HxH in One Piece World

Chapter 89 Amazing Qualifications

Time is like sand, which cannot be grasped by the fingers.

Half a month passed by in a blink of an eye.

weapon shop.

A wooden wall was chiseled through.

The wooden wall is centered from left to right, and between top and bottom, but there are also a number of slender wooden strips that spread out like tendons.

It seems that a woodcarver, in the name of an artist, has carved this wooden wall into a grotesque art with no trace of its style.

In fact, this wooden wall was beaten by lead bullets.

During the half-month cultivation time, Sol told them with practical actions what this is not an exercise.

Maud and Sunny can't count how many buckshots they dodged in Thor's hands.

I only know that every time I dodge the lead bullet, I can feel a real sense of life and death crisis.

Therefore, in only half a month, Maud had a weird experience like licking blood on the tip of a knife for many years.

Even in his previous life, he who advocated low-key development had never encountered too many life-and-death crises in the past few years.

In the short half-month training process, I could always feel a sense of oppression that could lose my life at any time if I relaxed.

Thor is a pervert.

This is probably the real psychological feeling of Maud and Sunny.

However, the effect of practice is also immediate.

Up to this moment, Maud was able to dodge the lead bullets that Sol had shot with his fingers closed even with his eyes closed.

This kind of performance was seen by Sol, and he could only sigh with emotion that the aptitude was evident.

As for Sunny, it's good to go step by step, and in terms of aptitude, it can also be called excellent.

It's just that nothing hurts without comparison.

In the face of Maud's practice speed, Sunny's performance will indeed pale a lot.

call out--!

With Sol's fingers popping the last buckshot, the basic practice of seeing and hearing came to an end.

After that, if you want to improve further, in addition to using time to slowly hone, that is, using battle to temper.

"not bad."

Sol looked at the boy and girl in front of him with a smile.

In these two little guys, he could not help but feel the youthful breath.

Especially Maud, who amazed him and was overjoyed.

Before the official start of the practice, he had long seen that Mord's aptitude for seeing, hearing, and sex was very high, but he did not expect it to be so high.

Only by watching Maud grow step by step with his own eyes can he deeply understand what it means to find treasure.

With such an excellent aptitude for seeing, hearing and domineering, it is better to learn guns.

From the practice to the end, Sol has been hypnotizing himself like this.

In fact, he is very clear that if Morde's armed aptitude is not weak, it will be a better choice to embark on the road of swordsman.

However, as long as it is human, there will be selfishness.

In selfishness, Saul hopes that Maud can take the road of the gunman.

There are some things that he can't do in his entire life, but it doesn't prevent him from pinning his hopes on the younger generation.

Maud and Sunny didn't let up when Sol announced that the practice of seeing and hearing was officially over.

Even the practice of seeing and hearing is so difficult, they can't imagine what kind of hell the practice of being armed will be.

For a while, the two looked at each other, and both could see the solemn meaning on each other's faces.

During the half-month practice, what they could feel was the perverted and unreasonable pressure from Sol.

From their standpoint, they have no idea how valuable a teacher who has retired from the old times is.

Why did Shanks invite Thor aboard?

Friendship on the one hand, Sol's experience on the other.

With an old whetstone like Thor on board, over time, it will definitely improve the average level of the entire ship.

This is also due to Sol's vicious eyesight as a senior.

With this, Thor can easily see the limits of Maud and Sunny.

On this basis, it is also possible to adjust the difficulty of each step of cultivation in a targeted manner.

It can be said that the entire cultivation process is under Sol's control.

He used the fastest speed to guide Maud and Sunny's experience, and then let them lay the foundation.

But this amazing progress cannot be entirely attributed to Thor's teaching ability.

Because seeing and hearing color is different from armed color, it is more about aptitude.

Some people are not qualified enough, and they may not be able to guide them in their entire lives.

But some people are so talented that even if they don’t need guidance from others, they can master the knowledge and sex on their own when they are young.

Maud and Sunny's aptitude in this area is obviously beyond the horizontal line, plus the guidance of an old master, so they can lay the foundation in such a short period of time.

Compared with the aptitude-dependent cultivation difficulty of seeing and hearing, the prerequisite for learning armed sex is more inclined to physical fitness.

As long as the physical fitness is up to standard, plus a qualified master, it is not difficult to guide the armed color.

The most difficult thing is how to improve the domineering cultivation process.

Thor gave Maud and Sunny ten minutes to rest.

Bailey is also very discerning. He took the initiative to pour tea and water, and he was about to hand over hot towels to Maud and Sunny.

Ten minutes passed quickly.

But Maud and Sunny still looked like frosted eggplants.

Excessive use of sight, hearing and color will directly deplete the user's spirit, and immediately affect crucial factors such as concentration.

Maud and Sunny are beginners, and although they have mastered the basic application skills of sensuality, the staying power is not worth mentioning.

Sol ignored the exhaustion on the faces of the two and went directly to the next stage of cultivation.

"Your aptitude for seeing, hearing, and sex is very good, so you learned the basics in just half a month."

"But the armed color is different from the knowledge color, and it focuses more on physical fitness, so there is no shortcut."

"That is to say, when your physical condition is not up to standard..."

"Then, no matter how hard you try, what you can't learn is what you can't learn."

"On the contrary, when your physical condition reaches the standard, you will find out..."

"Not only domineering, but also many physical skills can be learned and mastered in a short period of time."

"There is no need to say much about the former, but I can give you an example of the latter."

"For example, the moon step in the Navy's Sixth Form."

Having said that, Sol jumped in place and jumped into the air one meter high.

Before the body falls freely, the left and right feet step on each other in the air quite regularly.

With a pleasant air explosion, Sol seemed to be stepping on an invisible air mass, thus stabilizing his body in mid-air.

"This is the moon step, and it is also a secret physical skill in the navy."

"The reason why I know how to use the moon step is only because I have seen the navy use the moon step, and then I understand it, so I learned it."

"But if my physical condition is not up to standard, even if I understand the principle of the technique, it is impossible to learn the moon step no matter how much I think about it."

"The same is true for the practice of armed domineering."

"By my standards, the physical fitness of the two of you is only average."

"So, don't think about being able to learn armed sex in a short time, that's impossible."

After saying that, Sol landed safely, ignoring the adoring gazes from the two juniors.

"Why don't you teach us the moon steps first?"

Maud's eyes lit up at Thor, as if he were looking at a treasure trove.

"..." Sol.

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