I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 104 Retired Coast Guard Ship

You can search for the latest chapters by searching for "I, a single person exclusive 10 billion subsidy search novel (www.soxs.cc)" in Baidu!Suddenly, a nasty voice came from behind Chen Hao: "Who am I, isn't this the guy who gave the necklace yesterday?"

This weird sound of Yin and Yang was heard yesterday, and you don't have to look back to know that it was the second generation of the brain-dead and rich Tu Sensen.

Sure enough, Tu Sensen walked over arrogantly, looked at Chen Hao squintingly, and said, "I'm sorry, nine out of ten boats at this pier belong to my house. I won't say anything. You don't want to take a boat today."

Immediately, he suddenly turned into a smiling face, flattering Zhou Xitong and said: "Xiaotong, go to my private yacht, I will take you to play at sea."

However, Zhou Xitong did not look at him at all, treating Tu Sensen as the air.

A joke, didn't he ever ride a yacht when he was the successor of Zhou's International? It is really naive to come to this set of elementary school students' thinking.

Tu Sensen lost face, was full of anger and did not dare to send Zhou Xitong, so Chen Hao was all to blame: "Today, you don't want to take a boat!"

Chen Hao felt inexplicable. It's not just that his family has a boat in the world. If he leaves his butcher, can he still eat pigs?

With a cold snort, Tu Sensen took a group of models, Yingyingyanyan, and boarded a private yacht at the pier. This yacht was quite large and there was no problem standing on the deck for twenty people.

After getting on the boat, Tu Sensen pointed to Chen Hao with his middle finger on the deck, and then a group of beautiful women in bikini boarded his boat happily, making him even more seduced.

"Don't be familiar with him, we don't have to go to sea, or go to the shore to play."

Zhou Xitong was taking the initiative to comfort Chen Hao, not wanting to make him angry.

Chen Hao sneered, "No, I still have to go out to play today. Does he think he owns a yacht?"

There is a saying that you don’t want to steam the bean buns. Chen Hao is stubborn. Let Tu Sensen take a closer look today. He Chen Hao is more cattle than him. There is nothing great about a yacht, so Chen Hao opened it in the vr mode. After tens of billions of subsidies for the app, he wants to buy a yacht on the spot for a trip!

The small yacht of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, with a displacement of 20 tons, is priced at 890,000, and the subsidy price is 0.3 yuan.

The medium-sized yacht of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, with a displacement of 180 tons, is priced at 7.9 million yuan and a subsidy price of 1 yuan.

The large cruise ship of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, with a displacement of 6000 tons, is out of stock...

Yachts are large ships after all, and there are not many products in the app, only a few products.

Tu Sensen is driving a medium-sized yacht, and the medium-sized yacht that Chen Hao can buy is inferior to the one he drove. Chen Hao certainly cannot buy this, let alone a small yacht, which can only seat 4 people. You have to control the steering stick to drive, similar to a motorboat. It is too dangerous to use this to go to the deep sea and cannot be purchased.

This made Chen Hao a little depressed. Among the tens of billions of subsidies, there are too few yacht products to choose the right one.Lu Zhulin Novel www.lzlxiaoshu.com

Suddenly, the system has a prompt: "If there is no favorite product, it is recommended to try the associated button!"

The association button expands the search results and recommends similar results, so Chen Hao clicked the association to see if there were any new discoveries.

As a result, a sudden pop-up message about a ship surprised Chen Hao.

Coastal Police Ship No. 1137 (retired), with a displacement of 1,500 tons, is priced at 18 million yuan, and the subsidy price is 10 yuan.

"Isn't it? There are even combat ships?" Chen Hao couldn't believe that there was such a hot commodity in the tens of billions of subsidies.

He checked the introduction information of the ship. It turned out that this maritime police ship reached its service life and was sold after the weapon system was dismantled and converted to civilian use. Although it is a retired ship, it is far stronger and more durable than some civilian ships.

Look at that domineering appearance, thick armor, and those yachts with silver wax gun heads on the dock are two concepts.

After being influenced by the military Hummer, Chen Hao is now very fond of military supplies, so he bought it without hesitation. The delivery location is in an empty location on the dock.

"Go, I'll take you on a real yacht!" Chen Hao smiled mysteriously and took Zhou Xitong to the pier open.

"A real yacht?" Zhou Xitong was a little puzzled, but thinking of Chen Hao's always magical ability, he followed him with confidence.

As a result, when they arrived at the dock, Zhou Xitong had a flower in front of him, and he saw a majestic ship appear in front of him.

"This is your yacht? Is this a battleship?" Zhou Xitong was dumbfounded. She had been on a lot of yachts, but it was the first time I saw such a majestic ship, with a vengeance.

"Smart, this is a retired battleship, my own, and I don't need to ride Tu Sensen's ship."

With that, Chen Hao came to the side of the ship and added a ladder to let Zhou Xitong board the ship.

After the two boarded the ship, they found that the ship was really big, the deck was very flat, and it was made of high-quality steel. After all, it used to be a maritime police ship with combat requirements, so these steels are all special steel and extremely strong.

"Why do you have a boat at the wharf in the tourist area?" Zhou Xitong was very puzzled, which was totally unreasonable.

"Didn't I say that I am all inclusive of food, clothing, housing and transportation. This is part of the trip. I prepared it in advance. How about a surprise?" Chen Hao casually found an excuse.

"Very pleasantly surprised."

Anyway, traveling to Sanya was originally for the purpose of giving it a try, but Chen Hao repeatedly surprised her. All kinds of places were things she had never experienced before. Facing a princess-level figure who grew up in fine clothes, did she have any contact? The things that have been past are really precious and very fresh.

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