[121] Draco incident, SS-level power ask for custom ~ ask for subscription ~ ask for flowers ~ ask for evaluation ~ ask for comment)

After eating, Loren sneaked back to the dock.

Because it was a one-man boat, with Rayleigh’s craftsmanship, it was quickly done.

“Boy, what’s your name?”

Renly asked suddenly.

“Loren, a newcomer to the Navy who hasn’t graduated yet.”

Loren replied.

Reilly looked at Loren, paused for a moment, and said with a smile: “You know my identity, but you didn’t ask me about Onepiece?” Why? ”

As the first crew member of One Piece Gal D. Roger, and his most important deputy.

Naturally, Rayleigh had arrived with Roger on the Final Island, Ralph Drew.

The secrets of the world, and the treasure of One Piece, Ralph Drew, Rayleigh knows it all.

It can be said that

The secret that this world ZF has always wanted to hide, Renly is well aware.


Loren didn’t ask about it.

Reilly still felt a little strange.

“No need, senior Renly, my life pursuit is the same as yours now, and OnePiece has nothing to do with me.”

Loren waved his hand.

He wanted to scold his mother, one by one, how he liked to tell secrets.

If it was because of the secret, would Lao Tzu be in this situation?

No matter how tempting One Piece’s treasure is, it has nothing to do with himself.

After speaking,

Loren drove the boat directly into the dive, no nonsense.

If you talk too much, if you accidentally talk about something you can’t talk about, you will regret it.

“What a funny boy.”

Renly looked at Loren who left in a hurry, couldn’t help but smile, raised his hand and took another sip of wine.

“Renly, why are you still stunned, are you not working?”

The hostess’s voice came from the dock, and Renly hurried back to work.



Loren’s ship was diving at a rapid pace.

This route has been traveled many times and has navigation, so Lorena is also happy.

Under the illumination of the sun tree Eve, the bottom of the sea is extremely transparent.

Loren lay on the deck, casually observing her surroundings.

The last sea king incident still made Loren a little jealous.

Although I know that it should be just a coincidence, it is better to be careful.

[Ding, congratulations on killing the pirate Cassis, bonus attribute points 7000 points]

【Current attribute points: 100000 points】


The voice of the system sounded in Loren’s mind.

Cassis is dead!

Loren was slightly surprised, not surprised that Cassis dared to detonate the bomb, but surprised that he detonated it so quickly.

Good guys, it’s good that I set it up myself.

Otherwise, if it is blown up on the Chambord Islands, it is estimated that the entire Chambord Land will be in chaos.

The Draco incident happened exactly two years in advance, and this incident was a big deal.

I just don’t know if Draco was killed by the explosion.

Loren is not very sure, after all, these Draco wear protective clothing when they go out.

In terms of that quality, the death is not certain, but the serious injury is certain.

Now it’s definitely going to be upside down outside.


Nothing to do with me.

Loren said, “Add 100,000 attribute points to the power. ”

If you have enough attribute points, it is natural to improve your strength.

[Ding, congratulations to the host power to the SS level, the power of this level has exceeded the limit that normal people can exercise and improve, and it belongs to the power beyond the limit. ] 】

The system is added immediately.

Just listening to the introduction of this SS-level power, Loren was extremely excited.

Everyone has a limit value, in the navy, normal cultivation, continuous improvement, the ceiling is at most the level of vice admiral.

Because most people are mortal.

On top of this, there is a group of guys who go beyond the limits of the human body.

Such a person, with the exercise of the day after tomorrow, can reach the top.

Although it was directly completed with points, Loren felt that a certain shackle on his body was opened.

This feeling is like the feeling when the eight doors of Dun Jia open the door.

The eight doors of normality.

What a terrifying force this must be.

Among the four emperors, Kaido and Aunt should all belong to this column.

Their bodies are very durable, and at the same time they are extremely powerful and talented.

Of course

Whitebeard and redhead, that will not be weak.

But the focus is different.

Every Four Emperors must be the existence with the strongest comprehensive ability, otherwise how can they convince their subordinates.

Now I, when I meet the Four Emperors, I should also have the strength of a battle.

Loren is very happy with who she is now.


He finally felt a long-lost sense of security.

That sense of security that can handle everything.



Above the sea.

The whole world shook.

Marin Fando,

Navy headquarters, Admiral Yellow Ape has already been dispatched.

“What the hell is that guy, it’s so daring.”

The yellow ape said suspiciously.

At this moment, he led five warships and rushed directly towards the ship where the Draco was.

In the headquarters building, the Warring States looked solemn.

Not long ago, he had just gone to the Holy Land of Mary Joa and expressed his dissatisfaction to the five old stars.

And a few words of justice for the dead Ryushi.

It was only how long had it been, and such a thing had appeared, and the Warring States were heartbroken.


Mary Joa, the bodyguard CP0 directly under the Draco, also dispatched.

A group of Draco called an angry.

“No matter who it is, you must find it out and kill him!”

“Dare to provoke the majesty of our Draco, you can’t stay!”

“Kill all possible guys!”

“The slaves in the same batch as him can’t stay!”


World ZF Hall.

The five old stars were unexpectedly calm.

They were not surprised by the attack on Draco, even though it was the worst Draco incident in recent years.

“The yellow ape has passed, cp0 has also passed, and this time things are a little weird.”

“I have seen the information of that attacker, there is nothing special.”

“Any slave who is captured will definitely do the most careful examination, so the bomb on his body must have appeared later.”

“I personally prefer the revolutionary army, do you have any ideas?”

“Let’s wait for the results of the investigation to come out, anyway, the injury is just a pig.”


New World, Great Route.

The Island of White Earth.


Everything here is snow-white, and at a glance, it seems to be covered in snow.

But when I looked at it, I saw that there was no snow at all, simply because the dirt and rocks were all white.

This is the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

In a white building, several senior cadres of the revolutionary army were gathered.

In front of them, all the latest newspapers.

About the attack on Draco.

Monchi D. Long said: “We don’t have any plans for Draco in the near future, who did it this time?” ”

“It is definitely not done by him alone, someone must have assisted him, and I think it should also be a guy who is extremely indignant about the atrocities of the Draco.”

Saab spoke his mind.

Kerra added: “Yes, I agree with Saab and I think we can find this person. ”

Kerra and Saab are childhood sweethearts, and the relationship between the two has always been good.

“Now the world ZF is already looking for this person, the Navy has even dispatched a general general, we don’t have much time.”

Long said lightly.

The reason for convening this meeting, the purpose of the dragon is also very simple.

It is to absorb this guy who is planning behind it into the revolutionary army.

“I’ll go, I’ll figure it out.”

Saab volunteered.

As one of the chief of staff of the revolutionary army, Saab is now powerful and has few opponents in the entire revolutionary army. (The timeline is earlier, and Saab has not yet become chief of staff)

“I’ll go with Saab too.”

Kerra said.

She has always been paired with Saab.

Saab immediately said: “No, this mission is different, you may face the admiral, take one of you, I can’t guarantee a safe evacuation at all.” ”

Saab is still very confident in his strength.


The admiral is not yet a presence that he can reach at the moment.

Kerra was a little unhappy, but Saab had a point.

But at this time, the dragon spoke: “Kerra and Saab together, they are only allowed to probe on the periphery, and they are absolutely not allowed to approach the admiral, understand?” Kerra! ”

As the son of Karp, the leader of the revolutionary army.

Long knows very well how strong the strength of the admiral of the navy headquarters is, and the current Saab is not enough.


Kerra immediately responded.

Saab bowed his head a little helplessly, this Kerra was used by the dragon to watch him.


Naval Rookie Training Base.

Zefa had just demonstrated the Six Styles, and at this moment he was holding a newspaper and reading it casually.

Draco attacked, location, sea near the Chambord Islands.

After glancing at the time again, Zefa’s heart suddenly clicked.

It won’t be Loren this kid who did it.

After carefully reading the report, Zefa’s heart was basically counted.

That’s what Loren did.

Because Loren’s door fruit can easily do this kind of thing.

No, you have to do a good job of keeping Loren secret.

It must not be known that he appeared in the Chambord Islands at that time.

As long as you know Loren’s fruit ability, combined with Loren’s whereabouts, it is not difficult to come to this conclusion.

Zefa looked solemn, and he immediately went to contact Loren.

Delay the time to emerge in the New World.


New Year’s Day is over, and I have to go to work again.

There are really many things, and the author can only desperately code.

Because of the current YI love, the annual meeting has been canceled, and I can breathe a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, you have to find time to practice the show, and there really is no time for codewords.

Go for it!


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