the town of Dressrosa the most conspicuous light source.

The fire that was set in Dressrosa has been burning for many days.

To this day, there is still no meaning to stop.

This is because--

The pirates who were attracted by Monet, and the elite team of the Beast Pirates who wanted to take the opportunity to enjoy themselves, did not want the city to turn to ashes prematurely.

They burned and looted in the town.

Burn slowly, kill slowly.

Slowly listen to the screams of the looted, and slowly appreciate the desperate response of the looted.

For them, this is a rare feast.

The feast should be enjoyed slowly, rather than ending prematurely.

After all, good things like this will hardly happen again.

Monet watched the fire in the town of Dressrosa, as if he could hear the screams resounding in every corner of the town.

port, ship.

Any means of leaving this island are blocked by her.

That is to say, the people of Dressrosa Kingdom will be devoured bit by bit as the fire burns until everything turns to ashes.


There were slightly heavy footsteps behind him.

Monet stared for a while, then looked back at the owner of the footsteps.

It was a giver who ate an artificial devil fruit. The lower body had the sturdy legs of a rhinoceros, and the upper body mostly retained human characteristics.

Monet looked at the person who came, and asked blankly, "Have you found the princess of the little human race yet?"

"The search scope is already shrinking, and the task can be completed in a day at most."

The rhinoceros stopped for the giver, looked at Monet standing in front of the window, and briefly reported the progress of the next mission.

The main purpose of this visit was to obtain the original SAD solution and to take away the Tontata clan who had lived in Dressrosa from generation to generation.

Needless to say, the stock solution is obtained with little effort.

It is the Dong Tata clan who are good at hiding, which is the most difficult part of this mission.

However, with the passage of time and an all-round carpet search, as long as the Dongtata clan are still in Dressrosa, they will be completely dug out by them.

Finding your goal is just a matter of time.

"Find it as soon as possible, I have a bad feeling."

Monet frowned, very dissatisfied with the efficiency of the Beast Pirates' team to the givers.

It's just that she just joined the Beast Pirates, so she can't express her dissatisfaction, nor is she qualified to reprimand this group of slow-moving guys who only care about pleasure.

"A bad feeling?"

The rhinoceros showed a look of surprise in the eyes of Fu, but he couldn't hold it back and laughed out loud on the spot.

Hearing the puff of laughter, Monet's eyes gradually turned cold as he looked at the rhinoceros.

The rhino gifter is not afraid of Monet, and sneered: "This country has been captured by us, what else is there to worry about?"


Monet didn't speak, just looked at the rhinoceros coldly to the giver.

She only surrendered to Kaido not long ago, and the reason why she was able to command this group of givers with artificial animal abilities was due to this extremely important task for Kaido.

Therefore, Monet is not surprised that the giver will have this attitude, and he can also restrain it.

But unpleasantness is unpleasantness.

Even with restraint, that emotion will always be there.

Especially in this room, this window position.

The rhinoceros looked at Monet who was silent, and said strangely: "Oh, by the way, this is your first 'expedition', no wonder you are worried about it, hahaha."

Saying that, the rhinoceros raised his head and laughed.

Sending troops on expeditions to attack countries is something that the Beast Pirates often do.

Because every expedition can not only loot enough materials at one time, but also have the effect of training troops.

More importantly, it can satisfy Kaido's desire for war.

It's just that the number of expeditions in recent years has been significantly reduced, and this expedition against Dressrosa is considered an easy one.

At least when it comes to capturing Dressrosa, there is basically no difficulty.

It was Dressrosa's side that had a few difficult guys, and it took the boss's hard work to get rid of those tough guys.

Monet leaned against the curtain against the wall, staring coldly at the rhinoceros who was laughing wildly.

Behind her, a chill quietly oozes.


The substantial chill turned into snow frost and spread along the ground to the rhinoceros.

Monet's eyes flashed with murderous intent.

And the rhino-giver smiled cheerfully, not noticing the frost spreading along the ground at all.

That snow frost is like a poisonous snake that is bowing its body and waiting for an opportunity, and it is like a crocodile lurking under the water, quietly looking at its prey.

As long as a moment of effort, the snow frost, which is ready to go, will directly devour this rhino to the giver.

"Don't worry, I'm here, Ken... eh?"

The rhinoceros giver slowly restrained his laughter. Halfway through his words, he suddenly noticed the snow frost on the ground. He couldn't help but look up, looking at Monet in surprise.

From the face of the woman in front of him, he saw the undisguised killing intent, and his heart suddenly cooled.


The right hand that Rhino gave the giver quickly touched the meteor hammer weapon on his waist.

However, just as his right hand moved, the snow frost that condensed on the ground was like a poisonous snake rushing out from the sky, covering him into an airtight snowman in an instant.

The rhino, which was tightly covered by ice and snow, struggled a few times for the giver, and finally returned to silence.

In an understatement, he killed a real caller of the Beast Pirates. Monet didn't respond, and took out the notes he carried with him from his clothes.


Open the note and turn to one of the pages.

Monet took out the pen, licked the note with the tip of his tongue, and immediately wrote the name given by the rhino to the giver on the note page.

On the far right of the name, there are two rather dazzling words - death in battle.

"It's a shame you've survived until now, stupid."

Monet looked at the rhinoceros who turned into a snowman to the giver with cold eyes, and immediately controlled a wave made of white snow, and threw the rhino that turned into a snowman to the giver out of the window.

After cleaning up the unsightly rubbish, Monet put away his notes and left the room.

After a while.

She came to the building left after the demise of the Don Quixote family - the Toy House.

Push open the door of the Toy House, walk through the spacious hall, and come to a staircase.

Go down the stairs to a brightly lit underground port.

This was a hidden port that the Don Quixote family used to transport goods. Perhaps because the Dressrosa royal family believed that the port still had value, it did not demolish it, but kept it.


In this defunct underground port, beast cages made of fine iron are placed neatly and orderly, and nearly 80% of the members of the Dongtata clan are imprisoned in it.

Because it is a small human race, there is almost no difficulty in unified detention.

Next to the cage is a team of about fifty people.

Everyone in the team is a giver who has eaten the artificial devil fruit. Even in the new world, it can be called an elite team.


There are also about a hundred givers out there doing a carpet-like search.

Counting these, there were nearly 150 givers who were sent to Dressrosa, and it was obvious that Kaido attached great importance to this matter.

after all--

This is a necessary part of the production line for the manufacture of ancient artificial devil fruits.

"Lord Monet."

The givers in charge of guarding the Dontata clan looked at Monet who was walking down the stairs.

Some of the givers politely greeted Monet, while the rest of the givers, like the rhino givers just now, did not recognize Monet as the nominal captain.

Facing the gazes of everyone, Mo Nai walked to one of the beast cages with a blank expression, and looked down at the Dong Tata people who were imprisoned inside.

To be precise, he was looking at one of the Dong Tata elders who was leaning on crutches.

Inside the cage.

The members of the Dongtata clan looked at Monet who was standing in front of the cage exuding an icy aura, and almost all of them trembled slightly.

"My patience is limited."

Monet looked at the Dong Tata old man with a cold glow in his eyes.

The old man of the Dongtata tribe was silent.

As a king, how could he reveal the location of his biological woman to the wicked.

Monet looked coldly at the king of the Dontata clan who did not let go at all.

"Silence is also an answer."

Before he finished speaking, Monet raised his fingers, controlled Xue Jing to gather a pocket-sized sharp blade, and then cut off the arm of the king of the Dongtata clan mercilessly.

The king of the Dongtata clan and the members of the Dongtata clan who saw this scene were all stunned.


During the blood spurting, the severed arm, with the crutches, fell to the ground of the beast cage, making a slight sound.

The king of the Dongtata clan came back to his senses, and suddenly screamed in a hoarse voice.

"King Gancho...!!!"

The surrounding Dongtata members stared at King Gancho, who was sitting on the ground.

at the same time.

Inside the town of Dressrosa.

On both sides of the street, several buildings were burning with blazing fires.

Flickering and bright fire lights illuminate the street.

One of the ordinary-looking dilapidated buildings was not affected by the fire.

A group of about a hundred pirates surrounded the dilapidated building.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that there is a basement hidden in such a dilapidated building."

Inside the building, there was a loud laughter.

"Guess what I found in the basement?"

"Hundreds of barrels of cellar wine, I guess!"

"Idiot, how can one basement hold so much wine?"

"Then what do you think is hidden in the basement?"

"Well, I think it's a hundred barrels of cellar wine."


"Hey, why are you looking at me like that?"

"Captain, don't give up. What did you find in the basement?"


A burly man with a large knife in his hand walked to the gate of the dilapidated building. He was wearing an out of place aristocratic costume, which looked rather funny.

The surrounding pirates all looked at their captain wearing luxurious clothes, and everyone's faces were more or less expectant.

"It's a woman, dozens of women, hahaha!!!"

The captain held the big knife high and laughed wildly: "Brothers, you can sleep comfortably tonight!"


"Hey, dozens of women..."

Hearing the captain's words, the pirates were stunned at first, and then they reacted, and without exception, their faces flushed with excitement.

They don't care why there are dozens of women hiding in the basement of a dilapidated building.

They just want to vent their desires on this group of women who have just been found.

"Oh oh oh!!!"

Full of beastly shouts, it was spread to the end of the street.

"Go, this is the trophy you deserve to be brave and fearless."

The captain lowered his knife, stepped aside, and motioned his subordinates to go to the basement to pick out the spoils.

When the pirates present heard the words, they couldn't help but burst into cheers, many of which praised the captain.


The group of pirates couldn't wait to rush to the door of the building.

at the same time.

Inside the basement of the building.

The women curled up in a pile were all pale and frightened.

They obviously heard the conversation outside and knew what they were about to face next.

The entire basement was filled with an almost deadly atmosphere of despair.

The captain standing on the side of the gate looked at the excited subordinates with a smile on his face.

The dozens of girls he found in the basement were still qualified in terms of appearance and figure.

In normal times, he must have fun first, and then throw it to his subordinates.

But since he took action against the noble lady, he has no longer looked down on these ordinary women.

And it just happened to be rewarded to his subordinates to consolidate his status and prestige.

"There's not much left for happy hour."

The captain narrowed his eyes, watching the fire in the distance.

He always takes it as soon as he sees it, so even if there is still something to gain, he usually leaves one step ahead.

It is by virtue of this code of conduct that he can live so long.


The captain suddenly turned his head and looked into the depths of the building, frowning involuntarily.

He watched his hungry subordinates rush in, but more than ten seconds passed, but there was no sound at all.

"what happened?"

There was a sudden chill in my heart.


The light from the corner of his eyes disappeared.

To be precise, the fire was gone.


He glanced sharply in the direction of town.

The fire that was soaring into the sky, for some unknown reason, turned out to be extinguished.

real dark night.

It came without warning.

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