Even if Maud didn't bring it up, Thor would teach skills including moon steps one by one.

But the meal is eaten bite by bite.

Whether it is domineering or monthly, it has to be done step by step.

"Don't worry."

Sol glanced at Maud who seemed to have turned on the LED light, and immediately reached out to Bailey.

Seeing this, Bailey quickly handed the gilded pipe to Thor.

Sol picked up the pipe and took a breath, then said slowly: "Whether it's armed color or moon step, it's not a skill you can master in a short time."

"So, don't even think about running if you can't even walk."

"Furthermore, this place is not suitable for cultivating armed sex. After you understand the principles first, I will take you to Xiao Kawai's place to stay for a while."

The little cutie in Sol's words is not a name for a person, but the wine storage island that Sunny told Maud before.

Maud and Sunny naturally had no objection to Saul's arrangement.

In Maud's view, Thor is like a rare treasure that can bring him countless benefits.


moon step,


even the rarest experience.

These are all things that can be learned from Thor.

He knew one thing very well.

If you don't have enough power, don't imagine being able to walk the world.

The harsh realities and circumstances will tell you what it means to walk.

And he was still young and had time.

So, it doesn't matter if it takes a year or two or even longer, he wants to pry from Sol to get the precious things that even the [Hunter's Note] can't bring him.

Suddenly, Maud thought of something Sonny had accidentally told him.

Or rather, it's a convention.

A natural agreement between her and Sol.

Now, it's not a bad idea to add him to this agreement.

Thinking of this, a smile flashed in Maud's eyes.

He likes it here.

Thor was smoking a cigarette, keenly capturing Maud's mood changes.

He glanced at Maud calmly, and then began to explain the knowledge points about the domineering of armed colors.

The first sentence is the armor theory.

"Imagine wearing an invisible armor on your body, this is the domineering look of armament."

"The armor can protect the whole body, and naturally it can also increase the attack power."

"And this level is actually just the foundation of the foundation."

Having said that, Sol asked Bailey, his right-hand man, to bring a flintlock gun.

Bailey did so, and soon brought a flintlock pistol.

At Sol's gesture, the flintlock pistol was in Sonny's hands.

"Sunny, shoot me in the palm."

Sol opened his palms at Sunny.

Without saying a word, Sunny shot Sol in the palm of his hand.


The buckshot flew out, hitting Sol's palm in an instant.

The lead bullet seemed to hit the steel plate, and it instantly turned into pieces.

"This is the effect brought by the domineering of the armed color, and as I said just now, this level is just the foundation of the foundation."

Sol turned to raise his other hand, holding the gilded pipe in front of him.

Under the watchful eyes of Maud and Sunny, the golden pipe was instantly covered by pitch-black domineering.

"After mastering the basics, you have to learn how to control domineering arrogance freely, as well as the skills to reasonably mobilize domineering arrogance."

"When you can do this, you will be able to transmit domineering to the weapon like me, so as to increase the lethality and hardness of the weapon."

"Like this."

Sol suddenly let go of his pipe.

Although the pipe left Sol's palm, it was still pitch black.

Maud and Sunny's eyes followed the falling pipe.

I saw the pipe fell to the ground, but it seemed to be carrying a thousand jins of strength, and with a bang, a small pit full of cracks was smashed into the ground.

Maud responded as usual, while Sunny looked shocked.

After demonstrating the effect, Sol immediately took the pipe back into his hand.

"Such techniques are not only suitable for cold weapons, but also for weapons such as firearms and bows and arrows."

"It's just that it is undoubtedly more difficult to attach domineering to firearms than cold weapons."

"But on the contrary, it can greatly increase the range and power of firearms. You know what this means."

Maud and Sunny nodded slightly.

About this, Thor had already demonstrated it to them when Maud dealt with the gang.

After explaining the general class of domineering, Sol began to further explain the principle of mobilizing domineering in the armed color.

Based on his experience, he directly compared the domineering aura of armament to a hidden energy within the body.

And this energy that represents the domineering and domineering of the armed color will be wrapped in a thick shell at the very beginning.

Only by constantly improving physical fitness, can the shell be knocked gradually until the shell is completely shattered.

At this time, as long as you have a purpose to perceive the changes in your body, you can perceive the existence of armed color without hindrance.

After that, that is, touch, and then call.

This is also as Sol said before, physical fitness is a prerequisite for the cultivation of armed color.

If you can't smash the shell, you can't lead the existence of armed color even if you meditate for a lifetime.

Listening to Thor's detailed explanation, Maud became more and more inappropriate.

He realized that the use of the domineering skills of the armed color is actually very similar to the ability of the hunter world.

For example, wrapping domineering on the weapon is the Zhou in the skill of thinking ability.

Freely mobilize domineering and make it flow on the body surface, which is the flow in the skill of thinking ability.

These are the skills he has mastered before.

When he first came to this world, he immediately thought of using abilities.

But because of the soul wear, he couldn't perceive the energy in his body at that time, but luckily it didn't affect him to summon the hunter's note.

Later, when he learned that the place he was in was the world of One Piece, he naturally accepted that there was no energy in his body.

Since then, he has never settled down to perceive the changes in his body, but has followed the power system of the One Piece world and focused on enhancing his physique.

And now, Sol's alternative explanation of the domineering of the armed color is like the ringing of the morning bell, reminding Maud of such a thing.

Whether it is thinking or domineering, the principles in many places are figured out.

The reason why the energy in the body could not be sensed before was not because it did not exist.

But the body is too weak to smash the sturdy shell that wraps the domineering.

But it's different now...

Thinking of this, Maud's heart surged suddenly.

He has technical experience in this area.

Does this mean that he can master the armament color faster than others?

Do it when you think of it.

Maud's eyes drooped, he first calmed down his thoughts, and then calmed down.

After more than a few months, he once again purposefully perceives the situation in his body.

This time, the response was no longer dead silence.

He felt it.

That energy like a tender seedling is a domineering existence.

Obviously, such a change corresponds to Sol's statement.

The current physique unknowingly shattered the shell that wrapped the domineering existence, making it finally revealed.

"it's the same."

Maud's heart beat faster.

This hangs up a lot...

Mo De's thoughts moved, and he consciously mobilized the domineering arrogance like a new tender seedling, but he felt a solid resistance.

Although he has extensive experience in technique, he has no physical memory to match.

So there is such a phenomenon.

Maud is not in a hurry. With experience, he tries again and again.

After several attempts, that resistance gradually disappeared.

Then, Maud tried to guide the domineering to his right hand.

Then, he succeeded.

The right hand was covered with a layer of domineering armed color, turning it into pitch black.

Sol was still explaining the principle of domineering, but suddenly he saw Maud wrapped around the domineering right hand of the armed color.

The sound stopped abruptly.

what the hell? ? ?

It was as if a slap had slapped Thor's old face hard.

He stared at Maud in a daze, his mouth opened to the widest, and his eyes almost burst out of their sockets.

At this time, Sunny and Bailey also saw Maud's domineering wrapped around his right hand.


Sonny and Bailey instantly followed in Sol's footsteps.

The mouth is open, and the eyeballs pop out.

It's not scientific at all, right? ? ?

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