I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 1073 I am when you are blowing

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It's not someone else, it is Chen Hao's Director, flower dance.

Flowers dance tonight, did not open live, and have been monitoring the movement between Chen Haoyou.

Chen Hao jumped out of the room, he was seen by her, and then the end, she arrived, and she got into the gentleness, and Chen Hao did not detect, he was tail.

In addition, Chen Hao monkey is in a hurry, there is no obscure curtain, resulting in exposed a small slit, flowers and dark eyes, just see the position of the bed.

"Hey, I will know that you have a situation!"

The flower dance face is a slightly uncomfortable angry look, it is no wonder, the dance dance has not taken Chen Haoyang, but there is more complex emotions. When I saw Chen Hao and Cao Rui, she inevitably jeally jealous.

Calculating the flower dance is the first one of the people who discover Chen Hao and Cao Rui relations.

Previous Cao Rui, although I saw who was a smile, but I could find that she took a melancholy temperament, and she buried a lot in her heart.

After a few days ago, she came back from Mozhou. The whole person was bright, and the melancholy is not very different. The melancholy temperament is not seen. The dance is unintentionally found. Cao Rui will live in a daze, this obviously fell into the love river. .

Cao Rui accompanied Chen Hao to Mozhou to open up the lathe business. In the past one month, I have been can't be caught in the family, and the dance dance is quite intention. After that, she found Cao Rui, and guess, Cao Rui and During Mozhou, Chen Hao took a hidden feelings that transcend the top level, so she will immediately turn on the side of the side.

It turns out that the suspicion of the dance dance is accurate. Nowadays, the live broadcast is also confirmed that there is a feeling of betrayal in the heart, but he can't wait, because her identity is only Chen Hao's righteousness.

This complex emotion, with the movements of the two people, the psychology of the flower dance has also changed.

"Adding, the city will really play ..."

"Mom, they are too bold!"

Flower dance can see the red ear, I can't stand it, cover your eyes, jump directly from the window, I don't dare to see it again, she is afraid of the eyes long.

"The stinky brother, why do you go to Cao Rui, don't come to me, don't know if people love you most!"

Flower dance is a mouth, depressed, come to Cao Ruijiatuan down the flower bed, the little feet will kick, kick the flowers to fall, come and express my heart.

Finally, she fell, she flew to the room, along all villas flying into the wall, crazy running for ten minutes, put the physical strength to the four-tensile pouring on the ground, with physical strength, her mood also recovered.

"Hey, my brother is mine in the morning and evening."

Flowers dance will be guided by themselves, climbed from the ground, but did not return to their own room, but went to the jade female side, did not knock on the door, and entered the bedroom of Luo Xin.

Luo Xincheng stared at the mobile phone, and suddenly heard the door sound, nervously hiding the mobile phone, looking back, but found that it was a dance.

"Scared me, how do you come in?" Luo Xin handed the heart, said the heart.

"It's so timid, I am a loss, just what you are watching, give me a look." The flower dance is flashing, and goes to go.

"No, there is nothing, watching news." Luo Xin quickly put the phone into the drawer, this is a typical milestone 300.

However, the flower dance can be a former female grace, there is no secret at all in front of her, when she lascape Lu Xin, I have given the phone in the drawer, press the bright screen, and it is Luo Xintang and Chen Hao. .

It turns out that Luo Xin is watching these photos in the god.

"What are you doing?"

Luo Xint is a cat that is stepped on the tail, hurriedly took the mobile phone.

"It's really pitiful, and it is a poor sister who secrets my brother." Flower dances.

"Don't say, I, I don't ..." Luo Xin's unfunction.

"Actors, your mood is written on your face." The dance dance continued to ridicule.

Luo Xinchen is low, and there is even two crystal tears, this is the shame and grievances of being poked.

"Okay, don't cry, I will not say it to others."

The flower dance came and took her back and was comforted.

Luo Xin's mood is slightly fixed, and suddenly I feel uns, she raised her head, and my tears asked: "You just said, is it a poor sister of brother?"

"Yes, I am like you, but also secretly love!" Flower dance generously.

She came over to find Luo Xin, because of the same disease.

Luo Xin wiped his tears, suddenly felt that he was so perfilled, it was more than the flower dance, and he didn't dare to say, self-complaints, it is too used to blame it, but because there is a common "hobby", she feels and flowers I took the distance at once.

"But my brother has liked people, we can only wish him happiness." Luo Xin said.

She is this personality, high-profile business can say that it is no such thing as the world, the low vendor is, weak.

Flower dance doesn't have a say: "Bless a fart, happiness does not fight for it, is it waiting for the next Haoo?"

"You, what do you mean?" Luo Xincheng was shocked by the flowers.

"As long as our sisters are conceited, they will definitely be happy in the future."

The flower dance is like a master of success, and the eyebrows are chapted to tempted Luo Xin.

"How do you say?" Luo Xin really hooked, took the initiative to ask.

"The timing is not arriving, let's keep you first, wait for you to help, I will inform you."

Flower dance, haha ​​smile, naughty use of index finger to pick up Luo Xin's chin, there is a potential of a female hooligan, after this, the arrogance, her heart is venting.

"I am leaving, bye!"

The flower dance group finished the comrades and turned and walked.

Waiting for the dance, Luo Xin is sitting in the bed, the heart is messy, still digesting the dance, saying.

But didn't take long, the door opened again, this time dance comes in, a smile, but also locked the door.

"You, what do you want?"

The bold and humble Luo Xin is scared.

"Little beauty, today will accompany me!" The flower dance smiled and walked to Luo Xin, living like a female hooligan.

"We are all women, this, this is not good!"

Luo Xin was scared to the bed, holding a pillow, fighting against the battle.


The flower dance suddenly laughed, and then despised: "Look, it is scared, and the courage is really small."

"Oh, scare me, I thought you had to do bad things." Luo Xincheng Yiyi.

"I really want to do bad things, I will find Xia Jie, people are only available, you still mean." The flourishing rogue is in the mouth of Luo Xin.

"Okay, don't make trouble, have passed midnight, I will sleep early tomorrow." Luo Xin advised.

"I am sleeping here today."

The flower dance directly took off the coat and drilled into the bed.

Luo Xincu, there is no objection, when she works, in order to save money, and she is hurting for several months in a bed, habits.

Luo Xin took out a quilt, then two people covered a quilt and slept in the same bed.

It is good to be big enough in the bed, and they are not crowded together.

"Luo Xin, I decided, I have to be like you, go to shoot, and then as big stars, I will go at the Oscar awards party, hand take Xiaojin people to the brother, see how he refuses me!" Let go of the rhetoric.

"Ah? How is this? You will make Hao Ge difficult, this forter is not received."

Luo Xintu rushed, waiting for one, but did not respond, she looked up, found that the flower dance had closed his eyes, fell asleep.

"I just as you are blowing." Luo Xin sighed and turned to sleep.

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