"The live broadcast room activity has reached 33%, please keep up the good work……"

Seeing this, Ye Bai smiled.

Similar to posting videos on the website, the Super Dimension Live Room also has its own reward mechanism!

When the activity reaches 30%, there is already a first-level reward, which is a cash reward of one million!

Reaching 60% is a second-level reward, which is a reward of Captain America's enhanced serum!

90% is a third-level reward, the ability to jump in space!

Reaching 100% will also add a special reward, S-level telekinesis!

So for the sake of rewards, Ye Bai also spent a lot of thought on this live broadcast!

It seems that Thanos really gave them a little Marvel shock...

Then keep up the good work!

Ye Bai looked at the Thanos with a broken hand and smiled,"Really, I didn't expect the guests to be so emotional!"

"Can this interview continue?"

That calm tone and eyes, but in Thanos' eyes, it felt that as long as he said no, this person would probably turn hostile and attack!

And he really couldn't beat him!

His hand was broken by the recoil after a full-strength attack. If this person attacks... he would definitely die!

Thanos is not afraid of death, but he is reluctant to die before his great cause is accomplished!

He was not invincible from the beginning. He knew the principle of protecting himself when encountering a strong person and fighting back when he is strong?

So, he endured it!

Ye Bai ignored him for the time being and said to the audience:"It seems that everyone has doubts about the power of the Infinity Stones, so let me show you!"

Then a screen popped up in front of Ye Bai.

On the screen, it was the scene of the New York War.

Loki opened the space gate, and an endless army of Chitauri were invading from the space gate.

Ye Bai said:"This is the space gem. It was stranded on the earth. The evil god Noki was ordered by Thanos to go to the earth to snatch the space gem, and then used the space gem to open a space channel leading to the earth."

"Allowing the Chitauri to invade Earth……"

"This is the power of the Space Stone. It can open a space gate to anywhere in the universe."

Seeing this, most of the audience didn't care!

The Avengers have seen this, and space teleportation is something that most of the audience here can do.

At most, the Space Stone can teleport farther...

Unexpectedly, Ye Bai continued:"And this is just one of the powers of the Space Stone."

The picture changed again.

In the picture, Coulson, an eighth-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., holding a strange spear, blasted the evil god Loki away with one shot.

Ye Bai continued:"In addition to opening space gates, the energy of the Space Stone can also be used to make weapons"

"This is a weapon made by the earthlings using the energy of the space gem, but this is far from the limit of the space gem."

The picture changed again, turning into the starry sky of the universe, with the lonely earth suspended in it. Then a space channel appeared, and a Kree fleet emerged from it!

Ronan the Accuser, holding a war hammer, said:"Deploy ballistic missiles……"

Afterwards, countless shuttle-shaped missiles shot towards the earth!

At this time, a woman with golden light appeared in the screen. She flew towards the missiles and swung the front missile back!

That was Captain Marvel!

The missiles exploded, and Captain Marvel rushed into the explosion, smashing all the missiles with her fists, turning these high-tech weapons into fireworks in the sky!

Ronan was extremely shocked. The battle compartment of the spacecraft opened, and countless fighter jets flew out.

But these weapons were like paper in front of Captain Marvel, and were smashed to pieces by her reckless rush!

Then, she dived into the spacecraft and directly dismantled the spacecraft!

Ye Bai said:"This is the superhero Captain Marvel. The reason why Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. wants to create the Avengers is because of her!"

"She was originally just an ordinary soldier, but was later transformed by the energy of the space gem and gained the ability to extract energy from the white hole."

"Decades ago, she had single-handedly frightened off Ronan's fleet that was attacking the Earth."

Captain Marvel's ability is explained in this way in the comics, but it doesn't seem to be mentioned in the movie. Ye Bai was just talking nonsense, and no one really knew anyway!

Magneto snorted coldly, and a metal ball fell into his hands. His ability has been restored!

"It's just that this thing is made of metal, it's nothing in front of me! Charles, I think you can deal with that fleet, it seems that these aliens are not that scary!"

Although they are not in the same universe, Magneto regards Ronan as an enemy and finds that these aliens are not invincible!

But hearing these words, the face of the Angel King Kesha changed.

Angels can also fight against fleets with their physical bodies.

In her opinion, the way of obtaining and utilizing energy represents the level and strength of civilization!

The way she utilizes energy is to extract energy from stars on a large scale, but this Captain Marvel can actually extract energy from white holes!?

This way of obtaining energy has surpassed the angels.

Moreover, the most mysterious celestial bodies in the universe are black holes and white holes. Even for the King of Angels, entering a black hole is a dead end.

This woman has such ability just by being changed by the energy of the Space Gem!?

If the Space Gem can be used correctly, how powerful energy can be obtained?

It seems that it is true that collecting six Infinity Gems can easily destroy half of the creatures in the universe!

And Nick Fury, who was invited to the Avengers, opened his mouth wide. It turned out that Carol's power came from this!

If we can master this method, can't we mass-produce Carol?

Then what crisis are we worried about!

Balance Star God Hu:"Such a powerful power was obtained in this way……"

In his opinion, the universe where Thanos lives is too unbalanced...

Ye Bai continued:"This is just some of the power displayed by the Treasure Gems, not all of it. From this we can know that if the six Infinity Gems are really gathered together, Thanos may be able to do what he wants!"

"But judging from the comments in the live broadcast room, the audience does not agree with your ideas, Mr. Thanos."

"I will randomly select a viewer to express his or her thoughts on your ideals!"

Happy Star God Aha:"Choose me, choose me, choose me……"

Balance Star God:"Choose me, let me tell him what true balance is!"

Angel King Kaisha:"I also want to give some opinions on your stupid ideas!"

Iron Man:"Let me spray this grandson to death……"

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