At this time, the people on Earth were no longer so happy.

Because everyone Ye Bai interviewed said that it was impossible for the Earthlings to win, and they had to either escape or perish together with the Trisolarans!

Isn't this typical escapism?

In fact, when the Trisolaran civilization became known to the world, escapism was rampant, but it was forcibly suppressed.

So, what does the sudden appearance of this program mean?

Has the wind changed, is escapism resurrected?

The people on it are just making up their minds!

In fact, the Planetary Defense Council knew very well that there was no possibility of victory in a head-on battle with the Trisolarans.

That's why they agreed to such an absurd plan as the Wallfacer Plan. Now hearing these suspected advanced civilizations say this, many people's hearts are chilled.

Is there really no hope of victory?

Wallfacer Bill Hines looked at the screen with a calm gaze, and said in his heart:"Humans still have too many extravagant hopes, hoping for a miracle to happen."

"But science is very realistic. The technological gap between us and the Three Body is so huge that we can never win."

"Running away is ugly, but it is the only option to preserve the human race."

Zhang Beihai also looked at the screen and thought to himself:"The first purple alien threatened the Trisolarans with something they wanted."

"Once we leave Earth, the resources on board are much worse than on Earth, and it is extremely difficult to achieve technological breakthroughs."

"It's a long shot, but you can try."

"The second robot alien, abandoning everything to escape, seems to have a great chance of success"

"If it were me, I would accept it. Only by staying alive can I have a chance for revenge!"

"The third angel's idea is to muddy the waters and drag down other cosmic civilizations."

"In fact, it is not impossible to try. After all, the Three-Body Civilization can already destroy us, so what if there is another one?"

"What if we are lucky enough to encounter a righteous civilization?……"

"Although there is little hope!"

"Confrontation, escape, and muddying the waters, all three directions seem worth trying.……"

Wallfacer Taylor snorted. You advanced civilizations may not know that we have mastered the sci-fi power of ball lightning.

To us, the Trisolarans are not invincible!

Ye Bai said,"Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Next, let us invite our special guest, Wallfacer Luo Ji."

"Let's see how this wall-facer defeated the Trisolarans!"

Cheng Xin was stunned. Wasn't it an interview with me?

Why had I not been involved?

The next moment, Luo Ji, who was closely protected by Dashi and many elite soldiers, suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room.

Cheng Xin was stunned. She suddenly realized that this might not be a show effect, it was real!

So, I really destroyed two civilizations?

How is this possible!

Ding Yi opened his mouth wide:"This is, space teleportation! ? Is such a thing possible?"

"So the superluminal flight they just mentioned is also possible?"

"The cornerstone of human physics is wrong……"

At this moment, he finally understood why so many scientists committed suicide because of distorted particle collision experiments.

It turned out that the foundation of his life's beliefs suddenly collapsed, and people would want to die.

Luo Ji was confused, and then looked at Ye Bai. He was calmer than he thought, and smiled bitterly:"So it's true? You really came from another universe?"

"Or are you from an advanced civilization, and you come to tease us?"

This is space teleportation, which the Trisolarans don't know!

He felt that the cosmic sociology he had just figured out seemed to be wrong.

Ye Bai said:"In this universe, if anyone's life is exciting enough, you must be on the list. Of course, I have to interview you!"

Luo Ji couldn't help rubbing his nose, me?

I became a wall-facer in a daze, and then used my power for personal gain, and muddled through my life every day.

Is my life exciting?

Then Ye Bai said:"Come, let me solemnly introduce this person to everyone, the wall-facer Luo Ji, the nemesis of the Trisolarans, the sword-bearer of two worlds, and the last guardian of human civilization."

Luo Ji was embarrassed:"You, this……"

Ye Bai said:"Those are what you will do in the future, you deserve these titles!"


Can you still see the future?

Is the advanced civilization so outrageous?

Luo Ji smiled bitterly:"I don't think I'm that powerful, I'm really just an ordinary person."

Ye Bai said:"Then have you thought of the Dark Forest Law?"

Luo Ji was stunned:"Dark Forest Law? Is that what you call it? It's really appropriate."

"However, your appearance has made the Dark Forest Law look like a joke!"

Ye Bai smiled and said,"I came from another universe, and some things only apply to your universe."

"How about you tell us about the Dark Forest Law?"

When the Trisolarian leader saw this, the smoothness on his body kept flashing, which was similar to a human sweating.

He is Luo Ji!?

He actually figured it out, and our fleet is still so far away, we can't count on anything.

It's over, it's over!

At this moment, the netizens who were previously depressed were very excited, because Luo Ji is the wallfacer of this world.

And listening to what the host said, it seems that he has found a way to deal with the Trisolarians.

Humanity is saved.

So, this is not a prank show, nor a brainstorming show, it is our wallfacer who found a way to save the world, and used this unique method to announce it to everyone.

Comment area.

Thanos:"What Dark Forest? Can this kid find a way to defeat the Trisolarians under such conditions?"

"It's incredible, I want to see how amazing it is!"

The Star God of Wisdom, Boshizun:"Maybe I still have some key information that I haven't grasped."

Angel King Kesha:"Dark forest, is this used to describe this universe? It's quite appropriate!"

Luo Ji said:"I once met Teacher Ye Wenjie. Of course, I now know that she is the leader of ETO and a criminal against humanity."

"She told me something very interesting."


"Suppose there are as many civilizations in the universe as there are stars in the sky"

"These civilizations constitute the cosmic society, and this discipline studies the relationship between these civilizations."

"She has no relevant data, only pure theoretical derivation"

"Teacher Ye Wenjie told me that she derived two axioms of cosmological sociology."

"First, survival is the first need of civilization."

"Second, civilization keeps growing and expanding, but the total amount of the universe remains the same."

Thanos suddenly became excited:"I told you that there will always be a day when the resources in the universe are not enough."

"So my previous actions may not be wrong. Killing half of the life in the universe can at least delay the destruction of the universe."

At this moment, both the Trisolarans and the earthlings broke out in cold sweats!

Best, you are kidding!

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