Ronan the Accuser:"I knew you were a lunatic, but I didn’t expect you to be this crazy!"

"No wonder you randomly massacred half the population of those planets when you captured them.……"

The Nova Supreme of Xandar:"You are not much crazier, no wonder you two can get together."

High Priest Sovereign:"You are really out of your mind!"

Odin:"Haha, there is no shortage of crazy people in the universe, but it is rare to find someone as crazy and overconfident as you."

Although this information is explosive, the bigwigs of the Marvel Universe just sighed at Thanos's madness.

They know that Thanos is powerful, but they don't believe that Thanos can do such a thing. They just think it is the delusion of a madman.

Only the Ancient One sighed, but did not speak.

Because only she knew that Thanos would definitely be able to do this.

Angel King Kesha:"It really made me see the diversity of crazy people. I have seen many crazy people, but it is the first time I have seen someone like you."

Slaughtering half of the creatures in the universe is something that even the devil has never thought of!

At this time, the words of the God of Destruction Nanook floated out:"Why only destroy half of the life?"

"Shouldn't they all be destroyed?"

Joyful Star God Aha:"How interesting, why would you have such an idea?"

The entire live broadcast room suddenly became quiet. It turned out that there was something even crazier here.


Thanos didn't expect Ye Bai's first question to be so explosive. Where did this guy come from? Why did he know all this?

He looked at the familiar names in the live broadcast room.

If it was one-on-one, he would not be afraid of any of these people, but if everyone knew his purpose, these people would probably unite and attack him!

Even he might not be able to withstand it.

So, Thanos said indifferently:"Where did you hear this rumor?"

Ye Bai pulled his hand in the air, and another screen appeared.

There was also a Thanos standing on a desolate planet full of technology on the screen!

He was different from now. Although he was still wearing the golden armor, he did not wear a helmet or shoulder pads, but his left hand was wearing a glove that seemed to be carved out of gold, with a red glow on the knuckles.

In front of him sat a man with gray hair, wearing a red cloak and a necklace around his neck. This was the Supreme Sorcerer Doctor Strange.

Thanos said to Doctor Strange:"It seems that Ebony Maw is dead. Today is a day of heavy losses."

"But he still completed his mission and brought you to me"

"This is my home planet Titan, it used to be very beautiful……"

As he spoke, the red light on his hand began to spread, and the real world changed.

The ruins turned into a prosperous world. There were green trees, people coming and going, and technological creations everywhere.

"Titan, like most planets, has a large population but insufficient resources."

"When we were on the verge of extinction, I proposed a solution to randomly wipe out half of our population."

"Without any emotion, completely random, the poor and the rich are treated equally, so that our civilization can survive!"

Thanos' voice became low:"In the end, they all said I was crazy, but my prediction came true"

"My home planet Titan was destroyed because of this"

"Now, if I can control the six Infinity Stones, then with a snap of my fingers, half of the population in the universe will be wiped out instantly, and they won't suffer any pain!"

"I call it kindness"

"Then, the universe will reach a new balance, and the tragedy on Titan will not happen again.……"

"And I can finally rest in this beautiful universe and watch the sunrise and sunset.……"

Thanos was stunned. He was sure that he had never seen the man in the picture, let alone said such words to him.

He was even more sure that he was wearing the Infinity Gauntlet in the picture, and the red light on it was the Reality Stone, and he had not yet obtained the Reality Stone...

So this is something that will happen in the future?

This person can actually show me what will happen in the future...

The Time Stone is in his hand!

Thanos quickly came to this conclusion.

He finally understood where this person's amazing information technology came from!

It must have come from the future!

No wonder...

So, he came from the future to stop my great cause!

At this moment, Thanos's smart brain came to the most logical conclusion.

And as long as he could kill this man, he could get the Time Stone immediately, and he would no longer have to fight against Master Ancient One...

Thinking of this, his battle blade appeared in his hand, and then he slashed at Ye Bai frantically...


With a loud bang, his indestructible battle blade just shattered!

At the same time, Kaba made a crisp sound, and Thanos' arm twisted into a twist...

At that moment, all of Thanos's men lost their voices!

You know, Thanos's blade can really be used as a ship-slashing sword. No ship can withstand a blow from his blade. It is more terrifying than the main gun of a ship!

Just now, Thanos attacked with all his strength, but he couldn't even cut off Ye Bai's hair, and instead broke his hand!

What kind of ability is this! ? It's really too terrifying!

They have been following Thanos for so long, and they have never seen Thanos bleed.……


Professor X and Magneto were both stunned.

Magneto has begun to believe that this was not Professor X's doing.

If it is true, it is too crazy!

You know, Magneto's craziest behavior is nothing more than wanting to turn all ordinary people into mutants.

Compared with this Thanos, it is simply a small witch compared to a big witch.

What's more terrifying is that he not only wants to, but also has the possibility to do it!

Infinity Gems...

I hope there will be no such lunatics and such horrible things in my world!

People in the Marvel Universe are already sweating.

Especially those who know the business, they have seen that Thanos' crazy plan is actually possible.

Collector:"Few people can control the power of an Infinity Gem, and you actually want to control 6 Infinity Gems?"

"Thanos, you are crazy!"

Angel King Kesha:"What kind of gem is so powerful?"

Gathering 6 gems, and then easily destroying half of the life in the universe with a snap of fingers, this kind of thing is beyond her cognition.

Master Ancient One:"Infinity Gems, they were born at the beginning of the universe and evolved from the origin of the universe. The cornerstone of the world"

"They correspond to time, space, power, reality, soul, and mind respectively."

"If you can get them, you can control everything in the universe."

Happy Star God:"It seems that the creator of your world left you administrator privileges when he created your world.……"

Balance Star God Hu:"You call this balance……"

Captain America:"Your idea is no different from telling a patient, 'You are sick, I will kill you first to avoid your pain.'"……"

Various speeches merged into one!

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