Seeing this, the people on Earth on the Three-Body World Network were overjoyed.

"That purple potato spirit is so stupid! He is just like holding a knife to his neck and asking others if they are afraid."

"That’s ridiculous. Are aliens necessarily human-shaped?"

"But to be honest, CG technology is really awesome!"

"Look at that big iron head, a robot, no wonder he made this suggestion! Flesh and blood are weak, and machinery rises!"

"Nonsense, that is the ascension of consciousness!"

"I think it's actually pretty good. Isn't this something that's written about in novels? When your consciousness enters cyberspace, you can get whatever you want. It's much better than the miserable life we have now."

"It's wishful thinking. Even if you need to move bricks on the Internet, you still have to move bricks."

"What a coward! Every one of these people thinks we can’t beat the Trisolarans!"

The members of the Planetary Defense Council had completely different reactions, because they had previously believed that this was something that an advanced civilization had come up with.

Some people think that these two plans are feasible!

Someone looked at consultant Ding Yi and asked,"Dr. Ding Yi, what do you think of these two plans?"

Ding Yi poked his messy hair and said,"For the first scorched earth plan, we have a chance to do something similar, but will the people accept it?"

"As for how much of an impact it will have on the Trisolarans, and whether it is enough to pose a threat to them, I lack the information to judge!"

"As for the second consciousness plan, in my opinion, the chances of human survival are relatively high, but the question remains, will the public accept it?"

"Will you be willing?"

"Most importantly, can we really, as that mechanical head said, work hard to develop those technologies for more than three hundred years?"

"The development of our society is ups and downs, it is a spiral, it can't always be like this!"

Some people were silent, but some couldn't help but say:"Don't we really have no hope of winning?"

Ding Yi smiled:"Now our gap is so big, 400 years later, our technology is stagnant, and they are striding forward, how can we win?"

"Maybe 400 years later, they will all have superluminal spacecraft.〃¨ 〃¨ !"

"There is no chance of direct confrontation!"

"I am just a scientist. I can only see scientific things. For the rest, you should ask those real wall-facers!"

The directors looked at each other and shook their heads. Now they all put their hopes on Luo Ji.

Because he is the only person that the Trisolarans are afraid of and want to assassinate.

But they can't see yet what is so special about Luo Ji!

In the live broadcast room.

Ye Bai did not forget the guest Cheng Xin and asked,"Ms. Cheng Xin, do you think these two plans have the possibility of success?"

Cheng Xin was stunned:"These two plans are too scary. If it were me, I would find it hard to accept."

Ye Bai said:"If you don't accept it, do you have any suggestions?"

Cheng Xin was stunned again:"Not yet."

It is true.

He thought this and that wouldn't work, and he didn't have any good plan. Anyway, he was going to mess up with the human race!

Then Ye Bai connected to Professor X, who had been silent.

It turned out that Professor X was fighting with the Sentinel robot.

The Sentinel robot in the picture was already in its complete form in the movie.

Fortunately, there are still many mutants now!

Soon Wolverine stabbed the last Sentinel robot to death.

Professor X said:"Mr. Host, this is really not a good time. The situation here is not good. You may not understand……"

Ye Bai said:"I know your situation very well! What do you want to say?"

Professor X said:"My people are dying one after another. It is useless for us to fight back. We can only survive."

"Last time I heard about Xumi's Void, I studied the Void, and there is indeed hope of defeating the Sentinel Robot"

"But we don't have much time."

"If possible, could the host give us some support? We are willing to pay any price."

Oh, the netizens of the Three-Body Earth are excited again.

"A blockbuster film about the battle of super powers!"

"Blockbuster, blockbuster!"

"Awesome, this show is pretty good, but it's a bit off topic!"

Ye Bai smiled:"Professor X, do you really need reinforcements?"

Professor X was stunned:"Why not?"

Ye Bai said:"I don't think you even need to do anything with the void"

"Professor, that thing on your head is the latest type of brain wave device. With it, you can control the consciousness of all human beings on the earth, and even kill them all in an instant!"

"So what support do you need?"

"If it were me, I would directly manipulate the relevant people to destroy the sentinel robots."

Professor X sighed:"But they thought of this, so the operation of the sentinel robots is now independent and no one can interfere!"

Ye Bai was almost crying because of the professor's stupidity:"It's so funny, even if they built a bastion, what would happen?"

"Since humans can build sentinel robots to hunt you, you can also force them to build robots to hunt sentinel robots……"

If they don't agree, you can threaten them with the lives of all mankind. At worst, we're all done for!"

Professor X was stunned!

Ye Bai shook his head and said,"This is a war of life and death, are you playing house?"

"¨「 In this world, a man named Wade once said that if you lose your humanity, you lose a lot; if you lose your animality, you lose everything. It is not easy to survive; you always have to give up something!"

"If you insist on doing this, then the mutants deserve to be exterminated."

Ye Bai hung up the microphone and said,"Sorry, something unexpected happened and I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time! Let's connect with another one and we'll get to the point!"

This time Ye Bai chose the Angel King Kesha. After all, her world is also an interstellar civilization.

Kesha said,"Of course we can't beat them!"

"I think the two above have focused their attention on the Earth and the Trisolarans in this universe, without considering other civilizations in the universe."

"If the Earth is attractive to the Trisolaran civilization, then it may also be attractive to other alien civilizations!"

"The earth can send its own information to the universe, so why not increase the power and send the earth's information to the entire universe?"

"If you are lucky, you may be able to establish a relationship with other civilizations."

"It’s not possible that all civilizations are like the Three-Body Problem and want to kill you (de ma de) (de ma de)!"

"Even if we don’t encounter a righteous civilization, if some civilization sets its eyes on the Earth and comes to compete with the Trisolarans for the Earth, they might kill the Trisolarans and take the Earth away!"

"Of course, if this happens, there is a high probability that the human beings on Earth will be doomed!"

"However, facing such a strong enemy, being able to die together is already a good idea."

"If we use this as a bargaining chip, we can negotiate with the Trisolarans.……"

Hearing this, the faces of the Trisolarans changed drastically.

This woman is so cruel!

She obviously didn't know the Dark Forest Law, but she accidentally found a way for the Earth to fight against us.

It's over!

If the Earthlings knew, we would probably lose.

After hearing what Kaisha said, Luo Ji suddenly had a flash of light in his mind, and he remembered the cosmic axiom that Ye Wenjie had told him!

His eyes became pitch black, and in that darkness, he seemed to see the truth of the universe, and murmured:"Dark, it's really fucking dark!".

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