[122] Loren vs Hody Jones, Murder? (Ask for custom ~ Ask for subscription ~ Ask for flowers ~ Ask for evaluation ~ Ask for comments)

Toot ———— Toot ———— Toot ——————

At the moment, Loren at the bottom of the sea did not have any signal at all, and Zefa could not contact him on the phone.

Loren was still immersed in the power he had just raised.

The comprehensive improvement of basic strength has raised Loren’s strength to a higher level.


On Fishman Island, a group of fishmen are staring at the bottom of the sea, and their eyes fall on Loren’s small boat.

Their leader is none other than Hody Jones.

This man who killed Princess Otohime and blamed the humans, provoking hatred between the fish people and humans.

At this time, Hody Jones was still a soldier of the Dragon Palace Kingdom, but secretly, he had formed the New Fishman Pirates.

Just wait for the time to ripen, and then control the white star and start a war with humanity.

“This is the ship, let’s get on!”

Hody Jones said to his men.

This is what they often do, and usually, they only dare to do it to small boats.

The previous few times, Loren had traveled by naval warship, so Hody Jones did not make a move.

And this time,

Loren’s boat was exactly what he was targeting.

“Hahaha, leave it to us!”

“Come on!”

“Kill all the humans! These guys who enslave us, damn it! ”


Under his influence, Hody Jones’ hatred of humans is also extremely huge.


Several figures drilled out of the bubble that wrapped Fishman Island.

For the fishmen, the sea is their real home.

The reason why Fishman Island has bubble wrapping is just for a better life.

Several white traces appeared on the bottom of the sea, which were left by the fishman swimming at full speed.


Loren, who had always been on guard, naturally sensed them immediately.

What’s going on with these fishmen?

Seeing the domineering color, Loren clearly felt their strong hostility.

Not only that, but their target seems to be their own ship.

Is this like doing it to me?

“Sit in the frosty sky, Orochimaru!”

Loren directly took out the ice wheel pill, and with a slash, a layer of frost armor was attached to the outside of the hull.

For battles under the sea, Orochimaru is always the most suitable.

Where there is water, that is the home of Orochimaru.

Bang bang bang………

Several bangs rang out.


These fishmen are the ships that directly attack Loren.

But their attacks were blocked by Loren’s frost armor.

“Interesting, the guys on the ship don’t seem to be simple.”

Hody Jones has been staring at this side, and when he saw this scene, it was also an active end.


His whole person seemed to turn into a sharp arrow, and he rushed straight towards Loren.

As a Great White Shark Man, Hody Jones’ speed is also the absolute best in Fishman.

The wide dorsal fin on his back is extremely sharp, and under the swimming of the seabed, he can even cut through steel.

“Hody Jones!”

Loren recognized the guy at a glance.

A guy with a fanatical hatred of humanity, so to speak, is in order to wage war with humanity, and can do whatever it takes.

Even Princess Otohime, who sacrificed the Fish-Terran clan, did not hesitate.


Loren’s face was slightly gloomy.

Although Loren also knows that humans have done a lot of bad things to fish people and mermaids, killing and selling fish people has always been a very hot business on the black market.

But that’s only some of them.

If you Hody Jones dares to provoke Lao Tzu, then be prepared to die.

Vacuum ice blade.

Loren flicked the ice wheel pill, and ice blades formed in the seawater.

This is a vacuum ice blade made by using the principle of seabed pressure and ice expansion, and its power is much stronger than that of ordinary ice blades.


Several vacuum ice blades flew directly towards Hody Jones.

Seeing this, the corners of Hody Jones’ mouth raised slightly, that is, he did not dodge, and directly loaded towards those ice blades.

Bang bang bang………..

The dorsal fin met the ice blade and exploded directly, and Loren’s attack was all blocked by Hody Jones.

At this time, Hody Jones also arrived in front of Loren.

He stopped, looked at Loren and said proudly: “Boy, in the sea, the fish people are invincible!” ”

Loren was slightly surprised, but then he thought about it, this was not under the surface of the sea, but in the deep sea.

The pressure at the bottom of the sea is huge, but the power of his vacuum ice blade is not so great.

Thinking of this, Loren directly put away the ice wheel pill.

In the sea, the fish people are invincible?

Even if Jinping was here, he couldn’t say such things to Loren.

“Hody Jones, do you really think no one knows about your killing of Princess Otohime?”

Loren looked at Hody Jones and said lightly.

There is no nonsense, one sentence goes straight to the core.

The death of Princess Otohime.

This is Hody Jones’ biggest secret.

He has always claimed that Princess Otohime was killed by humans, but in fact, he was the one who really did it.


It’s for war,

“What nonsense are you talking about! I’m going to let you die! ”

Hody Jones’ face changed and he stretched out his hand.

Fishman Karate Yabu Sackerel!

A drop of water shot out from Hody Jones’ hand, and the speed was like a cannonball, flying directly towards Loren.

Armed color domineering.

Loren raised his hand and easily blocked the droplet.

Not only that, Loren directly used this drop with his backhand to return Hody Jones’ blow.

Fishman Karate Hit the Water!

Several water droplets flew towards Hody Jones again like bullets!

“How is this possible!”

Hody Jones’s face changed drastically, and even a few of his subordinates next to him were shocked.

Fishman karate, this human in front of him can actually use it.

And this power is not weaker than these fishmen.

Is this possible?

Hit the water!

Hody Jones directly used the same move to neutralize Loren’s attack.

“Is this your invincibility?”

Loren said indifferently.

Just now, he also overestimated Hody Jones.

There is no need to use armed color domineering at all, and his Fishman Jiu-Jitsu power is intermediate at best.

And what Loren mastered was high-level fishman jiu-jitsu.

“Let’s get on!”



Hody Jones’ men rushed towards Loren, attacking in all directions, up and down, left and right.

Loren stood calmly on the deck.

Horse step right fist.

Tang Caowa Zhengfist!

One punch out.

A 360-degree shockwave was released, and all of Hody Jones’ men were directly shot out before they touched Loren.

It is not a grade existence at all.

[Ding, congratulations on defeating the Fishman Pirate, bonus attribute points 600 points]

[Ding, congratulations on defeating the Fishman Pirate, bonus attribute points 500 points]

[Ding, congratulations on defeating the Fishman Pirate, bonus attribute points 800 points]


Another series of reward sounds sounded.

These subordinates of Hody Jones are all the strength of million-bounty-level pirates.

The people he can recruit are elite.

It’s a pity that in front of Loren now, it can only be regarded as a group of smelly fish and rotten shrimp.

Hody Jones looked at everything in front of him, and his expression changed again.

“You forced me!”

Saying that, Hody Jones directly took out a large handful of white pills and stuffed them into his mouth frantically.

This is the “murderous medicine”!

A pill that gives the user great power by overdrawing life.

The normal way to eat it is to take one capsule at a time, and after eating, it is necessary to recuperate well.


At this moment, Hody Jones is desperate.

Loren’s strength is strong, and he knows the secret of his killing of Princess Otohime, and Loren can’t stay!

Loren didn’t stop it, he already knew that Hody Jones had a murderous drug.

In fact, just now he could directly kill Hody Jones, Hody Jones in normal conditions, Loren estimated that it was a 30 million bounty-level pirate at most.

This strength was simply not enough to test his SS-level strength.

Hody Jones needs to get stronger.


Hody Jones let out a wail of pain, he kept struggling his body, his face covered in bruises and blood filling his body.

And then

Suddenly, Hody Jones’ hair turned snow-white.

The effect of the murderous medicine was completely absorbed by him, his muscles swelled, and his body size was a full circle larger than before.

Even the surrounding sea water was affected by his scorching body temperature and turned into a warm current.

It is somewhat similar to the Bamen Dun Jia.

However, Hody Jones’ base is weak and his strength is limited.

Loren looked at Hody Jones at this moment, silently making an evaluation in his heart.

“Hahahahaha, this is power!”

Hody Jones let out a wanton laugh, and with a wave of it, an underwater tornado formed.

This power has far surpassed his previous strength.

“Boy, I’m going to tear you to shreds!”

Hody Jones looked at Loren with brutality in his eyes.

“Fishman Jiu-Jitsu, Shuixin Gunmai.”

He grabbed the sea water with both hands and threw it, and the thrown sea water instantly turned into a group of sharks and pounced directly towards Loren.

Through the coating of the ship, came to Loren.

Loren calmly looked at the group of saltwater sharks in front of him, and the tiger fist burst out.

“Day Tiger!”

Instead of using the Eight-Gate Dun Jia, Loren was a Dayhu that under normal circumstances, only the Seventh Gate could be used.

There is only one reason, Loren’s physical fitness at the moment is already comparable to the previous seven doors.

Eight doors of Dun Jia under normal conditions, this is the power of SS level.

A huge white tiger appeared and tore the group of sharks to pieces in an instant.

Not only that, the white tiger stepped on the sea and rushed directly to Hody Jones.

Rip and pull!

A patch of blood stained the sea red.

[Ding, congratulations on defeating Fishman Hody Jones, bonus attribute points 30,000 points]


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