You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (" in Baidu!With soothing music and romantic dancing, Zhou Xitong's heart moved slightly. At close range, he dared not look into Chen Hao's eyes.

As a man, Chen Hao had to take the initiative, so his lips leaned over and kissed directly.

This kiss made the two people lost again, and they stopped dancing. The two people whom Lang Qing concubine intended to kiss together, completely forgot the time and space.

Soon, Chen Hao was not satisfied with simple contact, he wanted to make a breakthrough, and the goal was Zhou Xitong's tight teeth.

This caused Zhou Xitong to be extremely flustered. During the resistance, his dance steps deformed, and his high heels stepped on Chen Hao's feet.


Chen Hao was in pain, and the two naturally separated.

"Are you okay?" Zhou Xitong cared a little flusteredly.

Originally, she was "bullyed", but now the first concern is whether Chen Hao is injured or not.

"I'm fine," Chen Hao paused, staring at Zhou Xitong's watery red lips, and suddenly asked with a smirk, "Do you want to continue?"


The charming atmosphere created by dancing just now has been destroyed. This time Zhou Xitong refused to be fooled. In embarrassment, she picked up the cup on the table and poured herself a glass of water.

Chen Hao felt that it was better to make a desperate move, and said, "Then be my woman."

"I refuse." Zhou Xitong replied solemnly.

However, after she finished speaking, she secretly observed Chen Hao's expression and found that he was not angry, and then relaxed a little. Soon, she said quietly: "My position, I am not allowed to fall in love now."

Chen Hao expressed his understanding that there is always something unspeakable in the big family, so he said: "Then you can work underground?"

Zhou Xitong also shook his head: "I don't want to be distracted. This year's time is the inspection period given to me by my father. I must let Zhou International step up to a new level, otherwise, the group will give it to my brother in the future."

"Your brother?" This is the first time Chen Hao heard that Zhou Xitong has a younger brother.

"Yes, to put it bluntly, he is a second-generation ancestor, just like the Tu Sensen you met today. I don't allow the family's foundation to be harmed by him. Therefore, before I really take charge of Zhou International, I don't have The qualifications to fall in love."

Chen Hao didn't expect Zhou Xitong to still feel so much pressure. He couldn't help but feel the same. He patted her on the shoulder and gave her a little warmth in his own way.

"Well, I can wait for you." Chen Hao raised his glass.

Zhou Xitong was a little confused. After touching the glass, she was a little anxious and choked. Ice water spilled on her clothes.56 novel

Chen Hao hurried to find the tissues, but he didn't see the tissue box. According to the hotel's display habits, he turned through the drawers of nearby furniture. Generally, the hotel would put daily necessities in it.

Chen Hao opened the drawer and saw a cool breeze tissue box, grabbed it out, and said, "Use this to wipe it."

As a result, I didn't expect that the tissue box was connected to another small package. Two square packages with Durex printed on it fell to the ground. Both eyes were fixed on it and they were seen clearly.

Quiet, the room was suddenly and surprisingly quiet.

The embarrassment index soared, and it was impossible for lone men and women to see this thing.

In order to alleviate the atmosphere, Chen Hao gave the tissue to Zhou Xitong, picked up the packaging on the floor, looked at it, and said: "The long-lasting pleasure series, does the hotel understand the psychology."

"Keep it for you." Zhou Xitong is a woman after all, unable to bear the awkward atmosphere in the house, put down the cup and left.

Walking to the door, she put on a charming smile: "Good night, thank you for your company today."

It seems that the harvest tonight is not bad. If it weren’t for Zhou Xitong’s unspeakable concealment, it might have contributed to good things. However, as a man, it’s not convenient to force her. Up.

Now he was left alone in the room. Chen Hao took a shower and returned to the bed, then turned on his phone to check his schedule for tomorrow.

The plan is to fly back to Baihe City tomorrow night. They still have another day to play. When they come to the beach, not going to the deep sea area to explore is equivalent to a trip. Tomorrow he will go to the dock to rent a yacht to go out to sea. Good choice.

The sea breeze was blowing, and he and Zhou Xitong were on the deck of the boat. The blue sea, plus the swimsuit Zhou Xitong, made it exciting to think about it.

Chen Hao immediately sent Zhou Xitong a message: "Tomorrow we will go to sea by boat."

Zhou Xitong sent back an "OK" emoticon package, expressing his approval.

The matter is so determined.


The next day, the two had breakfast together in the restaurant of the hotel. They seemed to have forgotten the embarrassment of yesterday, and talked as usual today.

At 8:30 in the morning, Chen Hao and Zhou Xitong drove to the pier, planning to rent a small yacht to go out to sea, go fishing, and see the sea. It was definitely a perfect journey.

As a result, Chen Hao came to the leasing window set up in the scenic spot. When he took out his ID card to rent a yacht, the staff responded that he could not handle it.

"Why can't it be handled? Didn't the person in front of me rent a boat?" Chen Hao asked the other party.

"If you can't rent, you can't rent. The leaders above asked me, how did I know?" The elder sister of the menopause at this service window rolled her eyes and was very impatient.

"Leadership request?" Chen Hao frowned and realized that something was going on.

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