Nick Fury:"There is some truth, just like our world"

"Assume that a country is a civilization. Every civilization wants to live a better life, so they all want to obtain more resources."

"In order to fight for these things, wars will naturally occur, so it is not wrong to regard the universe as a jungle society."

Captain America:"However, civilization will progress. For example, we now have international law. It is no longer a naked jungle world.~~"

Wanda:"Captain, you are not so naive as to think that the United States and our country talked about justice and international law back then, right?"

"They invaded with their strong fists."

The captain blushed and was speechless.

Angel King Kesha:"I admit that these two points are indeed the axioms of the universe society, then what does it mean? Can it enable you to defeat the Trisolarans?"

Luo Ji said:"This is what I just thought of, and many parts may not be perfect."

"And my inference is based on the fact that there is no such thing as superluminal flight in our universe."

"Or maybe it's a little different from your world."

"Is the host correct in this regard?"

Ye Bai said:"It is not absolutely correct, but at least it is applicable to most civilizations in this universe."

Just like the cleaner of the Singer civilization, his two-dimensional foil only took about a year to come to the solar system.

The Three-Body System was also destroyed at about the same time.

Therefore, superluminal speed must exist in this universe, otherwise it would be something more outrageous like space folding and changing the timeline!

After all, the great god-level civilizations in this universe even use mathematical rules as weapons, how terrible that is, Ye Bai can't think of it!

Even the Zeroer can restart the universe!

Anyway, before leaving this world, he will definitely call the Zeroer and others to the card table to play games, it depends on whether the system is powerful enough!

Luo Ji breathed a sigh of relief and said:"You can use your own planet as an analogy, it is very similar, but this is a question of spatial scale"

"So the contradiction is more acute!"

"Take our world for example. With our technology, we can go anywhere on Earth in almost a day."

"But if we look at it from a cosmic scale, for example, the Three-Body Civilization and us, we are so close, but it will take 400 years for us to meet."

"Now, let's assume that we suddenly discovered each other"

"We don't know what each other looks like, whether we are carbon-based or silicon-based, what our social system is like, and whether we will eat three human children in one meal."

"We also don’t know whether the other party is kind or malicious towards me?"

"Even if the other party has good intentions towards me, what should I do if the other party leaks me to a civilization that has bad intentions towards me?"

Hearing this, many people suddenly felt a chill down their spines!

They remembered what Luo Ji had said before, that survival is the first need of civilization.

Under this premise, if I suddenly discovered another civilization, I knew nothing about it, but its existence could threaten my survival!

What should I do then?

Joyful Star God Aha:"Oh, this is getting interesting! It's more interesting than the previous proton two-dimensional expansion."

"If that's the case you're describing, it's really scary."

"It's like being in a place without laws and rules."

"You are walking in the dark night and suddenly you see a person opposite you. You have no idea whether he is kind or malicious towards you, and you don't know whether he will suddenly pull out a gun and shoot you."

"More importantly, he is the same. He doesn't know whether you have ill will towards him or whether you will suddenly pull out a gun and shoot him."

"You both still lust after each other’s bodies!"

"So the two people began to suspect and doubt each other, and shooting was inevitable!"

"So the best way at this time is to hide yourself and not be discovered. If you find someone, just shoot him and kill him. Then take his gun and eat his meat to become stronger."

For a moment, everyone felt their scalps tingling.

Uchiha Madara:"It's like in the Warring States period. If I found a ninja in the forest,"

"If it wasn't my ninja, I would have killed him right away."

"Because I don't know if he's going to try to kill me first."

"Dark Forest, this name is really appropriate."

Dr. Banner:"When you deduce this, I am sweating coldly. This universe is too scary."

"But there is one thing I still feel puzzled about. We still assume that you and the Three-Body Civilization"

"Suppose that the Trisolaran civilization's planet is not in danger of destruction, and they discover you."

"And if they find that your technology cannot pose any threat to them at all, then do you have a chance to communicate normally?"

"Is it possible to establish diplomatic relations in some form?"

Iron Man:"No, have you forgotten why the Trisolaran civilization wants to lock down the technology of the parallel Earth?"

"Because they are worried that the parallel earth will have a technological explosion within 400 years, and the technology will surpass theirs."

"When the technology of the parallel Earth surpasses theirs, how can they be sure that the people of the parallel Earth will not kill them?"

"After all, there is a second axiom: civilization continues to grow and expand, but the total amount of matter in the universe remains unchanged. If civilization wants to develop, it needs a lot of resources!"

"When civilization was not developed enough, cosmic resources were certainly not that tight!"

"When civilization expands rapidly, it’s hard to say!"

"Just like Queen Kesha and the others, they eat several suns in one meal. No matter how many suns in the universe there are, they will always be able to eat them all!"

·· ·······Request flowers···· ··

"If civilization wants to expand, there will never be enough resources!"

·· ·······Request flowers···· ··

"Therefore, their best option is to destroy the Earth civilization when they discover a parallel Earth, preventing the Earth civilization from having the opportunity to develop and threaten them, and they can also plunder the resources of the parallel Earth!"

"If your universe is like this, then I am really horrified."

Luo Ji said:"This is my inference about this universe. I call the two things you mentioned later the chain of suspicion and the technological explosion."

"That’s why our universe is so quiet, because everyone is afraid of being discovered!"

"So before, we sent information to the universe, and it was only received by the Three-Body Civilization. We were really lucky!"

Angel King Kesha:"Brilliant inference! Suspicion chain, this word chain is the essence!"

"Unable to communicate, suspicious of each other, and coveting each other's resources, this universe is more terrifying than the dark ages of our universe!"



Cheng Xin said:"Isn't it too exaggerated?"

"You deduced something so horrible based on two imaginary axioms?"

Luo Ji said,"If the premise I mentioned earlier is true, then this is what the universe looks like."

"It is a fact, and we are powerless to change it.

Cheng Xin:"But this axiom is too simple.……"

Ye Bai smiled and said,"The great truth is simple! You should know that all the axioms of mathematics can be regarded as developed from 1+1=2!"

Tianli:"Silly children, now you finally understand why I used the false sky to hide Teyvat, right?"

Paimon:"Tiantiantian...Tianli? Didn't you say you were sleeping to recuperate again?"

Tianli:"Well, it won't delay me from devoting a little consciousness to watch the interview."

Queen of Winter:"Is our universe like this too?"

Tianli:"Not so scary, but not much different."

Doctor of the Star God of Wisdom:"A wonderful inference, like the simplest and most beautiful mathematical formula."

Master Ancient One:"It is indeed a wonderful inference, but it is indeed a cruel world."

Angel Kaisha:"Indeed, it is too difficult for a civilization to develop in such a universe."

Homelander:"This universe is darker than Vought Corporation!" Aizen

:"It is really scary, the beautiful starry sky, now it seems that those beautiful stars are the eyes of wolves!"

"The whole universe is like a dark abyss……"

At this time, the activity level in the comment area directly reached 63%.

At this moment, the entire Planetary Defense Council, as well as those who understood the law of the Dark Forest, cheered.

They knew that the Earth was saved.

Finally, countless people sighed again.

In the universe, it is so dark!

Only the Trisolarans are like bereaved parents! Qianqian.

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