I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 1064 does not kiss and die

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Chen Hao is the Golden Lord, Xu Gui and Luo Xin are naturally important personnel, major actors and deputy director and other important personnel, all on this table.

Because Luo Xin needs to protect the scorpion, you can't eat spicy, so you will have a pan, everyone chooses the bottom of the pot.

"Chen always comes far today, visit us, let's come to honor him!"

Xu Guard stands up, calling everyone to give Chen Hao, Chen Hao smiled and drink a cup.

A few glasses of wine, everyone is all released, and the heat is eaten in the world, and I will talk.

On the seat, Chen Hao asked Xu Gui. There is no difficulty in shooting, he can help solve it.

"No ... Nothing." Xu Gui hesitated in an instant, let Chen Hao have seen the clues.

"It's all, what else is not good!"

Chen Hao said with a majesty, Xu Guaji would not help, stealing Luo Xin's glance, secretly said that this difficulty is related to Luo Xin.

Chen Hao is in the heart, maybe, Luo Xintong is related to this difficulties and this difficulties.

Xu Guaizhi knows Chen Hao and Luo Xin's relationship, so it is not good to say that Luo Xin So is telling: "Mr. Chen, this, the last scene, I always can't put it, so I have been dragging everyone, I am very sorry. "

Luo Xin gave everyone to everyone on the wine table, and he was a cup of tea.

"Luo Xin is so saying, your acting has been very good, can't invest, just a psychological reason, very well overcome."

"To say it is our support, dragging your hind legs, haha!"

Everyone will help Luo Xintang to talk about it, and they are afraid of Golden Lord Chen Mao's warlord. In fact, they all have grown, Chen Hao and Luo Xin's relationship, indestructible, even if the whole play is nothing, it doesn't matter. Blame her.

Chen Hao returned, the last scene was the kiss play, Luo Xin asked his opinion on the matter, it was this reason, I thought it was a girl with a white paper, I can't find a kiss. a feeling of.

This is a bit hard, and Xu said that this professionals can not solve it. Chen Hao is more white, but he can go to the point of his brother, it is necessary to talk to Luo Xinca. .

"I know, I will help Luo Xin together, let us say this when we eat, come, let everyone do a cup!"

Chen Hao fell furnished, everyone got into a cup, the atmosphere was hot.

The wine is full, the crew members go back to the hotel.

On the road, Chen Hao learned that the final scene of the drama of this drama group, there is already a lot of exotic exterior, and there will be a few days, as long as the end is good, Basically, you can announce that it is killing, so can you guide Luo Xin, which is the key to affecting the progress.

Chen Hao suddenly felt a great task on his shoulders.

Chen Hao opened a room, and the same level of Luo Xin, it can be convenient for them to communicate.

"Brother, I will go back to change clothes, then go to you." Luo Xin said to Chen Hao before returning to the house.

"Okay, I am waiting for you." Chen Hao took the head.

Chen Hao returned to the room, brushing to teeth to remove the wine in his mouth, then change the jacket and shirt with alcohol, I bought a new set of new clothes in the billion subsidy app, and the hairstyle is finished against the mirror. In short, you can't be in front of your sister.


The doorbell rang, Chen Hao has opened, and the outside is really Luo Xincheng. Chen Hao can't help but look up.

Luo Xinchang put a sleeping skirt with pajamas, as far as she was in the style of home, the foot is a pair of cartoon slippers, the hair briefly tied a horsetail, this simple dress, with her high quality beauty, especially Pure, saying that she is a big girl, absolutely a letter.

"Come in, don't let others look."

Chen Hao gave Luo Xin.

Luo Xin as a well-known female net red, or will cause attention, if it is taken from this dress, there must be a lot of lace news.

"Nothing, the entire building is almost all of our crew." Luo Xin said.

After coming in, the two will fall on the sofa. Before the opening, you need a relaxed atmosphere, Chen Hao asked: "What do you want to drink?"

"Ilo." Luo Xincun came out, she likes this kind of magic liquid that drinking is not drunk, and does not hurt the scorpion.

"Okay, let's drink Ilo."

Chen Hao exchanged a bottle directly from the billion subsidies, then took two high cups from the wine cabinet in the room, and one person was filled with a cup.

Luo Xin seems to have a heart, she waits until her favorite pink color, then a cup of drinking, wait until the end, this liquid turns into white, white wine, so that she can't help but spit the tongue .

Luo Xin's tongue is a soft tongue, shallow cherry red, looks love.

"Drink slowly, wine is."

Chen Hao gave her full.

Luo Xin and Chen Hao touched a cup, this time she drunk half cup, under the stimulation of the liquor, her white cheeks have flourished, and she finally drums, and Chen Hao opened. .

"Brother, I am disappointed, and a play is not good." Luo Xin said with a remarkable complaint.

"How come, shoot, I have said before, if you don't like to kiss, I will let Xu Guide to modify the script, the woman does not kiss and die."

Chen Hao said very humble, Luo Xin heard the "" smiled, and the obstacles were swept away.

"This is the case," Luo Xin said her concern, "I saw Xiao Liu, that is, the male protagonist, I will not go, and have nothing to do, can't take it."

Chen Hao was surprised: "Don't you think he is very ugly?"

"No, handsome is handsome, but the girl, the first kiss is always very important, I don't want to give the first kiss to a play, it is best to have a boy."

Luo Xin said later, the sound is getting smaller and smaller, she went down, and she also used the eye angle to observe Chen Hao's expression.


Chen Haoyou is a good, in his impression, it seems that Luo Xin's first kiss will give him a child. When I was helping Luo Xincheng to bully her child, or helped her to catch a good-looking butterfly, Luo Xin Father Express her gratitude with a "kiss".

In this way, Luo Xin's first love has long been Chen Hao, which makes him think of being a bit embarrassing.

When I was a child, I didn't have a child. I didn't agree, Luo Xin's first kiss should be that she has grown up. If the first kiss is still there, then she is really not talking, emotional life is a white paper.

In this way, Chen Hao's first kiss gave the green tea of ​​the former girlfriend, and now I think it is a little disgusting. I can't give the first kiss to Zhou Xi Tong, let Chen Hao feel a little regret.

I have a pity, I can't let my sister regret, and Luo Xin's first kiss, I must treat it carefully.

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