I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 1065, looking for my brother practice

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"It is very important to the girl to the girl. If you don't have to shoot a kiss, you don't have to contact it." Chen Hao thought a fortune.

"This ..." "Luo Xin is a little hesitant," it's fine ... "

"Why, have you a better way?" Chen Hao asked.

Luo Xin said: "But I still feel that I can't put it. I now have a defect, and I can't put it completely, it is best, it is best to have someone I accept, help me test."

"So do you have any people?" Chen Hao asked again.

Luo Xincou took a short, and then she took the wine glass to give the remaining wine to drink, the wine glass was heavy on the coffee table, and the heart came: "I want to ask my brother to help me with the opponent."

"I?" Chen Haicheng.

"Yes, I only have you, I will not reject, after all ... After all, I will pass you ..."

Luo Xin said that it was very shame. It turned out that she didn't forget the childhood.

"This, this is different, can't do it!" Chen Hao was shaking his head plus swing, double negation.

"Why?" Luo Xin raised his head and did not understand.

"Child should give you a boy you like, not me, I am your brother!" Chen Hao said.

"But I like you, my brother is close." Luo Xin said her reason.

"That is not the same, one is family, one is love, can't be mixed."

"I will use the kiss between my love, I don't mind, as long as I don't have any idea, what is wrong?"

Luo Xin said a little sharp, made Chen Hao's words, which seems to be too much, but I always feel that it is a bit wrong.

"Brother, don't you help me?" Luo Xin's soft language came, slightly a little pitiful, Chen Hao hesitated, and suddenly hit it.

"The way, others are living with gentle, I am living with my sister, I will be a toolman, how do you think about it?" Chen Hao put a look of a generous.

Luo Xin "" was laughed, deliberately said: "I am so terrible?"

"No ... forget it, how do you say it." Chen Hao has given up "treatment" and recognized it.

"It's you to play a man, you and my nephew, proficient, and teach me." Luo Xin said.

This is a bit difficult, because he and Zhou Xi Tong have a lot of patterns, not only "dry" law, but also "wet" law, everywhere is fun, but with Luo Xin, you can only practice "dry" method .

Luo Xin is happy to show Chen Haoke: "You will say a line, call my name."

"Yes." Chen Hao is head.


Luo Xin suddenly ran into the bathroom, then from the door, Chen Hao saw her in the mirror, painting red on the lips, and is also formally appearing, and the corner and other places are carefully smeared.

Chen Hao still thinks this is a bit blame, but there is no way, you can't let your sister come outside to find a man to give the first kiss, then he will follow.

Since Luo Xin is in this official, Chen Hao can't hurt the horse, and bought a box of green arrow candidates from the billion subsidies. So you have a little bit of breath.

"Brother, I am fine!"

After a while, Luo Xin came out, and the shame is very cute.

She painted the lip glaze, reflected in the whole lip, as the crystal jelly is generally attractive.

"I am fine." Chen Hao stood in the living room, such as the sign of the sign.

Luo Xincheng smiled, then slowly went to Chen Haoshi, and he got a slightly and looked at him.

This is a reunion of Qingmei Bamboo Horse, after many years, now retrieves the past.

"Then start ... Luo Xin ..."

When the name of Chen Hao, I actively be a bit of joining, mainly the object is wrong, I always feel that the pure neighboring sister of Luo Xin is not in the mouth.

Luo Xin's eyes gradually gentle, shouted "A Hao", and then the arms took the initiative to Chen Hao's neck, and the red lip was proactive.

Because of the difference in height, Luo Xin took the initiative to pick up the feet, this time she is a leader.

This round of turns to Chen Hao is nervous. Like the first brother, he closes his eyes and become a passive toilet.

Suddenly, he felt two kinds of warmth, so soft, so fragrance, different from Zhou Xi Tong and Cao Rui, is a wonderful feeling that can't be said.

Luo Xin and closed his eyes, her lips were excited, and the two were like this, and the two were completely communicated after adulthood.

Chen Hao is a nervousness and dare not move. Luo Xin is not experience, so they are like this, they can't move, they will be free than time.

A few minutes have passed, Luo Xinci's slimming feet are sour, she ends this long kiss.

Her one is angry, it turns out that this is the feeling of kissing a boy, like the book, there is a sense of dizziness, and there is a sweet and wonderful taste than eating a sugar.

The touch disappeared, Chen Hao also opened his eyes, a strange feeling, Luo Xin's first kiss, so that she said that she said that the first kiss is very important, can I only give my favorite boy?

Do not! Will not!

Chen Hao ownds this dangerous idea. He has no men and women in Luo Xin, but more responsibility, maybe Luo Xin compare him, that is because she didn't encounter a good boy, waiting for her to meet excellent Youth, will not come to him like today.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Is it very bad?"

Luo Xin saw Chen Haoyu for a long time, a little suspicious is wrong.

"No, have you practiced?" Chen Haugu smiled, and licking her hair.

Luo Xin was courageous and said: "It seems ... I have a little bit, only the impression is not deep enough, I want to experience it again."


Chen Hao Zhang opened, since he knew it, he did not pay, this time, Zhang opened.

Just now, Luo Xint is active, then this time he will give her experience, the man's aggressive.

Luo Xin's surprise, and Xinxin put into Chen Hao's embrace, Chen Hao took the initiative, kissed it ... her forehead, this is the correct pro-law of my brother's sister's sister of Qingmei.

"This is not right ..." Luo Xin immediately corrected, "I have never seen the film and television drama, the couple is like this."

"Well, where is it regular."

Chen Hao is also out of order, it is normal.

Luo Xin closed his eyes. At this moment, she felt that she was so happy, her heart was jumping, her face was burning, her face was the performance of love, and she had said that she was lacking in this regard, because Luo Xin really didn't understand .

The previous plot, because it is the feelings of men and women, so Luo Xin can perform, but finally, the end is finally, and Luo Xin can't play the feeling. It has been NG for many days, Luo Xinyi Chen Haofa news for help, I hope he helps himself.

Nowadays, Luo Xin finally realized the feelings of love, and Chen Haigo, who truly admire him, this kind of kissed, let her experience the necessity in life.

At this point, the biggest short board in Luo Xin's acting is completed. After she will play a love show, I will imagine the opponent into Chen Hao, then she will remember this feeling.

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