HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 424: Desperate Offensive

The atmosphere of the Hundred Beast Pirates has always been based on strength.

Those who wait, those who delight, those who give, those who give, those who really fight, those who are tyrannical, those who are volleying, the three disasters.

Step by step, defined by strength.

Aside from other things, take the six-seat volleyball as an example.

The team members who were able to sit in this position before were all those with ancient abilities.

The three higher-level disasters are all ancient people with abilities.

This is enough to say a lot.

In itself, the ability of the animal system has always been labeled as "quick".

And the ancient species ability is far from the ordinary animal system.

Strength, Defense, Speed.

From the moment the ancient devil fruit is eaten, the stats in all aspects of the capable person can be greatly improved immediately.

But there are only a handful of ancient Devil Fruits, and even if the entire world is searched, there are only a dozen or so.


When ancient devil fruits can be artificially manufactured, and mass production can be achieved.

The number limit was abruptly broken, and the prototype of a terrorist army was born.

That's why Kaido is excited.

In the whole world, no one knows the zoology better than him, and no one knows the value of the zoology in war better than him.

Xinzhenda, that is, the new title of this group of ancient powers in the Beast Pirates.


Under the leadership of Quinn, the Xinzhendas came to crusade against Yamato to test their combat power.

And their appearance shocked Yamato.

Unlike ordinary animals, there are only a handful of ancient devil fruits in the world.

This is basic common sense.

But the hundreds of ancient powers who appeared in one brain completely subverted Yamato's common sense.

"During my time in hiding,

What the hell did that stinky old man do? ! "

Seeing a large group of ancient powers rushing in, Yamato clenched his mace, his heart was shocked, and his face was full of solemn meaning.

Hundreds of people, including one hundred and fifty ancient powers, soon came to Yamato.

The leader was Quinn riding a wildebeest.

That tall and strong body pressed the wildebeest under him to the point of panting.

"Big and young... eh?!!"

Quinn was about to make an opening statement when he suddenly saw Hiyori who was being protected by Yamato.

The beautiful figure who was thinking about it day and night jumped into his eyes, and he was so shocked that his eyes suddenly protruded, and he forced the small sunglasses on his face to fly out.

"You, you are...Xiao Zi!!!"

"But aren't you dead? Huh?! Am I dreaming?!!"

Quinn stared at Rihe, without the cover of the sunglasses, the small eyes exposed in the air were full of unbelievable light.

Being stared at by Quinn like this, Hiyori suddenly felt an oncoming pressure, and subconsciously took two steps back.

On the white and clean forehead, a layer of fine sweat beads oozes out unconsciously.

Facing Quinn's questioning, she chose to remain silent.

The surrounding members of the Beast Pirates looked at Quinn subconsciously.

They just waited for Quinn to give an order, and they would swarm Yamato.

Yamato didn't bother about the question of why the Hundred Beast Pirates suddenly appeared with more than 100 ancient powers. She knew that this battle was inevitable, so she raised her arms silently and assumed an offensive posture.

The movement of her hands caught Quinn's attention.

Even if Quinn is usually out of tune, when it's time to do business, he's still very reliable.

"It's impossible for the dead to come back to life, so treat it as a dream, my dear Xiao Zi..."

Quinn had a look of sadness in the first second, and coldness the next second. He raised the modified robotic arm and gave the order in an indifferent tone.


Following this order, the Xinzhendas who had been eager to try for a long time rushed towards Yamato in the form of ancient human beasts.

"Hiyori, step back."

Yamato's eyes narrowed, and he used his abilities without hesitation.

Dog and Dog Fruit. Eudemons Species. Big Mouth True God Human and Beast Form!

All over Yamato's body, silver hair grows.

The facial features changed in an instant.

Sharp ears, dog nose, sharp teeth.

Above the yellow animal eyes, the eyebrows are like a cluster of red flames.

"Thunder. Leng Yue!"

Above the raised mace, a cold spiral flame suddenly burst out.

Yamato swung out a stick, and a shock wave wrapped in cold flames, like a sickle, swept across the new real fighters in the form of ancient beasts.

This move, Thunder and Leng Yue, came fast and violently, and the new real fighters who rushed in front were swept to the ground by the crescent-shaped flame shock wave as soon as they reacted.

For a while, people turned their backs.

The screams echoed over the wasteland.

With this one move alone, more than 30 people with ancient abilities fell to the ground.

The rest of the people, however, did not retreat because of this, and rushed towards Yamato screaming and screaming.

As the distance rapidly shortened, Yamato was caught in a siege before he could throw out his second long-range move.


In the face of swords and sticks wrapped in armed colors coming from all directions, Yamato defended calmly, blocking all attacks in one move.

At the same time, the counterattacks interspersed in it can always successfully knock down an ancient power user.

The attack entwined with armed colors must be enough to seriously injure these ancient powers.

outside the battle circle.

Quinn watched the battle.

"As expected of Master Yamato."

Seeing that Yamato was under siege, but coped with ease, Quinn couldn't help but exclaimed in admiration.

After all, Yamato has a rarer phantom beast ability, and since childhood, he has been tempered by Mr. Kaido.

With her strength, it is reasonable to be able to resist the siege of hundreds of ancient powers in the first round.


"Next, you will understand... why Mr. Kaido is so obsessed with the 'Animal-type Capable Legion'."

Seeing Yamato who was under siege but motionless, Quinn sneered again and again.

The most outstanding feature of the animal system is not strength or speed, but rough skin and thick flesh, and unreasonable resilience.

Such advantages are most valuable in large-scale team battles.

Just as Yamato kept parrying and attacking, more than 30 ancient powers who had been swept away by Lei Ming Leng Yue got up one after another.

Their bodies were stained with blood and dust, but they seemed to be full of blood, and they still had the power to fight.

"Hahaha, I thought I was going to die...!!!"

"This is the defense power of the ancient species!!!"

One after another of the ancients who just got up were all unable to hide their excitement.

This level of anti-fighting ability will definitely allow them to step into the level of the six volleyballs in the future.

"Go ahead, Master Yamato!"

The ancients who re-entered the war rushed towards Yamato.

Yamato, who has always been under siege, noticed the more than 30 ancient powers who rushed over from the corner of his eye, and his heart sank.

At this moment, she finally realized the difficulty of the team composed of hundreds of ancient powers.

Not the frontal combat power, but the endless offensive!


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