HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 401: Pirate Nation

The latest website: Winter Island somewhere in the new world.

Above the sky, the gray-white clouds were turbulently flipping, and there was a sense of sight that was about to sink.

The storm covered the entire island with white snow.

The entire world as far as the eye can see has become a vast expanse of white.

At the foot of a mountain, there is a hole with a faint fire.

The faint flame of a candle was extraordinarily warm in this blizzard.

"This kid Maud...is it an addiction to tearing down homes?"

Inside the cave, Jesus cloth sat cross-legged on the ground and, by the light of the bonfire, glanced down at the contents of the newspaper.

Some time ago, the Wanguo of the Four Emperors was demolished, and then it was promoted by the World News Agency to be the nemesis of the Four Emperors.

At that time, many people complained that the news agency was exaggerating.

Now, Maud has demolished Kaido's territory, who is also the fourth emperor. I don't know how those people who exaggerated in the Tucao News Agency will feel at this moment.

Speaking of...

Wasn't the World Government's Judiciary Island and Advance City also demolished by Maud?

And it's still clean.

This is why Jesus cloth was so emotional.

"Boss, are you panicking now?"

In the light of the fire, a crew member of the red-haired pirates looked at the red-haired man who was sitting on a stone with a saber, and said in a mocking tone.

Everyone in the cave immediately understood the meaning of this sentence.

Both Kaido's and Kaido's sites were demolished by Maud, so according to this rule, the next target for demolition is the red-haired Shanks, who is also the fourth emperor.

"Yes, I also want to know, boss, are you panicking now?"

"Hahaha, you bastard... You dare to make fun of the boss, but I like it, hahaha!"

The originally quiet cave suddenly became lively.

Listening to the jokes from the brothers,

Shanks just laughed.

As the Four Emperor Pirates, to have such an atmosphere is considered an anomaly.

"Okay, be quiet."

Shanks suddenly raised his hand.

When it came to a stop, the laughter in the cave suddenly stopped.

The people who restrained their laughter looked at Shanks.

Shanks smiled and said, "There are guests here."

As soon as the voice fell, at the end of the slightly long tunnel, there were footsteps vaguely mixed with the sound of wind and snow.

There are so many elites in the Red-haired Pirates, and even if you don't need to see the color, you can judge that it is the footsteps of two people just by hearing.

Soon, footsteps approached.

Two figures appeared in front of everyone in the Red Hair Pirates.

It was Ace and Marco who came.

Their clothes are simple, and the clothes they wear have almost no function to keep out the cold, but they can walk freely in the blizzard outside.

Moreover, there are not half snowflakes on their bodies.

There was a strange color in those eyes looking at them.

However, everyone in the Red Hair Pirates quickly understood.

Ace and Marco can walk freely in the life-threatening blizzard outside, relying on the ability of the devil fruit.

Because no matter how strong the individual is, it cannot resist the cruel force of nature.

Unless there are supernatural devil fruit abilities.

"Yo, Marco."

Shanks first said hello to "old acquaintance" Marko, and then looked at Ace, with a little more emotion in the depths of his eyes.

I still remember that a few years ago, I saw Ace who came to thank him in the Winter Island cave.

That was the first time he saw Ace.

It's just that he didn't know at that time that Ace, who sailed the sea with the surname Portgas, would be Captain Roger's son.

"sit down."

Shanks, who was in a slightly complicated mood, raised his hand and pointed to the two stones reserved by the bonfire.

Ace and Marco were also rude and sat on the rock.


Shanks looked at Ace and Marco who were sitting down, his eyes shining under the firelight.

"Tell me your intentions."


New World, Dressrosa.


Maud slowly hung up the phone bug.

Just now, Morgans called and complained that Maud did not give him the first-hand information.

So much so that his competitor Chris was the first to report such a heavy news.

Mordell was wrong, and he let Morgans complain.

Speaking of which, the last time he demolished the ten islands of Myriad Kingdoms was not provided to Morgans in the first time, which led to his opponents taking the lead.

It's the same situation again this time.

I think coming to Morgans is about to have a psychological shadow.

Fortunately, this time, there are still data that the photographer Perona specially shot to offset Morgans' grievances, which is enough.


Lafayette's voice came from the balcony.

Maud looked at the reputation, but saw Lafayette slowly landing on the balcony from the air.

Lafayette put away his wings, looked at Maud, and smiled: "The princess from Dressrosa has come to see me again."

"Oh? How many times is this?"

Maud frowned slightly.

When I brought them to Dressrosa, I also clearly stated that the slaughter of the pirates who were burning, killing and looting on Dressrosa was just a trivial matter, and it was not necessary. Any kind of thanks.

Besides, the [reward] he wanted had already been obtained from Man Shirley, and apart from that, he no longer needed any return from the Dressrosa country.

In this case, Rebecca should focus on cleaning up the mess of the country, not obsessively seeing him.


Hearing Maude's question, Lafayette said without hesitation: "In addition to this time today, it is already the ninth time."


Maud was speechless.

In order to prevent the number of requests to be seen becoming the 10th time, he finally chose to be interviewed.

Spacious and bright reception room.

Rebecca, who was wearing casual clothes, looked a little nervous.

It is good to say it is intuition or impression.

She thought Maud was a good man to talk to.

Although the outside world is rumored to be a cold-blooded butcher, Rebecca firmly believes that seeing is worse than hearing.


She still feels nervous and overwhelmed at the thought of today's visit.

"Rebecca, don't put too much pressure on yourself."

Violet, who was also dressed in casual clothes, lightly held Rebecca's tightly twisted hands.

After this catastrophe, even if Dressrosa came back from the brink of death, it would be difficult for her to be reborn from the ashes.

Burnt down buildings can be rebuilt.

But the dead cannot be resurrected.

Too many people died in this fire that burned for days and nights...

The army that was originally responsible for protecting the country also fell apart, and not even a single military force remained.

Violet and Rebecca were heartbroken at the thought of countless victims, including their close relatives.

But now they don't even have time to cry.

Because the current Dressrosa doesn't even have the ability to offer gold in the sky, so naturally he can't count on the protection from the world government and the navy.

Therefore, they must build a new line of defense as soon as possible to resist threats that may come at any time.

But in a situation where military power is lost, this kind of thing is easier said than done.

And Maud, who was still stranded in Dressrosa, became their last straw.

For this country, for the despairing citizens of their ruined homes.

Rebecca needs Maud's help no matter what.

Just as she was thinking about it, footsteps came from outside the door of the reception room.

Hearing the footsteps, Rebecca and Violet subconsciously stood up and stood upright, looking towards the door of the reception room.


Maud pushed in the door and saw Violet and Rebecca standing up.


The calm voice seemed to carry a commanding force that could not be resisted, causing Violet and Rebecca, who had just gotten up, to sit back on the sofa subconsciously.

Maud came over and sat on the sofa in front of them.

"If it's something other than thanks, just say it directly and don't waste my time."

As soon as he sat down, Maud went straight in, very simply.

Rebecca, who had never encountered such a battle, couldn't react for a while.

Seeing Rebecca's rather slow response, Violet on the side was worried that Maud would lose his patience, so he resolutely took over what Rebecca should have said.

"Lord Maud."

She opened her mouth with honorifics.

In the face of the savior, this is also a matter of course.

Then, just like Maud's opening remarks that didn't make any detours at all, Violet was also straight-forward.

"We... no, Dressrosa needs your protection."


Maud looked at Violet with a strange look in his eyes, and said lightly, "Why?"

Hearing this, Violet tilted her head to look at Rebecca, who had turned off the flame, sighed in her heart, and then took a deep breath.

There is no good in the world.

What you want, you have to give.

But what good can the now dilapidated Dressrosa give?

What can be promised to give, I am afraid there is only an indeterminate future left.

Violet's expression gradually became serious as his thoughts quickly turned.

"Whatever you need, Dressrosa can give you."


Hearing such a big tone, Maud was silent for a while, then laughed.

"Before you seek asylum from me, you should also understand the nature of my 'flag'?"


Violet nodded heavily, naturally not saying something like "We have no choice".

Maud's eyelids drooped slightly, and there was no turbulence in his tone: "So, does it matter even if this place becomes a pirate country?"

"What is that kind of thing compared to complete extinction?"

The moment Maud's voice fell, Violet quickly gave a positive response.

Such a gesture undoubtedly showed determination.

And this determination, Maud also clearly felt.

"Then I'll lend it to you."

Maud smiled at Violet.

Just lending a flag to a dying nation, and offering shelter to that nation, isn't a big deal for Maud these days.

But he would be so straightforward, not entirely out of good intentions, but for the woman in front of him.

More precisely, it is the ability of this woman.

"But I have one condition, and it is also necessary to remind you of one thing."

"What conditions?"

Violet directly ignored the second half of the sentence.

In her opinion, as long as Maud is willing to put forward conditions, everything is easy to say.

Maud smiled and said, "I want to be alone."


Violet asked.

From the conversation to the present, she has been following Maud's conversation style, trying to keep her words as short as possible.

Maud raised his finger to Violet.



Violet was stunned for a moment, and a look of astonishment slowly appeared on his exotic face.

Rebecca, who was always speechless, was stunned, just like Violet.

They had imagined various conditions that Dressrosa could not afford at this stage, but they did not expect that the man with extraordinary aura in front of him would make such a request.

Maud didn't care about their reactions or whether they had misunderstood anything. He sat on the sofa, clasping his hands and waiting for Violet's answer.

Just a few seconds passed.

The look of consternation on Violet's face faded like a tide, replaced by a bright and moving smile.


She was overwhelmed with joy beyond words.

For the country that gave birth to her and raised her, and for her own thoughts.

Even if it is to become Maud's slave, she is willing.

"No problem at all."

Violet met Maud's gaze and agreed to this condition without hesitation.

At the same time, she vaguely guessed the motives of Maud's desire for her from the eyes of Maud that were not mixed with any desire.

is ability.

Stare at the fruit's detection and monitoring ability.

Violet, who understood this, was even more excited.

Just like this, Dressrosa can get a strong protection, which is really happy.

So happy that Violet thought it was a dream.


She would have been willing to go after a man like Maud.

It can not only fulfill the wish, but also save the country.

Really good.

But before Violet was happy, Maud poured a basin of cold water down.

"I have something to remind you, my enemies are the behemoths of the World Government, and the Four Emperor Pirates, which have no mercy at all, like the beasts. That is to say..."

"My 'flag' can protect Dressrosa from the threat of most pirates, but it will also attract the attention of the World Government and the Four Emperor Pirates."

Maud's friendly reminder made Violet and Rebecca freeze their faces.


Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Maud looked at the dumbfounded Violet and Rebecca, and smiled: "But there is a place that should be fairly safe. As long as Dressrosa is moved there, you shouldn't have to worry about any threats in the short term."


Violet and Rebecca both asked subconsciously.

They didn't even hear the startling words that Maud was saying to move Dressrosa.

Maud raised his index finger and pointed upwards.



Violet and Rebecca were stunned for a while.

Maud smiled and looked at the reaction of the two princesses, thinking that the island that will be moved to the sky at that time, not only Dressrosa, but also the Fishman Island currently located under the seabed of 10,000 meters.

Like a jigsaw puzzle, put together all the island nations that are willing to relocate to the sky.

It is the prototype of the city in the sky.


This unnamed city will occupy the most prominent place in the history of future generations.

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