I, a single person enjoys 10 billion subsidies

Chapter 1074 from the Punishment of Beauty

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The next day, Xia Jing got up early and prepared breakfast for everyone.

Although there is a nanny at home, no one will refuse her cuisine.

"Eat, sisters!"

Xia Jing made a good meal, took out the mobile phone, sent a voice news in the WeChat group. In the past, someone else saw it, and she went to her villa to have breakfast.

But she still likes to call those who are lazy beds, especially after the water, the cold little hand, go to the beautiful woman, jumping like the other side, so Xia Jing, like this. Male, she is a woman who is the best in Chen Haojia.

But let Xia Jing disappointed, Peng Yulian didn't get up every day. Early, and the flowers danced the most like bed, but she was shocked.

"No, can't she sneak into Chen Hao's room?"

Xia Jing was shocked by his idea. I wanted to go to Chen Haoyuan to see it. As a result, he heard her and Luo Xin's voice.

Xia Jing squatted at the door, flowers danced in the trick of Luo Xin, a serious, a serious, a serious.

"No? Today the sun comes out from the west, the most lazy flower dance in the family is getting up early!"

Xia Jing lamented a little abnormally, she went to a circle, and the result of a lazy bed did not blocked, waiting to go home, I found Chen Hao and Cao Rui did not come to eat.

"No, the past boss and Cao Rui are two of the earliest bed."

Xia Jing went to Chen Hao's villa, brushing his face, but found that Chen Hao got up, this time, it's more than an hour than normal late.

"The boss, you went to night." Xia Jing put "Meng Meng" scissors, in the fit.

"Well." Chen Hao did not respond more, and drilled into the bathroom shower.

"Today, the boss is somewhat strange, it seems to be a bit exhausted, and when he saw him yesterday, it was very good. Is it practiced? Then I want to give him a bowl of medicine for a supplement."

Xia Jing immediately went back to do the medicinal diet, but she couldn't think of it. Chen Hao and Cao Rui have been late, but because it is too "licking" last night, but the medicinal diet is also right, after all, the physical strength of the loss can be replaced.

Xia Jing gave Chen Hao made a medicated diet. I saw him ate it. She took the bowl chopsticks satisfied. Then she took a beautiful makeup, and the hairstyle got it. Look at the mirror, beautiful.

The next thing is to choose a dress, because the surrounding reason, many clothes are quiet, only to choose a specific style.

In the end, she chose a loose dress, so it is not too much, so it is always peeking.

The sun in the summer, the sun is very bright, Xia Jing is on the sunshade hat and sunglasses, and when Chen Hao sent to her LV bag, today, the weather is very good, there is no cloud, Xia Jing put down the okay, The convertible launched Lamborghini.

All the way to drive on the main road, the hustle and bare wind blows the beautiful hair, it looks special fairy.

The red light lit up, Xia Jing parked on an intersection, then the male driver stopped at her left, and then didn't open his eyes, so that the beautiful car is beautiful, see him thinking about the water .

I feel that I will shoot my hot eyes. Xia Jing doesn't have to look at it. It is a male driver. She has experienced too much since the beginning of junior high school. She is too lazy to pay attention to it. Who let her own So good.

For this man, Xia Jing also means understanding, after all, people like to watch a beautiful thing, just like she likes to watch Chen Hao, who is handsome.

However, there is such a small man who is nausea, or if you like the wretched sneak shot, or if you can't get it, you will have it today.

She stopped a Passat on the right, the male driver was driving the window smoking, and suddenly saw the beauty of the fairy, suddenly put the light, shouted at Xia Jing: "Beauty, can add a WeChat? ? "

In the face of such a man, Xia Jing is also too lazy to pay attention to it. If each man who has to add her WeChat meets the requirements, she is afraid that I have to explode a micro signal a few days.

"Beauty, can I take your car? My stomach is not good, I like to eat soft rice, the ability of the thief is strong, the package you are satisfied!" This man also blows a whistle, this is very light, enough to be harassment .

Xia Jing didn't look at him, but it was more than a middle finger, it was an idea to express her.

The driver or passengers seen around the surroundings made a laugh, so that this male driver can't hang.

"What is the purity, it is not a boss to pack it, sell the goods!"

Sure enough, you can't get it, this man speaks very vicious dirty.

This male driver successfully evacuated Xia Jing's anger, but for her, she is learning as a lady, can not be as big as a shrew, just on the green light, everyone is launching the car, Xia Jing suddenly turned to the right, For the thirty-year-old male driver smile, and stretched a lazy waist.

When the smile of the beautiful woman, he let the male driver look at it. You know that this is no beauty, filter, and the original ecological beauty of the skin, plus Xia Jing, stretching, hiding the hot body under the dress. Perfect show Out, the exaggerated physiological curve directly allows the male driver to stay, so that he is still driving.


This person's head, suddenly hit the Mercedes-Benz car in front of him, he chased the end, the accident is full, and it is necessary to break.


Xia Jing opened the pass through, and once again rewarded a middle finger, he was ignored, and she punished a nausea man, but she did not stay and name, it was a fierce.

Drive to the Xiaoxia Restaurant, the male and female staff who just opened the door, saw the old boss came, nodded.

Xia Jing smiled, the head of the head, and then went to the back.

She is a beautiful smile, let several male waiters also look into God, a man said: "We are always beautiful, I think she is the first beauty in the world."

"The first beauty is not going to, but this is really covered."

Another person is going to the road: "I am happy for 20 years if I have a lot of girlfriends in summer."

The colleague was hit on the spot: "Fast pull, you can not live in the summer 50, unless you can get such a big hotel."

"Yes, you live less than 50 years!"

"How to swear, kidding!"

"I can't afford, what's wrong!"

Two people are ready to open their sleeves.

"Oh, don't be noisy, today I want to come to the important guest, fighting, I have to be expelled, I can't see Xia Chu, I can't see Xia Xia every day." There is a welcome sister to explore.

This sentence is more useful than the police, and the two men will be able to stand up, stand straight, and prepare to welcome guests.

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