I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 1049, which is the real you

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"Okay, boss, I will go to ask the chef!"

The manager heard the quotation of Chen Hao's 100,000 pieces, and the moment became incurred, and finally agreed to make a lotus porridge.

Chen Hao also smiled, what rules, nothing more than maintaining the image of the store, as long as the money gives enough, any rules can be trampled.

Chen Hao is also planning. If the price is 100,000, he does not agree. He will go to the door to go to the door, go to this hotel, and a few meters of the Samsung restaurant as a home, it is also good.

Since the agreement, that's it, Chen Haoma went out and drove to take the lotus porridge.

However, this manager worried that Chen Hao became clear, and it was concealed to pay first, and he was afraid of being fooled.

Chen Hao directly transferred the past 100,000 yuan, the other party finally worked, and even the Mr. Chen Hao ensured that they immediately began to make a lotus porridge.

When Chen Hao opened a place, it was already 20 minutes, entered the store door, and the manager greeted.

"You are Chen Bo, please, the lotus seed is made, you sit down and wait."

The manager is forty years old, and a stock market is in a breath. It is no wonder that will be purchased by 100,000 yuan.

Chen Hao came to the box. When the manager waved, he had a beautiful waiter to come to tea. It is a new tea this year, good Longjing.

"I heard the mouth, the boss is not a local person?" The manager did not leave, but listened to it.

In his opinion, people who can buy a bowl of porridge can be absolutely mighty, and it is good to make a harmless.

Chen Hao is indeed a mighty, but it is very low in it. It is not a matter of 100,000 pieces to him. He is a lot of business, maybe a minute can earn hundreds of thousands, so he likes money to change time If you can use money, you will absolutely don't waste your lips.

"Yes, I am a river." Chen Hao replied faintly.

"What is the business of the boss?" The manager is still a close.

Chen Hao smiled and said: "If you pay attention to the nearest news, you will find the answer."

At first glance, I don't like to go online, otherwise I will often see the news of the reporting the car bed exhibition on a variety of media headlines. I can't recognize him.

The manager looks like it, this understands that this young boss is so cow, can be on the news.

After a while, two beautiful waiters took a wooden food cassette to come in, from the inside to a mixed aroma, seemed to be more than a food in the porridge.

The manager opened the food cassette, which is some exquisite porcelain ancient tableware. He then said: "In addition to lotus porridge, there are some signature vegetables of the store, the boss you taste, if you like, welcome often."

It turns out that this manager is still very sensible, Chen Hao spent 100,000, it is impossible to sell a bowl of porridge, it is matched with other meals, and there is a VIP gold card in the store.

These don't matter if you say that Chen Hao is not a case, he leaves the food box and leaves, and the manager and many service students are delivered later.

This is already a meal, so there are more people who go into the restaurant. These guests will see a group of people to go out and have a handsome guy. Surprise, they have never seen this situation in the store.

After Chen Hao left, there were familiar customers asked: "I said that your store is too powerful. Just a person will send it, I have come, I haven't seen you, I haven't seen you."

Anyway, it is familiar. The manager said that he said: "If you spend 100,000 to buy a bowl of lotus porridge, I will also send you."

This hide is exclaimed: "Hey, is there any money to spend? 100,000 buy bowls ..."

The manager said: "This is the reason I don't give you, you are not willing to get 100,000 pieces, and people who spend 100,000 people are like ten, can I compare?"

The familiar person suddenly found that Chen Hao was very familiar. It seems that I have seen it. I wanted it carefully. I suddenly called: "It turned out to be him!"

"Who he is?" Manager has also been interested.

This hidek took out the mobile phone and opened Weibo, and the news of the recent car bed show, a pair of interviews, and it is to buy porridge.

"It turns out that Chen Hao, it is no wonder that it will let the foreigners come to buy our lathe, it is really enough!" The manager sighed.

Don't mention how they discuss, Chen Hao has driven back to the villa. When they entered the door, I found Cao Rui to hold the stairs to go downstairs.

"You slow down."

Chen Hao quickly put down the food box, used the Swallows to copy the water, and the foot is in the solid wood floor, flew to the stairs, put Cao Rui to hug.

"Why don't you lie down, what to do?" Chen Haoway said.

"I am fine, it is not a patient." Cao Rui said softly.

"Is it hurt?" Chen Yao asked.

"Fortunately, as long as you don't exercise, there is no problem." Cao Rui.

"That's good, come taste the lotus porridge I bought."

Chen Hao hugged her to the table, then took out the food in the food box, there was a meal here, Chen Hao So is accompanying her to eat.

Cao Rui suddenly remembered that Chen Hao has not been exhibiting, reminding him that it is not because she is mistaken, and when I arrived, Cao Rui didn't forget to think about Chen Hao.

Chen Hao suddenly smiled and hit: "Now you, and last night, which is the real you?"

Indeed, Cao Rui went to the nightclub for the first time yesterday, I am incarnation of nightclub, wild cat, is unlikely, even two people intimate, she wants to master the initiative, and now rationality, knowing the model .

Cao Rui suddenly had some worried, low, and looked at Chen Hao with the eye angle, the test is asked: "Which one do you like?"

"I like it," Chen Hao said, "I like your gentleness gentleness during the day, I like your wild in the evening."

Cao Rui suddenly blushed, think about it feels that he didn't know himself last night, but it also got an unsolicient experience. Since Chen Hao likes, then she doesn't have to be wronged to hide her true emotions.

Cao Rui is very grateful to Chen Hao can understand the inclusive, and reach yourself and hold Chen Hao's hand, emotionally shouted: "Ah Hao ..."

"You don't have to do this, people who love each other are tolerant, don't you tolerate me hurt your things?" Chen Hao played.

"That is not hurt ..." Cao Rui suddenly got up.

"Okay, don't say this, come to eat, then you will raise your body at home, wait for the restoration, go back, I will go to the exhibition, I have to be drum, put the triangle lathe to the triangle car bed!" Chen Hao said.

"Well, Ah Hao is the best!" Cao Rui arms cheered him.

In this way, Cao Rui stayed in Chen Hao for a few days. Although she is inadmissible, but she still uses her own way, for Chen Hao, and Chen Hao's lathe exhibition, still started in full swing, suppress the triangle lathe Breathe.

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