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After most months of brewing fermentation, no one has questioned Chen Hao's lathe exhibition. He is now a star entrepreneur, the light of the domestic industry, the godfather of the lathe industry.

However, some people collect evidence everywhere, and the lathe sold by Hao Ran Trading Co., Ltd. is three products. After all, there is no specific information of any manufacturer in the lathe information, but this has been sprayed by the majority of netizens.

"You are on, you have three high-end latches, let foreigners come to buy!"

"I invite, I am the processing industry, we like this, the three-speed lathe!"

The masses are always smart, which product is good, they are divided, so these don't have a question, soon being sprayed.

Originally Chen Haojin military car bed industry, just to fight the death of George, did not expect the fame and fortune, his products made the Chinese confident.

Chen Hao's information was also organized from the netizens. Everyone knows that Chen Hao is not only the leader of the lathe industry, but also opened a live broadcast platform, even the courtyard of the whole country is also his industry.

In addition, Chen Hao's emotional life was also out. Zhou Xi Tong, the big president, Zhou Xi Tong, is his true girlfriend, so we have money, and let everyone envy and hate, Chen Hao's people are also very perfect.

From the point of view, Chen Hao is extremely successful, showing his unique eyes, so he quickly he had a foreign number, called Chen Bi Cheng, meaning what to do.

Therefore, many netizens have hopes to Chen Hao, and publicly speaking, Chen Hao also enters the lightning machine project, and the chip industry is unable to be abetled by foreign cards.

Chen Hao is really listening to my heart. The famous domestic enterprise "to" is because the chip is constrained, which is in trouble. If you can revitalize your domestic chip, then his name will be loaded into the history.

In the billion subsidy app, it is really a lightning machine selling, and each one is only sold for thousands of dollars, and the technology is the world leader, which will also be a million sale.

However, after Chen Hao thought about it, I felt that the timing of the lighting machine was still immature. Now the matter of the lathe industry is so booking, the pig is coming to remind him, the members of the dragon can't be too high, otherwise it will be hostile Organization is eyeing, that is, those who have organized people, this is not playing, so Chen Hao determines the things of the moment.

At least the heat to wait for the lathe exhibition, and consider other.

In this way, Chen Hao began to low-profile, and every day, he received a guest of all walks of life in the show. At night, there was a pleasant night in Mozui, and there was a bit of music.

Four days later, Cao Rui's body has been restored. On the night, the two were intimate.

Of course, this time, Chen Hao has mastered the inch, not too hot, the process is not described, the ending is very beautiful, only .

Afterwards, such as Cao Rui, like Xiao Aries, is lying in Chen Hao, enjoying a wonderful wait.

"Ah Hao, I have to go back to Yunyang tomorrow, and my home has stressed a lot of things. I can't drag it again." Cao Rui said with a discussion.

She is afraid that Chen Hao wants her to stay here, although very happy, but she always feels that this is not very good, she is like ancient times, humming Chen Hao is missing.

"Well, then you go back, wait for me to handle this side as soon as possible, go back to see you." Chen Hao strikes her delicate face and said.


Cao Rui is happy to nod.

"However, since you will go tomorrow, you have to meet more than a few days. Is it re-coming back to the next few days?"

Chen Hao picked up the jaw of Cao Rui, and the law is warm.

Cao Rui, certainly knew what Chen Hao referred to what, did not fade on the red tide, added a slim, but she did not refuse, nodded gently.

So, the mysterious night, sweet is still ...

The next day, Chen Hao personally sent Cao Rui to the plane and took more taken along the way.

Cao Rui smiled, the little finger went to the ear, said: "I am not the first time, don't worry."

"Okay, I wish you a good trip!" Chen Hao wants to come to a branchless hug.

Cao Rui retired halfway, gently shakes his head, indicating that there is still someone here, can't express it too close, then it will affect Chen Hao's reputation, after all, the relationship between them cannot be disclosed.

Chen Hao nodded and hugged it into a handshake.

Although I have already held many times in bed, it is still touched by Cao Rui's softness, just a short parties, even some uncomfortable.

"I came back early, I am waiting for you at home."

Cao Ruun came to say a word, then the little thumb was scratched two times in Chen Hao's hand, and then played with a playful laughter. He went to the plane, and she was always hidden with the side of the sultry.

Chen Hao waved his hand and waited until the plane took off, he left the airport.

Chen Hao stopped the car in the Philippine garment factory and walked into the exhibition hall.

Now no one dares to despise this garment factory, and even netizens are ridiculed, and they will not do clothes, not a real lathe.

Chen Hao came to the exhibition hall. Nowadays, only four latches are only a model, but they are also a warm customer to buy several.

Because of the huge sales, there is a reputation, now Chen Hao is not allowed to deliver the goods here, only put these prototypes to make the customer experience, if you place an order, you will let the Presseado directly send to the guest designated place Even if it is in the other side of the ocean, it is still the wind and rain, this is the strength of the special edition of 10 billion subsidies.

Chen Hao sat at home, and it has already been on the right track here, he wants to arrange a person in charge, he is so taking away.

As for the candidate, it is the old and the north. He has been managing commercial streets before, and the ability to do things is good. People are also loyal and reliable, so Chen Hao will come to Mozhou City, and will be responsible for lathe sales.

Chen Hao is advised to the north, and suddenly the pillar of security is reported to report, the general manager of the Delta Car Sher.

Chen Hao smiled, this foreign actively came, and it must be forced to be helpless.

This man Chen Hao learned, and I have also sent a lot of posts to his post. I have already released the rhetoric, the tricard is not afraid of any opponent, will meet any challenge, a consequent people's foreign adults look, and it is can't.

Although the two sides will be a street, but have not been there any, after all, the peers are a family.

But this little family is obviously not to force, after most of the month's efforts, Chen Hao successfully zero the opponent, the triangle lathe did not sell a lathe during this time, instead returned a lot, and the guest, turned I bought a cheap and advanced equipment from Chen Hao.

This is a considerable stimulus for the foreign adults.

Chen Hao also wants to know what badge this foreigner, let him come in.

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